Decision No 2/2021 of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement between the European Union and Japan for an Economic Partnership of 25 January 2021 on the amendment of Appendices 2-C-1 and 2-C-2 to Annex 2-C on Motor Vehicles and Parts [2021/110]
Decision No 2/2021 of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement between the European Union and Japan for an Economic Partnership of 25 January 2021 on the amendment of Appendices 2-C-1 and 2-C-2 to Annex 2-C on Motor Vehicles and Parts [2021/110]
Having regard to the Agreement between the European Union and Japan for an Economic Partnership (‘the Agreement’), and in particular paragraph 3 and subparagraph 4(b) of Article 23.2 thereof and paragraph 1 of Article 9 of Annex 2-C to the Agreement,
Since the signing of the Agreement and as a result of the progress in regulatory discussions in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the European Union and Japan (‘the Parties’) now apply two additional UN Regulations that were not listed in Appendix 2-C-1 to Annex 2-C to the Agreement. Furthermore, two UN Regulations that were listed in Appendix 2-C-2 to Annex 2-C to the Agreement are now applied by both Parties and are to be transferred to Appendix 2-C-1. Appendices 2-C-1 and 2-C-2 should therefore be updated in accordance with Article 9 of Annex 2-C to the Agreement. Such an update will increase the legal certainty for economic operators as regards the regulatory framework for the preferential trade relations between the Parties.
Following the favourable assessment of the Working Group on Motor Vehicles and Parts of 11 November 2019, it has been confirmed to amend Appendix 2-C-1 by including UN Regulations 53, 85, 145 and 146 and to amend Appendix 2-C-2 by delisting UN Regulations 53 and 85.
The Parties have already completed their domestic legal procedures necessary for adoption of this Decision. They intend to exchange the diplomatic notes confirming this Decision within 15 days following its adoption,
Article 1
Appendix 2-C-1 to Annex 2-C to the Agreement is replaced by the text appearing in Annex 1 to this Decision.
Appendix 2-C-2 to Annex 2-C to the Agreement is replaced by the text appearing in Annex 2 to this Decision.
Article 2
This Decision is drawn up in duplicate. Article 1 and Annexes are drawn up in the authentic languages of the Agreement provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 23.8 of the Agreement, all texts being equally authentic.
Article 3
This Decision shall be confirmed by the exchange of diplomatic notes between the European Union and the Government of Japan in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 23.2 of the Agreement. This Decision shall enter into force on the first day of the month following that exchange of diplomatic notes.
For the Joint Committee of the Agreement
Toshimitsu Motegi
Co-Chair [of Japan]
Valdis Dombrovskis
Co-Chair [of the EU]