
Commission Decision of 26 January 2005 approving the plans for the eradication of classical swine fever in feral pigs and the emergency vaccination of such pigs in Slovakia (notified under document number C(2005) 127) (Only the slovak text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance) (2005/59/EC)

Commission Decision of 26 January 2005 approving the plans for the eradication of classical swine fever in feral pigs and the emergency vaccination of such pigs in Slovakia (notified under document number C(2005) 127) (Only the slovak text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance) (2005/59/EC)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Directive 2001/89/EC of 23 October 2001 on Community measures for the control of classical swine fever(1), and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 16(1) and Article 20(2) thereof,


  1. In 2004 classical swine fever was present in the feral pig population in certain areas of Slovakia. In response to the outbreaks of classical swine fever the Commission has adopted Decisions 2004/375/EC(2), 2004/625/EC(3) and 2004/831/EC(4) amending Commission Decision 2003/526/EC of 18 July 2003 concerning protection measures relating to classical swine fever in certain Member States(5) which established certain additional disease control measures.

  2. Slovakia put in place an intensive programme to survey classical swine fever in feral pigs in the whole country and especially in the infected area. That programme is still ongoing.

  3. Accordingly, Slovakia has now submitted for approval a plan for the eradication of classical swine fever in feral pigs in the District Veterinary and Food Administrations (DVFA) of Trnava (comprising Piešťany, Hlohovec and Trnava districts), Levice (comprising Levice district), Nitra (comprising Nitra and Zlaté Moravce districts), Topoľčany (comprising Topoľčany district), Nové Mesto nad Váhom (comprising Nové Mesto nad Váhom district), Trenčín (comprising Trenčín and Bánovce nad Bebravou districts) Prievidza (comprising Prievidza and Partizánske districts), Púchov (comprising Púchov and Ilava districts), Žiar nad Hronom (comprising Žiar nad Hronom, Žarnovica and Banská Štiavnica districts), Zvolen (comprising Zvolen and Detva districts), Banská Bystrica (comprising Banská Bystrica and Brezno districts), Lučenec (comprising Lučenec and Poltár districts), Krupina and Veľký Krtíš.

  4. In addition, as Slovakia intends to introduce vaccination of feral pigs in the districts of Trenčín, Bánovce nad Bebravou, Prievidza, Partizánske, Zvolen, Krupina, Detva, Veľký Krtíš, Lučenec and Poltár it has also submitted a plan of emergency vaccination for approval.

  5. The Slovakian authorities have authorised the use of a live attenuated vaccine against classical swine fever (C strain) to be used for the immunisation of feral pigs by means of oral bait.

  6. The plans for the eradication of classical swine fever in feral pigs and the emergency vaccination of such pigs in the designated areas, as submitted by Slovakia, have been examined and found to comply with Directive 2001/89/EC.

  7. For the sake of transparency it is appropriate to set out in this Decision the geographical areas where the eradication and emergency vaccination plans are to be implemented.

  8. The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,


Article 1

The plan submitted by Slovakia for the eradication of classical swine fever in feral pigs in the area, as set out in point 1 of the Annex, is approved.

Article 2

The plan submitted by Slovakia for the emergency vaccination of feral pigs in the area, as set out in point 2 of the Annex, is approved.

Article 3

Slovakia shall immediately take the necessary measures to comply with this Decision and publish those measures. They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof.

Article 4

This Decision is addressed to the Slovak Republic.