Article 3 of Decision 2003/828/EC is amended as follows:
paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
‘1.Without prejudice to paragraph 3a, domestic dispatches of animals, their sperm, ova and embryos, from a restricted zone set out in Annex I shall be exempted from the exit ban provided that the animals, their sperm, ova and embryos comply with the conditions set out in Annex II or, in the case of Spain, France, Italy and Portugal, that they comply with paragraph 2 or in the case of Greece that they comply with paragraph 3.’;
the following paragraph 3a is inserted after paragraph 3:
‘3a.Where in an epidemiological relevant area of the restricted zones set out in Annex I more than 40 days have elapsed from the date when the vector ceased to be active, the competent authority may grant exemptions from the exit ban for domestic dispatches of the following:
animals which are destined for holdings registered for this purpose by the competent authority of the holding of destination and which may only be moved from such holdings to a slaughterhouse;
animals which are serologically (ELISA or AGID) negative or serologically positive but virologically (PCR) negative; or
animals born after the date of cessation of the vector’s activity.
The competent authority shall only grant the exemptions provided for in this paragraph during the period of cessation of the vector’s activity.
Where on the base of the epidemiosurveillance programme as provided for in Article 9(1)(b) of Directive 2000/75/EC, it is detected that the vector’s activity in the restricted zone concerned has re-started, the competent authority shall ensure that such exemptions no longer apply.’