The following are hereby appointed to the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2010:
as members
Ms Chris HEISTER, ledamot i landstingsfullmäktige i Stockholms läns landsting, in place of Mr Anders GUSTÂV,
Ms Lisbeth RYDEFJÄRD, ledamot i landstingsstyrelsen, Jönköpings läns landsting, in place of Mr Aldo ISKRA,
Ms Catarina TARRAS-WAHLBERG, ledamot i kommunfullmäktige, Stockholms kommun (change of mandate);
as alternate members
Ms Catarina SEGERSTEN-LARSSON, ledamot i landstingsfullmäktige, Värmlands läns landsting (change of mandate),
Ms Christina TALLBERG, ledamot i kommunfullmäktige, Tyresö kommun, (change of mandate).