Regulation (EC) No 557/2007 is amended as follows:
Article 7(3) is replaced by the following:
‘3.The information referred to in paragraph 1 applied to the transport packaging shall not be modified and shall remain on the transport packaging until removal of eggs for immediate grading, marking, packing or further processing.’;
Article 11(1) is replaced by the following:
‘1.Until 30 June 2008, the following provisions shall apply:
the marking obligations established in Article 4, paragraph 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1028/2006 shall not apply to eggs produced in the Community, collected by the food industry operator itself approved in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004, directly from its habitual suppliers; in that case, the delivery shall be under the full responsibility of the food industry operator, which accordingly undertakes to use the eggs only for processing;
for eggs, other than grade A eggs, imported from third countries, Member States may exempt operators of the food industry, at their request from the marking obligations established in Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1028/2006, if the products are imported from listed countries and authorised operators according to Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004; however, such eggs shall be delivered to industry only provided that their final destination with a view to processing is checked in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 296 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2454/93(*); in such cases, box 104 of the control copy T5 shall contain one of the entries set out in Annex V to this Regulation.
Article 30(2) is replaced by the following:
‘2.Eggs imported from third countries shall be clearly and legibly marked in the country of origin with its ISO 3166 country code.’;
the text in the Annex to this Regulation is added as Annex V.