The following Article is inserted in Regulation (EC) No 147/2003:
1.In order to ensure the strict implementation of Articles 1 and 3 of Council Decision 2010/231/CFSP of 26 April 2010 concerning restrictive measures against Somalia(*), all goods brought into or leaving the customs territory of the Union to and from Somalia shall be made subject to pre-arrival or pre-departure information to be submitted to the competent authorities of the Member States concerned.
2.The rules governing the obligation to provide pre-arrival or pre-departure information, in particular regarding the person who provides that information, the time-limits to be respected and the data required, shall be as determined in the relevant provisions concerning entry and exit summary declarations as well as customs declarations in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code(**) and Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92(***).
3.Furthermore, the person who provides the information referred to in paragraph 2, shall declare whether the goods are covered by the Common Military List of the European Union(****) and, if their export is subject to an exemption, specify the particulars of the export licence granted.
4.Until 31 December 2010 the entry and exit summary declarations and the required additional elements as referred to in this Article may be submitted in written form using commercial, port or transport documentation, provided that it contains the necessary particulars.
5.As from 1 January 2011 the required additional elements, as referred to in paragraph 3, shall be submitted either in written form or using a customs declaration as appropriate.