
Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/2118 of 23 November 2015 extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia

Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/2118 of 23 November 2015 extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia


Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 33 and Article 31(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,


  1. On 8 July 2014, the Council adopted Decision 2014/438/CFSP(1) appointing Mr Herbert SALBER as the European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia. The EUSR's mandate is to expire on 31 October 2015.

  2. The mandate of the EUSR should be extended for a further period of 16 months.

  3. The EUSR will implement the mandate in the context of a situation which may deteriorate and could impede the achievement of the objectives of the Union's external action as set out in Article 21 of the Treaty,


Article 1 European Union Special Representative

The mandate of Mr Herbert SALBER as the EUSR for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia is hereby extended until 28 February 2017. The Council may decide that the mandate of the EUSR be terminated earlier, based on an assessment by the Political and Security Committee (PSC) and a proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (HR).

Article 2 Policy objectives

The mandate of the EUSR shall be based on the policy objectives of the Union for the South Caucasus, including the objectives set out in the Conclusions of the extraordinary European Council meeting held in Brussels on 1 September 2008 and the Council Conclusions of 15 September 2008, as well as those of 27 February 2012. Those objectives include:

  1. in accordance with the existing mechanisms, including the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and its Minsk Group, to prevent conflicts in the region, to contribute to a peaceful settlement of conflicts in the region, including the crisis in Georgia and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, by promoting the return of refugees and internally displaced persons and through other appropriate means, and to support the implementation of such a settlement in accordance with the principles of international law;

  2. to engage constructively with the main interested actors regarding the region;

  3. to encourage and to support further cooperation between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and, as appropriate, their neighbouring countries;

  4. to enhance the Union's effectiveness and visibility in the region.

Article 3 Mandate

In order to achieve the policy objectives, the mandate of the EUSR shall be:

  1. to develop contacts with governments, parliaments, other key political actors, the judiciary and civil society in the region;

  2. to encourage the countries in the region to cooperate on regional themes of common interest, such as common security threats, the fight against terrorism, illicit trafficking and organised crime;

  3. to contribute to the peaceful settlement of conflicts in accordance with the principles of international law and to facilitate the implementation of such settlement in close coordination with the United Nations, the OSCE and its Minsk Group;

  4. with respect to the crisis in Georgia:

    1. to help prepare for the international talks held under point 6 of the settlement plan of 12 August 2008 (‘Geneva International Discussions’) and its implementing measures of 8 September 2008, including on arrangements for security and stability in the region, the issue of refugees and internally displaced persons, on the basis of internationally recognised principles, and any other subject, by mutual agreement between the parties,

    2. to help establish the Union's position and represent it, at the level of the EUSR, in the talks referred to in point (i), and

    3. to facilitate the implementation of the settlement plan of 12 August 2008 and its implementing measures of 8 September 2008;

  5. to facilitate the development and implementation of confidence-building measures in coordination with Member States' expertise where available and appropriate;

  6. to assist in the preparation, as appropriate, of Union contributions to the implementation of a possible conflict settlement;

  7. to intensify the Union's dialogue with the main actors concerned regarding the region;

  8. to assist the Union in further developing a comprehensive policy towards the South Caucasus;

  9. in the framework of the activities set out in this Article, to contribute to the implementation of the Union's human rights policy and the Union Guidelines on Human Rights, in particular with regard to children and women in areas affected by conflicts, especially by monitoring and addressing developments in this regard.

Article 4 Implementation of the mandate


The EUSR shall be responsible for the implementation of the mandate, acting under the authority of the HR.


The PSC shall maintain a privileged link with the EUSR and shall be the EUSR's primary point of contact with the Council. The PSC shall provide the EUSR with strategic guidance and political direction within the framework of the mandate, without prejudice to the powers of the HR.


The EUSR shall work in close coordination with the European External Action Service (EEAS) and its relevant departments.

Article 5 Financing

Article 6 Constitution and composition of the team

Article 7 Privileges and immunities of the EUSR and of the EUSR's staff

Article 8 Security of EU classified information

Article 9 Access to information and logistical support

Article 10 Security

Article 11 Reporting

Article 12 Coordination

Article 13 Assistance in relation to claims

Article 14 Review

Article 15 Entry into force