Decision 2013/233/CFSP is amended as follows:
in Article 2, the following paragraph is added:
‘EUBAM Libya will assist in a comprehensive civilian security sector reform planning process, with a view to preparing for a possible civilian capacity building and assistance crisis management mission.’;
in Article 3(1), the following point is added:
to inform EU planning for a possible civilian capacity building and assistance crisis management mission in the field of security sector reform, cooperating closely with, and contributing to, UNSMIL efforts, liaising with the legitimate Libyan authorities and other relevant security interlocutors.’;
in Article 13(1), the following paragraph is added:
‘The financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to EUBAM Libya for the period from 22 February 2016 to 21 August 2016 shall be EUR 4 475 000.’;
in Article 16 the second paragraph is replaced by the following:
‘It shall apply until 21 August 2016.’.