
Decision (EU) 2017/1618 of the European Parliamentof 27 April 2017on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2015, Section V — Court of Auditors

Decision (EU) 2017/1618 of the European Parliamentof 27 April 2017on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2015, Section V — Court of Auditors


  • having regard to the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2015(1),

  • having regard to the consolidated annual accounts of the European Union for the financial year 2015 (COM(2016) 475 — C8-0273/2016)(2),

  • having regard to the Court of Auditors' annual report on the implementation of the budget concerning the financial year 2015, together with the institutions' replies(3),

  • having regard to the statement of assurance(4) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the Court of Auditors for the financial year 2015, pursuant to Article 287 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

  • having regard to Article 314(10) and Articles 317, 318 and 319 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

  • having regard to Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002(5), and in particular Articles 55, 99, 164, 165 and 166 thereof,

  • having regard to Rule 94 of and Annex IV to its Rules of Procedure,

  • having regard to the report of the Committee on Budgetary Control (A8-0151/2017),

The President

Antonio Tajani

The Secretary-General

Klaus Welle