Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2018/284 of 26 February 2018 implementing Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria
Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2018/284 of 26 February 2018 implementing Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 31(2) thereof,
Having regard to Council Decision 2013/255/CFSP of 31 May 2013 concerning restrictive measures against Syria(1), and in particular Article 30(1) thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
On 31 May 2013, the Council adopted Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria.
In view of the gravity of the situation in Syria, and considering the recent ministerial changes, two persons should be added to the list of natural and legal persons, entities or bodies subject to restrictive measures in Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP. In addition, the information relating to five persons set out in Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP should be updated.
Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP should therefore be amended accordingly,
Article 1
Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP is amended as set out in the Annex to this Decision.
Article 2
This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Done at Brussels, 26 February 2018.
For the Council
The President
F. Mogherini
In the list set out in Part A (‘Persons’) of Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP, the following entries are added:
Identifying information
Date of listing
Mohamed Mazen Ali Yousef
Date of birth: 17 May 1969
Place of birth: Damascus countryside
Minister of Industry. Appointed in January 2018.
Imad Abdullah Sara
Date of birth: 1968;
Place of birth: Damascus, Syria
Minister of Information. Appointed in January 2018.
In the list set out in Part A (‘Persons’) of Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP, the following entries are replaced as follows:
Identifying information
Date of listing
Ali () Abdullah () (a.k.a. Abdallah) Ayyub () (a.k.a. Ayyoub, Ayub, Ayoub, Ayob)
Date of birth: 1952
Place of birth: Lattakia, Syria
Minister of Defence. Appointed in January 2018. Officer of the rank of General in the Syrian Army, in post after May 2011. Former Chief of General Staff of the Syrian Armed Forces. Person supporting the Assad regime and responsible for repression and violence against the civilian population in Syria.
Former Minister of Defence. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.
Leading Syrian businessman operating in Syria, active in the banking, insurance, and hospitality sectors. Founding partner of Byblos Bank Syria, major shareholder in Unlimited Hospitality Ltd, and board member of the Solidarity Alliance Insurance Company and the Al-Aqueelah Takaful Insurance Company.
Mohammed (a.k.a. Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammad) Ramez Tourjman (a.k.a. Tourjuman)
Date of birth: 1966
Place of birth: Damascus, Syria
Former Minister of Information. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.
Ahmad al-Hamu (a.k.a. al-Hamo)
Date of birth: 1947
Former Minister of Industry. As a former Government Minister shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.