
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1372 of 19 August 2019 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards monitoring and reporting (notified under document C(2019) 6026) (Text with EEA relevance.)

Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1372 of 19 August 2019 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards monitoring and reporting (notified under document C(2019) 6026) (Text with EEA relevance.)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)(1), and in particular Article 21(4) thereof,


  1. Directive 2007/2/EC requires Member States to monitor the implementation and use of their infrastructures for spatial information and to report on a number of issues relating to this. Commission Decision 2009/442/EC(2) implements Directive 2007/2/EC as regards that monitoring and reporting. Experience from the previous reporting exercises and the conclusions of recent evaluations (REFIT evaluation of Directive 2007/2/EC(3), Fitness Check on reporting and monitoring of EU environment policy(4)) have shown the need to simplify and streamline monitoring and reporting, support better comparison of the implementation progress across Member States and allow for National and EU-wide overviews while reducing administrative monitoring and reporting burden. Updated information should be collected in an easier, comparable and less burdensome way for all reporting actors. Moreover, the significant number of indicators was not allowing for a clear insight into the implementation progress. There were too many indicators and not necessarily the right ones. Decision 2009/442/EC should therefore be replaced.

  2. Monitoring should be based on a set of indicators calculated on the basis of data collected from public authorities. These indicators will measure the implementation progress of Directive 2007/2/EC in the Member States and will be used to evaluate the success of the Directive against its objectives. Therefore, the indicators laid down in this act have been chosen according to the generic intervention logic of Directive 2007/2/EC and address the requirements to identify the spatial data needed (Article 3), to document the identified spatial data through metadata (Article 4), to ensure that the documented spatial data is accessible online through network services allowing its discovery, view and download (Articles 6 and 7), and to organise the spatial data in interoperable data models with a common vocabulary (Article 5).

  3. To minimize the administrative burden of monitoring, the indicators should be calculated based on the metadata for spatial data sets and spatial data services already created and published by Member States pursuant to Article 5 of Directive 2007/2/EC in order for the Member States not to be obliged to calculate the indicators manually and provide a list of the spatial data sets and spatial data services corresponding to the themes listed in Annexes I, II and III to Directive 2007/2/EC every year as provided for in in Decision 2009/442/EC. Only metadata that are published by Member States will be taken into account when calculating the indicators for monitoring. Metadata that have not been published are not discoverable and do not contribute to the infrastructure for spatial information, hence will be ommitted when calculating the indicators for monitoring.

  4. To minimize the administrative burden of reporting, Member States should only report on those aspects of their spatial information infrastructure that have changed since the submission of the last report pursuant to Article 21(3) of Directive 2007/2/EC.

  5. To ensure a consistent and comparable approach to the monitoring and reporting across the Union, Member States should monitor at least a common subset of spatial data sets and report on their availability, accessibility and interoperability. This common subset should be the spatial data sets already used by the Member States for the purpose of reporting under those pieces of EU environmental legislation identified in the Commission Report(5)‘Actions to Streamline Environmental Reporting’ following a comprehensive Fitness Check of reporting and monitoring of EU environment policy(6).

  6. The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established by Article 22 of Directive 2007/2/EC,


Article 1 Subject matter

This Decision lays down detailed rules on the implementation of the obligations of the Member States to monitor the implementation and use of their infrastructures for spatial information and to report to the Commission on that monitoring as set out in Article 21(1) and (2) of Directive 2007/2/EC.

Article 2 Common provisions for monitoring and reporting


The indicators referred to in Articles 3 to 7 shall be calculated using the metadata of the spatial data sets and the spatial data services that are published by Member States through the discovery services referred to in Article 11(1)(a) of Directive 2007/2/EC.


Member States shall make all results of monitoring in accordance with Article 21(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC accessible to the public on the internet or using other appropriate means of telecommunication.

Article 3 Monitoring of the availability of spatial data and services


The following indicators shall be used to measure the number of spatial data sets and spatial data services:

  1. the number of spatial data sets for which metadata exist (‘DSi1,1’);

  2. the number of spatial data services for which metadata exist (‘DSi1,2’).


The following indicator shall be used to measure the number of spatial data sets that are already used by the Member State for reporting to the Commission under the environmental legislation: the number of spatial data sets for which the metadata contains a keyword from a register provided by the Commission indicating that the spatial data set is used for reporting under the environmental legislation (‘DSi1,3’).


The following indicators shall be used to measure the number of the spatial data sets that respectively cover regional or national territory:

  1. the number of spatial data sets for which the metadata contains a keyword from a register provided by the Commission indicating that the spatial data set covers regional territory (‘DSi1,4’);

  2. the number of spatial data sets for which the metadata contains a keyword from a register provided by the Commission indicating that the spatial data set covers the national territory (‘DSi1,5’).

Article 4 Monitoring of the conformity of metadata with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata (OJ L 326, 4.12.2008, p. 12).

The following indicators shall be used to measure the percentage of metadata for spatial data sets and spatial data services that are published by Member States through the discovery services referred to in Article 11(1)(a) of Directive 2007/2/EC that are in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 as regards metadata:

  1. the number of spatial data sets for which metadata are in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 multiplied by a hundred and divided by the number of spatial data sets for which metadata exist as given by indicator ‘DSi1,1’ (‘MDi1,1’);

  2. the number of spatial data services for which metadata are in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 multiplied by a hundred and divided by the number of spatial data services for which metadata exist as given by indicator ‘DSi1,2’ (‘MDi1,2’).

Article 5 Monitoring of the conformity of spatial data sets with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services (OJ L 323, 8.12.2010, p. 11). on interoperability

Article 6 Monitoring of the accessibility of spatial data sets through view and download services

Article 7 Monitoring of the conformity of network services with Commission Regulation (EC) No 976/2009 Commission Regulation (EC) No 976/2009 of 19 October 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Network Services (OJ L 274, 20.10.2009, p. 9).

Article 8 Publication of the monitoring results

Article 9 Updating summary reports

Article 10 Repeal

Article 11 Addressees