Member States shall provide the information set out in the Annex, using the specific electronic format to be developed for the purposes of this reporting.
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1741 of 23 September 2019 establishing the format and frequency of data to be made available by the Member States for the purposes of reporting under Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and amending Council Directives 91/689/EEC and 96/61/EC (notified under document C(2019) 6745) (Text with EEA relevance)
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1741 of 23 September 2019 establishing the format and frequency of data to be made available by the Member States for the purposes of reporting under Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and amending Council Directives 91/689/EEC and 96/61/EC (notified under document C(2019) 6745) (Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 January 2006 concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and amending Council Directives 91/689/EEC and 96/61/EC(1), and in particular Article 7(2) thereof,
Article 1
The information set out in the Annex shall be first submitted for the reporting year 2019, unless otherwise stated in that Annex.
The administrative information set out in Sections 1 to 4 of the Annex shall be submitted to the Commission, at the latest, by 30 September of the following reporting year.
The thematic information set out in Sections 5 to 10 of the Annex shall be submitted to the Commission, at the latest, by 30 November of the following reporting year.
Article 2
This Decision shall be reviewed by 31 December 2024, at the latest, with a view to assessing the feasibility of progressing towards the objective of earlier public availability of E-PRTR data. This review shall include an exchange of information between the Member States, the Commission and the European Environment Agency on national best practices and available techniques and tools allowing earlier reporting.
This Decision is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels, 23 September 2019.
For the Commission
Karmenu Vella
Member of the Commission
Establishing the format and frequency of data to be made available by the Member States for the purposes of reporting under Regulation (EC) No 166/2006
Member States may indicate information that they consider to be confidential, giving the grounds that are considered to preclude the Commission from making it publicly available.
1. |
Reporter identification |
Type |
Format |
1.1. |
Country identifier |
Identification of the country where the reported facility is located. |
1.2. |
Reporting year |
Calendar year to which the reporting refers. |
2. |
Type |
Format |
2.1. |
inspireId |
Unique identifier of the facility that follows the requirements of Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (3) |
2.2. |
thematicId (4) |
Thematic object identifier. |
2.3. |
Emissions Trading Scheme identifier |
Where the installation is, fully or partly, covered by Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(5), the identifier used for reporting under that Directive. |
2.4. |
Name of the facility |
Official denomination, proper name or conventional name of the facility. |
2.5. |
Name of the parent company |
A parent company is a company that owns or controls the company operating the facility (for example by holding more than 50 % of the company’s share capital or a majority of voting rights of the shareholders or associates) — see Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (6). |
2.6. |
Address |
Postal address of the facility as defined by building number, street, city/town, postal code, country. |
2.7. |
Geometry |
Latitude and longitude (coordinates for the approximate centre of the facility) expressed with reference to the ETRS89 (2D)-EPSG:4258 coordinate reference system to a precision of 5 decimal places. |
2.8. |
River Basin District |
Code identifier and/or name assigned to the basin district of a watercourse. |
2.9. |
Function |
Activities performed by the facility. Function is described by the activities of the facility expressed as NACE-codes. |
2.10. |
E-PRTR Annex I activities |
Annex I activities carried out at the facility, indicating the main activity and all others. |
2.11. |
Status |
The operational status of the facility. |
2.12. |
2.13. |
Number of operating hours in the year(9) |
Optional. |
2.14. |
Number of employees(10) |
Optional. |
2.15. |
Website address |
Website address of facility or parent company that shows the environmental report or the EMAS statement of the facility or the parent company. |
2.16. |
Remarks |
Any other relevant information. Optional. |
3. |
Information on the E-PRTR competent authority for the facility |
Type |
Format |
3.1. |
Competent authority name |
3.2. |
Competent authority address |
Postal address as defined by building number, street, city/town, postal code, country. |
3.3. |
Competent authority email |
3.4. |
Competent authority telephone number |
4. |
Information where the E-PRTR facility is part of, or coincides with, a ‘Production site’ (11) |
Type |
Format |
4.1. |
inspireId |
Unique identifier of the production site that follows the requirements of Directive 2007/2/EC. |
4.2. |
thematicId(12) |
Thematic object identifier of the production site. |
4.3. |
Geometry |
Latitude and longitude (coordinates for the approximate centre of the production site) expressed with reference to the ETRS89 (2D)-EPSG:4258 coordinate reference system to a precision of 5 decimal places. |
4.4. |
Name of production site |
Official denomination, proper name or conventional name of the production site. |
5. |
Air release data — for each pollutant exceeding a threshold value in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 |
Type |
Format |
5.1. |
Pollutant name |
In accordance with Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006. |
5.2. |
Total mass release |
Total mass per pollutant of all releases from all sources on the facility (kg/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. |
5.3. |
Accidental mass release |
The part of the ‘total mass release’ deriving from accidents (kg/year). |
6. |
Water release data — for each pollutant exceeding a threshold value in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 |
Type |
Format |
6.1. |
Pollutant name |
In accordance with Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006. |
6.2. |
Total mass release |
Total mass per pollutant of all releases from all sources on the facility (kg/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. |
6.3. |
Accidental mass release |
The part of the ‘total mass release’ deriving from accidents (kg/year). |
7. |
Land release data — for each pollutant exceeding a threshold value in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 |
Type |
Format |
7.1. |
Pollutant name |
In accordance with Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006. |
7.2. |
Total mass release |
Total mass per pollutant of all releases from all sources on the facility (kg/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. |
7.3. |
Accidental mass release |
The part of the ‘total mass release’ deriving from accidents (kg/year). |
8. |
Off-site transfer to waste-water treatment — for each pollutant exceeding a threshold value in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 |
Type |
Format |
8.1 |
Pollutant name |
In accordance with Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006. |
8.2 |
Total mass transfer |
Total mass per pollutant of all transfers from the facility (kg/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. |
9. |
Off-site transfers of hazardous waste — where exceeding the threshold value in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 |
Type |
Format |
9.1 |
Within the country for recovery (R) |
Total mass of transfer (tonnes/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. |
9.2 |
Within the country for disposal (D) |
Total mass of transfer (tonnes/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. |
9.3 |
To other countries for recovery (R) |
Total mass of transfer (tonnes/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. Name and address of the recoverer. Address of actual recovery site receiving the transfer. |
9.4 |
To other countries for disposal (D) |
Total mass of transfer (tonnes/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. Name and address of the disposer. Address of actual disposal site receiving the transfer. |
10. |
Off-site transfer of non-hazardous waste — where exceeding the threshold value in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 |
Type |
Format |
10.1 |
For recovery (R) |
Total mass of transfers (tonnes/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. |
10.2 |
For disposal (D) |
Total mass of transfers (tonnes/year). Quantification method used: Measured (indicating analytical method); Calculated (indicating method); Estimated. |