
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687 of 17 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and the Council, as regards rules for the prevention and control of certain listed diseases (Text with EEA relevance)

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687 of 17 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and the Council, as regards rules for the prevention and control of certain listed diseases (Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health (the ‘Animal Health Law’)(1), and in particular Article 47(1), Article 53(2), Article 54(3), Article 55(2), Article 58(2), the first paragraph of Article 63, Article 64(4), the first paragraph of Article 67, Article 68(3), Article 70(3), Article 72(2), Article 73(3), Article 74(4), Article 76(5), Article 77(2) and Article 272(2) thereof,


  1. Regulation (EU) 2016/429 lays down rules for the prevention and control of animal diseases which are transmissible to animals or to humans, including rules on disease awareness, preparedness and control. In particular, Regulation (EU) 2016/429 lays down disease-specific rules for the prevention and control of diseases referred to in its Article 5. Regulation (EU) 2016/429 also provides that those disease-specific rules apply to species and groups of animal species that pose a considerable risk for the spread of specific diseases and which are listed as such in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882(2).

  2. It is necessary to lay down rules supplementing the rules on disease control measures set out in Title II of Part III of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for certain listed diseases. Those supplementing rules and the rules set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/429 are closely linked and should be applied in tandem. In the interest of simplicity, transparency and ease of application, the supplementing rules should be laid down in a single act rather than in a number of separate acts with many cross-references and risks of duplication.

  3. Article 53, Article 54(3), Article 55(2), Article 58(2), and Articles 63, 64, 67, 68 and 70 in Chapter 1 of Title II of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 relate to various technical aspects of the measures to be taken if there is suspicion and confirmation of diseases referred to in Article 9(1)(a) of that Regulation. Similarly, Article 72(2), Article 73(3), Article 74(4), Article 76(5) and Article 77 in Chapter 2 of Title II of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 relate to technical aspects of the measures to be taken if there is suspicion and confirmation of diseases referred to in Article 9(1)(b) and (c) of that Regulation.

  4. The rules to be laid down pursuant to Articles in Title II are interrelated as they apply to disease control measures for different categories of listed diseases in Regulation (EU) 2016/429. Therefore, for the effective application of those rules and in the interests of clarity, they should be laid down in a single delegated act providing a comprehensive set of technical measures for the control of listed diseases and contributing to the overall simplification of the legal framework on animal disease control.

  5. Previous disease control provisions were laid down in a number of directives, each of which contained rules for one or few animal diseases. Some of those rules have been replaced by Regulation (EU) 2016/429, while others need to be replaced by this Delegated Regulation in order to simplify and remove possible inconsistencies. This will provide clear, harmonised and detailed rules to control animal diseases throughout the Union. This will also enable the application of the relevant provisions by competent authorities and operators, and will increase the transparency of the rules and therefore will ensure a better response to animal disease risks.

  6. To eradicate an outbreak of a category A disease as soon as possible and to ensure a high level of animal health and animal welfare protection, it is necessary to provide for disease control measures at Union level.

  7. The scope of this Regulation should therefore include disease control measures for category A diseases in terrestrial and aquatic animals, as well as certain disease control measures for category B and C diseases. In the case of category B and C diseases, those disease control measures should be applied in conjunction with the rules on surveillance and eradication set out in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689(3).

  8. The disease control measures set out in this Delegated Regulation should apply to animals and to products obtained from animals, including products of animal origin, germinal products, animal by-products and derived products. These animal by-products are subject to public and animal health rules set out in Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council(4). The rules for safe collection, disposal and processing of animal by-products and derived products laid down in that Regulation apply in the event of the onset of a category A disease. However, that Regulation does not include disease control measures and restrictions intended to apply in such events. Therefore, those rules should be provided for in this Delegated Regulation.

  9. Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(5) lays down rules for the safe transport of dangerous goods. When transporting infected animal by-products or other infected material which may be considered as dangerous goods, competent authorities should comply with the rules laid down in that Directive.

  10. It is appropriate to follow a single approach for the measures to apply in the event of a category A disease. However, the epidemiology of diseases should be taken into account to establish the appropriate moment for the competent authority to apply control measures and to carry out investigations if there is suspicion or confirmation of those diseases. Therefore ‘monitoring periods’ should be provided, as reference time frames for each category A disease affecting terrestrial animals based on incubation periods and other relevant elements that may affect the spread of the disease.

  11. Article 54 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires the competent authority to carry out investigations on the occurrence of a category A disease at different stages: (i) when the disease is suspected; (ii) when the disease is confirmed; and (iii) when it is necessary to rule out its spreading to epidemiologically linked establishments and locations as well as neighbouring establishments and zones. Those investigations include clinical examination and sampling for laboratory testing. It is appropriate to lay down general rules on sampling in order to ensure the validity of sampling procedures, diagnostic methods and biosecurity measures.

  12. Article 43 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires the competent authority to draw up and update contingency plans and, where necessary, provide detailed instruction manuals on implementing of measures to be taken in case of a category A disease as provided for in Part III of that Regulation. The measures set out in this Delegated Regulation supplement those laid down in Part III of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and it is therefore necessary that they be implemented in accordance with the contingency plans provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

  13. Articles 53 and 55 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 lay down obligations on operators and competent authorities in the case of a suspicion of a category A disease. The aim is to prevent the spread of the disease from affected animals and establishments under their responsibility to unaffected animals or to humans even before the disease has been confirmed. The disease control and biosecurity measures provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/429 should be applied at this early stage in the affected establishment as regards movements of animals and products from and to that establishment and its surroundings. It is also necessary to detail those measures in order to ensure their effectiveness and proportionality.

  14. Article 54 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires the competent authority to conduct an official investigation if there is a suspicion of a category A disease, to either confirm or rule out the presence of the disease. In order to establish a standard operating procedure for such official investigations in all Member States, it is necessary to detail the circumstances which justify the conduct of an investigation, the minimum investigation tasks to be performed by official veterinarians and the way those tasks should be carried out.

  15. Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires that, if there is a suspicion or confirmation of a category A disease, disease control measures be applied not only in establishments keeping animals but also in food and feed businesses, in animal by-products establishments or in other locations that may pose a risk of spreading of diseases. It is necessary to specify which control measures apply in those cases, in particular in the case of border control posts and means of transport.

  16. Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires that the confirmation of a category A disease is the starting point for the competent authority to implement stricter disease control measures than those applied in the suspicion phase and to carry out further investigations. It is therefore necessary to specify when a category A disease should be considered confirmed. This confirmation should be done in accordance with Union acts adopted pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 on surveillance of diseases, eradication programmes and disease-free status.

  17. Regulation (EU) 2016/429 lays down the basic rules on the disease control measures to apply in the affected establishments in the event of an outbreak of a category A disease. At the same time, it provides competent authorities with a certain flexibility in deciding which of those measures should apply. In order to allow competent authorities to take the most proportionate and efficient control measures and ensure a harmonised implementation of the measures taken by Member States, it is appropriate to establish detailed decision making criteria based on epidemiological circumstances, type and location of establishments, species and categories of animals and economic or social conditions of the area affected by the disease.

  18. The competent authority should have the possibility to grant, in justified cases and under supplementary guarantees if necessary, derogations from certain disease control measures, in particular from the requirement to kill the animals in the affected establishment, taking into account epidemiological factors and after carrying out an accurate risk assessment. Such derogations could be granted for confined establishments, for animals kept for scientific purposes or for purposes related to conservation of protected or endangered species and for officially registered rare breeds or for animals with a justified high genetic, cultural or educational value. In such cases, the application of general measures could have undesirable and disproportioned consequences.

  19. In order to adapt the disease control measures to each specific situation, the competent authority should have the possibility to apply disease control measures that are not specifically provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/429 or in this Delegated Regulation, taking into consideration epidemiological factors and after carrying out a risk assessment.

  20. Cleaning and disinfection in the affected establishment is one of the basic disease control measures provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/429 to minimise the risk of spreading a confirmed category A disease. Preliminary cleaning and disinfection are the most effective measures to reduce the disease agent load in the affected establishment once the affected animals have been taken off. The competent authority should therefore have the obligation to check the performance of the immediate preliminary cleaning and disinfection and, when necessary, the control of insects and rodents. It is appropriate to detail the cleaning and disinfection procedure, specifying when it must be initiated and the criteria for selecting the biocidal products to be used.

  21. Article 62 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires the competent authority to extend the disease control measures applied in the affected establishments to other establishments, epidemiological units therein, food and feed businesses, or animal by-products establishments or any other location of relevance, including means of transport, where epidemiological evidences give reason to suspect the spread of the category A disease to, from or through them. It is necessary to specify the traceability investigation which the competent authority must perform, under the epidemiological enquiry provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/429, in order to properly identify those epidemiological links.

  22. It is also appropriate to detail the control measures to apply in identified linked establishments and locations. In order to be effective, those measures should be flexible and proportionate, without imposing unnecessary burdens on operators or competent authorities. The competent authorities should consequently be allowed to derogate from general provisions in exceptional circumstances, after carrying out a risk assessment.

  23. Article 64 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires competent authorities to establish a restricted zone around the affected establishment when an outbreak of a category A disease is confirmed, in order to prevent any further spread of the disease. The restricted zone may include a protection zone and a surveillance zone. It is appropriate to set supplementary rules on how to establish and modify, if necessary, the restricted zone, including details on the protection zone, on the surveillance zone and on the possibility to establish further restricted zones depending on the epidemiology of the disease. It is also appropriate to provide for specific derogations for those cases where the establishment of restricted zones would not contribute to control the spreading of the disease or would impose an unjustified burden on operators and competent authorities.

  24. Article 65 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 lists the measures that the competent authority may take in the restricted zone to prevent the spreading of the disease. In order to allow competent authorities to take the most proportionate and efficient control measures and ensure a harmonised implementation of the measures in all Member States, it is appropriate to establish detailed decision making criteria based on epidemiological circumstances, type and location of production establishments, species and categories of animals and economic or social conditions of the area affected by the disease.

  25. It is necessary to specify the prohibitions of movements of animals and products within, from or through the protection and surveillance zone and the prohibitions of other activities that can pose a risk of spreading a category A disease. Those prohibitions should be proportional to the risk of spreading the disease linked to each activity and commodity. Consequently, they need to be established taking into account the epidemiological disease profile. This is especially important in respect of prohibitions concerning products since there are certain products that should be exempted, in particular those considered safe commodities in relation to the risk of spreading certain diseases.

  26. The prohibitions of activities in the restricted zone should be limited as far as possible. For that reason, there should be the possibility for the competent authority to grant derogations from the prohibitions when certain risk-mitigating measures are taken and certain procedural conditions are met. Such derogations may be granted, in particular, when the competent authority can check the reinforcement of biosecurity measures and when general and specific conditions, related to the relevant animals, products obtained from those animals, or other substances and materials that may be contaminated, are fulfilled.

  27. Movements of ungulates should be limited to transports to a slaughterhouse. Poultry movements should be limited to the transport to slaughterhouses and to younger animals such as day-old-chicks and ready-to-lay poultry. Movements of products of animal origin should be allowed if the products have been produced before the high-risk period determined for the disease. Movements of products of animal origin and by-products produced within or after the high risk period should be allowed if the products have been subjected to specific treatments that inactivate the disease agent. Those treatments should be in line with existing Union legislation, international standards and new scientific evidence.

  28. The competent authority should be able to visit establishments and to examine animals. To prevent the further spread of the disease, requirements should be set and be met before the measures applying to the protection zone can be lifted. Once those measures are lifted, the measures applying to the surveillance zone should be implemented, for an additional period, in the area previously covered by the protection zone, to ensure that the disease is controlled.

  29. The provisions on control measures applicable within the surveillance zone should include general and specific rules for animals, products obtained from those animals, or other substances and materials that may be contaminated. They should also include derogations to allow a proportional application of the control measures. The intensity of the control measures and the derogations for their proportional application should reflect the lower risk that the surveillance zone poses for the spread of the disease but should ensure that the control measures are sufficient to avoid any risk of a further spread of the disease.

  30. The competent authority should: (i) authorise the repopulation of the affected establishments with animals; (ii) ensure that a final cleaning and disinfection of the establishment is carried out; and, if relevant, (iii) carry out a check for vectors to ensure that diseases do not reappear. The competent authority should have the flexibility needed to decide on the most appropriate repopulation measures taking into account epidemiological circumstances and specific risk mitigation conditions.

  31. Wild animals of listed species could also be affected by category A diseases. Control measures for those wild animals are essential in preventing the spread of the diseases and in ensuring their eradication. As for diseases occurring in kept animals, the competent authority should consider control measures for diseases in wild animals as part of the contingency plans provided for by the Regulation (EU) 2016/429. The control measures should apply to suspected and confirmed cases of a disease affecting wild animals within an infected zone. Measures restricting the movement of kept animals that are listed species from the infected zone should be applied with flexibility in mind, based on the epidemiological situation. This is to ensure robust control measures while avoiding unnecessary burdens for operators and competent authorities.

  32. The collection and safe disposal of dead bodies of wild animals contributes to preventing the spread of category A diseases. It is appropriate to supplement Regulation (EU) 2016/429 with rules ensuring the safe collection and disposal of animal by-products from wild terrestrial and aquatic animals affected by category A diseases or subject to restriction measures imposed in response to those diseases in line with Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009.

  33. Article 43 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires the competent authority to establish an operational expert group as part of the contingency plans. These plans are designed to ensure a high level of disease awareness and preparedness and to provide a rapid response in case of an outbreak of a category A disease. The main task of the operational expert group in the case of an outbreak of diseases in terrestrial animals is to support the competent authority assessing the relevant measures for the control or eradication of the disease. The operational expert group for diseases in wild terrestrial animals should be multidisciplinary and have representatives of relevant government departments such as environmental and forests authorities, as well as stakeholders concerned, local authorities, police or other organisations that can provide advice to the competent authority on possible actions and their implementation to control or eradicate the category A disease.

  34. Council Directive 2006/88/EC(6) includes provisions on animal health requirements for aquaculture animals and products and on the prevention and control of certain diseases in aquatic animals. The provisions in this Delegated Regulation should be based on the provisions from previous Union legislation that have worked well and have been revised and aligned, as far as possible, with the knowledge and experience gained in the past, and updated in accordance with new evidence and international standards.

  35. Article 61 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 provides for the application of disease control measures in establishments and other locations upon confirmation of category A diseases. One of those measures is the killing of animals that may be contaminated or may contribute to the spread of the disease. The possibility to apply such preventive killing should be detailed in this Delegated Regulation as a disease control measure aimed at reducing the infective pressure of a category A disease and to facilitate its control.

  36. Article 62 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 includes criteria for extending the disease control measures applied in an affected establishment to epidemiologically linked establishments and locations. The analysis of the hydrodynamic and topographic conditions, including data from water catchments, barriers in watercourses or water flow conditions, allows predicting the possible passive spread of a category A disease to other establishments or locations and this prediction may contribute to minimise the impact of a category A disease. The result of such an analysis permits the implementation of better-informed disease control measures, which should avoid or minimise the spread of a category A disease from a high-risk to a disease free area.

  37. The competent authority should be able to derogate from restrictions applicable upon confirmation of a category A disease in order to allow the use of aquaculture animals for human consumption, provided they do not show clinical signs of the disease and are processed in a way that reduces the risk of spreading the disease by infective material. The derogation should be aimed at reducing economic losses while minimising the risk of the disease spreading.

  38. Article 37 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 provides for the recognition of a disease-free status of compartments for listed diseases. Compartments include different establishments with common and efficient biosecurity systems permitting those establishments to have a distinct animal health status. Therefore, if a category A disease is suspected or confirmed in an aquaculture establishment within a compartment, the disease control measures should be extended to other establishments within that compartment resulting in a more efficient control of the disease.

  39. Fallowing for aquatic animals is a disease control measure already included in previous Union legislation on prevention and control of diseases in aquaculture animals and should continue to be applied. The main objective of fallowing is to prevent or minimise the risk of re-infection of establishments with the category A disease, after cleaning and disinfection has been completed, and before introducing a new population of aquatic animals. Synchronous fallowing in areas with multiple infected establishments strengthens the disease control measures and contributes to a higher success rate. Different fallowing periods should be established for different category A diseases to reduce the fallowing time to a minimum while ensuring the effectiveness of this disease control measure.

  40. When an aquaculture establishment has been affected by a category A disease which does not pose a risk to human health, the placing on the marked of products from that establishment should be allowed after risk-mitigating measures have been taken. For fish, those measures should include slaughtering and evisceration. Crustaceans should be processed to non-viable products before they are dispatched. The products should be used for direct human consumption or undergo further processing in an establishment approved under Article 179 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429. Those measures are effective in controlling and avoiding the further spread of the disease while allowing those products to be used for human consumption rather than unnecessarily wasted.

  41. Article 64 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 provides that, when a category A disease breaks out in aquatic animals, restricted zones be established as an effective measure to control the disease. Restricted zones may include a protection zone around establishments that have an increased risk of being affected by a category A disease. To ensure an effective disease control and to prevent the further spread of the disease, the introduction of aquaculture animals for farming in establishments located in the protection zone should be prohibited. To avoid re-infection, the protection zone should to be maintained until the infected aquaculture establishments are emptied of animals, cleaned and disinfected and the fallowing period has been completed.

  42. Control measures applied in a protection zone established for disease in aquatic animals should be lifted only if a series of conditions are met. Those conditions should include depopulation, cleaning, disinfection and fallowing of the affected establishments. Furthermore, the results of regular visits carried out in all establishments located in the protection zone must be satisfactory. When all those conditions are met, the protection zone should become a surveillance zone. That surveillance zone should be maintained until the surveillance period for the relevant category A disease has elapsed and there are no elements to suspect the presence of the disease.

  43. Article 43 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires the competent authority to establish an operational expert group as part of the contingency plans designed to ensure a high level of disease awareness and preparedness and to provide a rapid response in case of an outbreak of a category A disease. The main task of the operational expert group in the case of an outbreak of diseases in aquatic animals is to support the competent authority in assessing the relevant measures for the control or eradication of the disease. The operational expert group for diseases in wild aquatic animals should be multidisciplinary and include representatives of government departments such as environmental and fisheries authorities, as well as stakeholders concerned, local authorities, police or other organisations that can provide advice to the competent authority on possible actions to control or eradicate the category A disease.

  44. Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 provides for the implementation of general health restrictions in the case of a serious transmissible disease. When a category A disease is present in aquaculture animals, the competent authority may impose stricter rules for animal by-products originating from certain establishments. Those rules are intended to deal with situations where public health restrictions may not address the animal health risk. It is necessary, in particular, that animal by-products from such establishments must be processed or disposed of as category 2 material in compliance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009.

  45. Article 270 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 repealed Council Directives 92/66/EEC(7), 2001/89/EC(8), 2002/60/EC(9), 2003/85/EC(10) and 2005/94/EC(11), which contained rules for the control of animal diseases. Article 272 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 provides that the repealed Directives continue to apply for three years after the date of application of that Regulation or an earlier date to be determined by the Commission in a delegated act. In order to ensure a harmonised and simplified approach across species and diseases, this Regulation should apply from the date of application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and the repealed Directives should cease to apply from the same date,



This Regulation supplements the rules on disease awareness, preparedness and control to be applied with regard to the listed diseases referred to in Article 9(1)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

Those rules cover the following:

  1. Part II covers kept and wild terrestrial animals, and in particular:

    1. Chapter I lays down supplementing rules on disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of a category A disease in kept animals as referred to in Articles 53, 54, 55, 58 and 63 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    2. Chapter II lays down supplementing rules regarding the establishment of restricted zones in the event of official confirmation of a category A disease in kept animals as referred to in Article 64 and 67 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    3. Chapter III lays down supplementing rules regarding the repopulation of the restricted zone with kept animals in the event of official confirmation of a category A disease as referred to in Articles 63 and 68 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    4. Chapter IV lays down supplementing rules regarding disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of a category A disease in wild animals as referred to in Article 70 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    5. Chapter V lays down supplementing rules on disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of category B and C diseases in terrestrial animals as referred to in Article 74 and 77 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

  2. Part III covers kept and wild aquatic animals, and in particular:

    1. Chapter I lays down supplementing rules on disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of a category A disease in aquatic animals as referred to in Articles 53, 54, 55, 58 and 63 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    2. Chapter II lays down supplementing rules regarding the establishment of restricted zones in the event of official confirmation of a category A disease in aquaculture animals as referred to in Article 64 and 67 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    3. Chapter III lays down supplementing rules regarding disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of a category A disease in wild aquatic animals as referred to in Article 70 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    4. Chapter IV lays down supplementing rules on disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of category B and C diseases in aquatic animals as referred to in Article 74 and 77 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

  3. Part IV covers final provisions.

For the purposes of this Regulation, definitions laid down in Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 and Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council(12) shall apply, except where those definitions cover terms that are defined in the second paragraph of this Article.

In addition, the following definitions shall also apply:

  1. ‘means of transport’ means road or rail vehicle, vessels and aircrafts;

  2. ‘day-old chicks’ means poultry less than 72 hours old;

  3. ‘semen’ means the ejaculate of an animal or animals, either in the unaltered state or prepared or diluted;

  4. ‘oocytes’ means the haploid stages of the ootidogenesis including secondary oocytes and ova;

  5. ‘embryo’ means the initial stage of development of an animal while it is capable of being transferred to a recipient dam;

  6. ‘fresh meat’ means meat, minced meat and meat preparations, including vacuum-wrapped or wrapped in a controlled atmosphere, which has not undergone any process other than chilling, freezing or quick-freezing;

  7. ‘carcass of an ungulate’ means the whole body of a slaughtered or killed ungulate after:

    • bleeding, in the case of slaughtered animals,

    • evisceration,

    • removal of the limbs at the carpus and tarsus,

    • removal of the tail, the udder, the head and the skin, except in porcine animals;

  8. ‘offal’ means fresh meat other than that of the carcass as defined in (7), even if it remains naturally connected to the carcass;

  9. ‘meat products’ means processed products, including treated stomachs, bladders, intestines, rendered fats, meat extracts and blood products, resulting from the processing of meat or from the further processing of such processed products, so that the cut surface shows that the product no longer has the characteristics of fresh meat;

  10. ‘casings’ means the bladders and intestines that after cleaning have been processed by tissue scraping, defatting and washing and have been dried after salting;

  11. ‘colostrum’ means the fluid secreted by the mammary glands of kept animals up to five days post parturition that is rich in antibodies and minerals, and precedes the production of raw milk.

  12. ‘colostrum-based products’ means processed products resulting from the processing of colostrum or from the further processing of such processed products;

  13. ‘safe commodity’ means a commodity that can be moved without the need for risk mitigation measures specifically directed against a particular listed disease regardless of the status of the Member State or zone of origin for that disease;

  14. ‘supply chain’ means an integrated production chain of a common health status as regards listed diseases consisting of a collaborative network of specialised establishments approved by the competent authority for the purpose of Article 45, between which animals are moved to complete the production cycle;

  15. ‘infected zone’ means a zone in which restrictions on the movements of kept and wild animals or products and other disease control and biosecurity measures may be applied with the view to preventing the spread of a category A disease in the event of official confirmation of the disease in wild animals.


Where clinical examinations of animals are required pursuant to this Regulation in order to confirm or rule out the presence of a category A disease, the competent authority shall ensure that:

  1. the sampling of animals for clinical examination is carried out in accordance with:

    1. point A.1 of Annex I for terrestrial animals; and

    2. point 1 of Annex XII for aquatic animals;

  2. the clinical examination comprises:

    1. an initial general evaluation of the animal health status of the establishment which comprises all the animals of listed species kept in the establishment; and

    2. an individual examination of the animals included in the sample referred to in point (a).


Where laboratory examinations are required pursuant to this Regulation in order to confirm or rule out the presence of a category A disease, the competent authority shall ensure that:

  1. the sampling of animals for laboratory examination is carried out in accordance with:

    1. point A.2 of Annex I for terrestrial animals; and

    2. point 1(b), (c), (d) and (e) of Annex XII for aquatic animals;

  2. the diagnostic methods for laboratory examinations fulfil the requirements set out in:

    1. point B of Annex I for terrestrial animals; and

    2. point 2 of Annex XII for aquatic animals;

  3. the samples are sent:

    1. without delay to an official laboratory designated in accordance with Article 37 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council(13);

    2. in accordance with point C of Annex I for terrestrial animals and point 1(f) of Annex XII for aquatic animals; and

    3. following any other instruction from the competent authority and from the laboratory regarding biosecurity and biosafety conditions to prevent the spread of category A disease agents;

  4. in the case of kept animals:

    1. an inventory of all kept animals on the establishment and their species and categories is compiled; for poultry and aquaculture animals the number of animals may be estimated; and

    2. an identification mark of each sampled animal of listed species, or in the case of poultry and aquaculture animals the batch number, is recorded.

The competent authority shall implement the measures laid down in this Regulation in accordance with the contingency plan referred to in Article 43 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

Article 1 Subject matter and scope

This Regulation supplements the rules on disease awareness, preparedness and control to be applied with regard to the listed diseases referred to in Article 9(1)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

Those rules cover the following:

  1. Part II covers kept and wild terrestrial animals, and in particular:

    1. Chapter I lays down supplementing rules on disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of a category A disease in kept animals as referred to in Articles 53, 54, 55, 58 and 63 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    2. Chapter II lays down supplementing rules regarding the establishment of restricted zones in the event of official confirmation of a category A disease in kept animals as referred to in Article 64 and 67 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    3. Chapter III lays down supplementing rules regarding the repopulation of the restricted zone with kept animals in the event of official confirmation of a category A disease as referred to in Articles 63 and 68 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    4. Chapter IV lays down supplementing rules regarding disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of a category A disease in wild animals as referred to in Article 70 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    5. Chapter V lays down supplementing rules on disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of category B and C diseases in terrestrial animals as referred to in Article 74 and 77 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

  2. Part III covers kept and wild aquatic animals, and in particular:

    1. Chapter I lays down supplementing rules on disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of a category A disease in aquatic animals as referred to in Articles 53, 54, 55, 58 and 63 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    2. Chapter II lays down supplementing rules regarding the establishment of restricted zones in the event of official confirmation of a category A disease in aquaculture animals as referred to in Article 64 and 67 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    3. Chapter III lays down supplementing rules regarding disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of a category A disease in wild aquatic animals as referred to in Article 70 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

    4. Chapter IV lays down supplementing rules on disease control measures in the event of suspicion and official confirmation of category B and C diseases in aquatic animals as referred to in Article 74 and 77 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;

  3. Part IV covers final provisions.

Article 2 Definitions

For the purposes of this Regulation, definitions laid down in Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 and Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council(12) shall apply, except where those definitions cover terms that are defined in the second paragraph of this Article.

In addition, the following definitions shall also apply:

  1. ‘means of transport’ means road or rail vehicle, vessels and aircrafts;

  2. ‘day-old chicks’ means poultry less than 72 hours old;

  3. ‘semen’ means the ejaculate of an animal or animals, either in the unaltered state or prepared or diluted;

  4. ‘oocytes’ means the haploid stages of the ootidogenesis including secondary oocytes and ova;

  5. ‘embryo’ means the initial stage of development of an animal while it is capable of being transferred to a recipient dam;

  6. ‘fresh meat’ means meat, minced meat and meat preparations, including vacuum-wrapped or wrapped in a controlled atmosphere, which has not undergone any process other than chilling, freezing or quick-freezing;

  7. ‘carcass of an ungulate’ means the whole body of a slaughtered or killed ungulate after:

    • bleeding, in the case of slaughtered animals,

    • evisceration,

    • removal of the limbs at the carpus and tarsus,

    • removal of the tail, the udder, the head and the skin, except in porcine animals;

  8. ‘offal’ means fresh meat other than that of the carcass as defined in (7), even if it remains naturally connected to the carcass;

  9. ‘meat products’ means processed products, including treated stomachs, bladders, intestines, rendered fats, meat extracts and blood products, resulting from the processing of meat or from the further processing of such processed products, so that the cut surface shows that the product no longer has the characteristics of fresh meat;

  10. ‘casings’ means the bladders and intestines that after cleaning have been processed by tissue scraping, defatting and washing and have been dried after salting;

  11. ‘colostrum’ means the fluid secreted by the mammary glands of kept animals up to five days post parturition that is rich in antibodies and minerals, and precedes the production of raw milk.

  12. ‘colostrum-based products’ means processed products resulting from the processing of colostrum or from the further processing of such processed products;

  13. ‘safe commodity’ means a commodity that can be moved without the need for risk mitigation measures specifically directed against a particular listed disease regardless of the status of the Member State or zone of origin for that disease;

  14. ‘supply chain’ means an integrated production chain of a common health status as regards listed diseases consisting of a collaborative network of specialised establishments approved by the competent authority for the purpose of Article 45, between which animals are moved to complete the production cycle;

  15. ‘infected zone’ means a zone in which restrictions on the movements of kept and wild animals or products and other disease control and biosecurity measures may be applied with the view to preventing the spread of a category A disease in the event of official confirmation of the disease in wild animals.

Article 3 Clinical examinations, sampling procedures and diagnostic methods


Where clinical examinations of animals are required pursuant to this Regulation in order to confirm or rule out the presence of a category A disease, the competent authority shall ensure that:

  1. the sampling of animals for clinical examination is carried out in accordance with:

    1. point A.1 of Annex I for terrestrial animals; and

    2. point 1 of Annex XII for aquatic animals;

  2. the clinical examination comprises:

    1. an initial general evaluation of the animal health status of the establishment which comprises all the animals of listed species kept in the establishment; and

    2. an individual examination of the animals included in the sample referred to in point (a).


Where laboratory examinations are required pursuant to this Regulation in order to confirm or rule out the presence of a category A disease, the competent authority shall ensure that:

  1. the sampling of animals for laboratory examination is carried out in accordance with:

    1. point A.2 of Annex I for terrestrial animals; and

    2. point 1(b), (c), (d) and (e) of Annex XII for aquatic animals;

  2. the diagnostic methods for laboratory examinations fulfil the requirements set out in:

    1. point B of Annex I for terrestrial animals; and

    2. point 2 of Annex XII for aquatic animals;

  3. the samples are sent:

    1. without delay to an official laboratory designated in accordance with Article 37 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council(13);

    2. in accordance with point C of Annex I for terrestrial animals and point 1(f) of Annex XII for aquatic animals; and

    3. following any other instruction from the competent authority and from the laboratory regarding biosecurity and biosafety conditions to prevent the spread of category A disease agents;

  4. in the case of kept animals:

    1. an inventory of all kept animals on the establishment and their species and categories is compiled; for poultry and aquaculture animals the number of animals may be estimated; and

    2. an identification mark of each sampled animal of listed species, or in the case of poultry and aquaculture animals the batch number, is recorded.

Article 4 Contingency plans


CHAPTER I Disease control measures for category A diseases in kept terrestrial animals

Section 1 Preliminary disease control measures in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals

Article 5 Obligations on operators in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment
Article 6 Investigation by the competent authority in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment
Article 7 Preliminary restriction and biosecurity measures in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment
Article 8 Inventory and records analysis in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment
Article 9 Temporary restricted zones in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept terrestrial animals in an establishment
Article 10 Measures to apply in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in food and feed businesses, border control posts, animal by-products establishments or any other location of relevance, including means of transport

Section 2 Disease control measures in the event of the official confirmation of a category A disease in kept animals

Article 11 Official confirmation of a category A disease in kept terrestrial animals
Article 12 Disease control measures in the event of official confirmation of an outbreak of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment
Article 13 Specific derogations from Article 12(1)(a)
Article 14 Additional disease control measures in the event of an outbreak of a category A disease in kept terrestrial animals in an establishment
Article 15 Preliminary cleaning and disinfection and control of insects and rodents in the affected establishment
Article 16 Derogations and special rules for the preliminary cleaning and disinfection and control of vectors
Article 17 Identification of epidemiologically linked establishments and other locations of relevance, including means of transport
Article 18 Measures to be applied in the epidemiologically linked establishments and other locations of relevance, including means of transport
Article 19 Measures to be applied to the products identified by the tracing
Article 20 Measures to be applied in the event of official confirmation of an outbreak of a category A disease in food and feed businesses, border control posts, animal by-products establishments and any other location of relevance, including means of transport

CHAPTER II Disease control measures for category A diseases of kept terrestrial animals in the restricted zones

Section 1 General disease control measures in the restricted zone

Article 21 Establishment of a restricted zone
Article 22 Measures to be applied in the restricted zone
Article 23 Derogations from measures to be applied in the restricted zone
Article 24 Requirements for the means of transport of kept animals of listed species and products thereof

Section 2 Disease control measures in the protection zone

Article 25 Measures to be applied in establishments keeping animals of listed species in the protection zone
Article 26 Visits by official veterinarians in establishments in the protection zone
Article 27 Prohibitions in relation to activities, including movements, concerning animals, products and other material within, from or to the protection zone
Article 28 General conditions to grant derogations from prohibitions in the protection zone
Article 29 Specific conditions for authorising movements for slaughter of kept animals of listed species in the protection zone
Article 30 Specific conditions for authorising certain movements of poultry from establishments located in the protection zone
Article 31 Specific conditions for authorising certain movements of hatching eggs in the protection zone
Article 32 Specific conditions for authorising movements of semen from approved germinal product establishments in the protection zone
Article 33 Specific conditions for authorising movements of fresh meat and raw milk obtained from kept animals of listed species from establishments in the protection zone
Article 34 Specific conditions for authorising movements of eggs for human consumption from establishments located in the protection zone
Article 35 Specific conditions for authorising movements of manure, including litter and used bedding from establishments located in the protection zone to a landfill
Article 36 Specific conditions for authorising the movement of feed materials of plant origin and straw from the protection zone
Article 37 Specific conditions for authorising movements of kept animals of listed species and products to an animal by-products approved plant
Article 38 Measures to be applied in food and feed businesses, border control posts, animal by-products establishments or any other location of relevance in the protection zone, including means of transport
Article 39 Duration of the disease control measures in the protection zone

Section 3 Disease control measures in the surveillance zone

Article 40 Measures to be applied in establishments in the surveillance zone
Article 41 Visits by the official veterinarians in establishments in the surveillance zone
Article 42 Prohibitions in relation to activities, including movements, concerning animals, products and other material within, from or to the surveillance zone
Article 43 General conditions for granting derogations from prohibitions provided for in Article 42
Article 44 Specific conditions for authorising movements for slaughter of kept animals of listed species within, from and to the surveillance zone
Article 45 Specific conditions for authorising certain movements of kept ungulates of listed species from establishments in the surveillance zone
Article 46 Specific conditions for authorising certain movements of poultry from establishments located in the surveillance zone
Article 47 Specific conditions for authorising certain movements of hatching eggs to and from establishments in the surveillance zone
Article 48 Specific conditions for authorising movements of semen from approved germinal product establishments in the surveillance zone
Article 49 Specific conditions for authorising movements of fresh meat and raw milk obtained from kept animals of listed species from establishments located in the surveillance zone
Article 50 Specific conditions for authorising movements of eggs for human consumption from establishments in the surveillance zone
Article 51 Specific conditions for authorising movements of manure, including litter and used bedding, from establishments in the surveillance zone
Article 52 Specific conditions for authorising the movement of feed materials of plant origin and straw from the surveillance zone
Article 53 Specific conditions for authorising movements of kept animals of listed species and products to an approved plant
Article 54 Measures to be applied in food and feed businesses, border control posts, animal by-products establishments or any other location of relevance in the surveillance zone, including means of transport
Article 55 Duration of the disease control measures in the surveillance zone

Section 4 Derogations applicable in the restricted zone in the case of further disease outbreaks

Article 56 Derogations from prohibitions of movements of animals within the restricted zones when restriction measures are maintained

CHAPTER III Repopulation with terrestrial animals of establishments in restricted zones

Article 57 Conditions to authorise the repopulation of the affected establishment

Article 58 Derogation from the requirement provided for in Article 55(1)(b)

Article 59 Requirements for the repopulation of the affected establishment with kept animals of listed species

Article 60 Additional requirements for the repopulation of the affected establishment

Article 61 End of the repopulation of the affected establishment and lifting of disease control measures in the affected establishment

CHAPTER IV Disease control measures in wild animals of listed species

Article 62 Measures in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in wild animals of listed species

Article 63 Measures in the event of an outbreak of a category A disease in wild animals of listed species

Article 64 Measures to be applied in the infected zone

Article 65 Additional measures to apply in the infected zone

Article 66 Operational expert group

Article 67 Duration of measures in the infected zone

CHAPTER V Disease control measures for category B and C diseases of terrestrial animals

Article 68 Preliminary disease control measures to be applied when a category B or C disease is suspected by the competent authority in Member States or zones that have been granted with the disease free status

Article 69 Disease control measures to be applied when a category B or C disease is confirmed


CHAPTER I Disease control measures for category A diseases in aquaculture animals

Section 1 Preliminary disease control measures in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in aquaculture animals

Article 70 Obligations on operators in the event of suspicion of category A disease in aquaculture animals in establishments
Article 71 Investigation by the competent authority of the suspicion of a category A disease in aquaculture animals in an establishment
Article 72 Preliminary restriction and biosecurity measures to be applied in the event of the suspicion of a category A disease in aquaculture animals
Article 73 Inventory and record analysis in the event of the suspicion of a category A disease in aquaculture animals
Article 74 Extension of disease control measures in the event of the suspicion of a category A disease to other establishments
Article 75 Temporary restricted zones around the establishment
Article 76 Measures to apply in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in food and feed businesses, purification centre, dispatch centre, border control posts, animal by-products establishments or any other location of relevance, including means of transport

Section 2 Disease control measures in the event of official confirmation of A category A disease in aquaculture animals

Article 77 Official confirmation of a category A disease in aquaculture animals
Article 78 Disease control measures in the event of official confirmation of an outbreak of category A disease in an establishment
Article 79 Specific derogations from control measures in establishments where listed species are kept for scientific purposes or purposes related to conservation of endangered species
Article 80 Cleaning and disinfection
Article 81 Fallowing of the affected establishment
Article 82 Extension of disease control measures in the event of confirmation of a category A disease
Article 83 Placing on the market of products of animal origin from aquaculture animals of listed species produced in infected establishments
Article 84 Measures to be applied in the event of confirmation of category A diseases in, food and feed businesses, purification centre, dispatch centre, border control posts or any other location of relevance, including means of transport

CHAPTER II Disease control measures for category A diseases of aquaculture animals in the restricted zone

Section 1 General disease control measures in the restricted zone

Article 85 Establishment of a restricted zone
Article 86 Measures to be applied in the restricted zone

Section 2 Disease control measures in the protection zone

Article 87 Measures to be applied in establishments keeping aquaculture animals in the protection zone
Article 88 Visits by official veterinarians in establishments in the protection zone
Article 89 Prohibitions in relation to movements of aquaculture animals, products from aquaculture animals, other substances and material within, from or to the protection zone
Article 90 General conditions to grant derogations from prohibitions of movement and transport concerning aquatic animals and products in the protection zone
Article 91 Specific conditions for slaughter, and movements for slaughter or processing of aquaculture animals from listed species from establishments in the protection zone
Article 92 Specific conditions for placing on the market of products of animal origin from aquaculture animals of listed species produced in non-affected establishments in the protection zone
Article 93 Special conditions for authorising transport of unprocessed animal by-products from establishments located in the protection zone
Article 94 Risk-mitigating measures concerning certain activities related to aquatic animals within the protection zone
Article 95 Measures to be applied in food and feed businesses, purification centre, dispatch centres, border control posts, animal by-products establishments or any other location of relevance in the protection zone, including means of transport
Article 96 Removal of aquaculture animals from affected establishments and subsequent risk- mitigating measures
Article 97 Duration of disease control measures in the protection zone, repopulation of establishments covered by the protection zone

Section 3 Disease control measures in the surveillance zone

Article 98 Measures to be applied in establishments in the surveillance zone
Article 99 Measures in relation to the movement and transport of aquaculture animals within from or to the surveillance zone
Article 100 Measures to be applied in food and feed businesses, purification centre, dispatch centres, border control posts, animal by-products establishments or any other location of relevance in the surveillance zone, including means of transport
Article 101 Duration of disease control measures in the surveillance zone

CHAPTER III Disease control measures in wild aquatic animals

Article 102 Measures in the event of a suspect case of a category A disease in wild aquatic animals of listed species

Article 103 Measures in the event of an outbreak of a category A disease in wild aquatic animals of listed species

Article 104 Measures to be applied in the infected zone

Article 105 Additional measures to be applied in the infected zone

Article 106 Extension of measures

Article 107 Operational expert group

Article 108 Measures in the establishments within the infected zone

Article 109 Duration of the measures in the infected zone

CHAPTER IV Disease control measures for category B and C diseases of aquatic animals

Article 110 Preliminary disease control measures to be applied when a category B or C disease is suspected by the competent authority in Member States, zones or compartments that have been granted a disease free status

Article 111 Disease control measures to be applied when a category B or C disease is confirmed


Article 112 Repeals

Article 113 Entry into force and application