‘1. |
Date of birth: 28 October 1964
Gender: male
Minister for Electrical Energy since October 2020, Vice-President of Public Works and Services and Executive Secretary of the Electrical General Staff since April 2019. Minister for Interior, Justice and Peace from 2016 until October 2020. General in Chief of the Bolivarian National Guard since August 2020. Responsible for serious human rights violations, including the torture of (political) prisoners, and the repression of the democratic opposition in Venezuela, including the prohibition and repression of political demonstrations, committed by security forces under his command. |
4. |
Date of birth: 13 June 1961
Gender: male
Member of the non-democratically elected National Assembly. Chief of the Capital District (Distrito Capital) Government until January 2018. General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard until 21 June 2017. Involved in the repression of civil society and democratic opposition in Venezuela, and responsible for serious human rights violations committed by the Bolivarian National Guard under his command. His actions and policies as General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard, including the Bolivarian National Guard taking the lead in the policing of civilian demonstrations and publicly advocating that military courts should have jurisdiction over civilians, have undermined the rule of law in Venezuela. |
7. |
Date of birth: 15 April 1963
Gender: male
Member of the non-democratically elected National Assembly, former President of the Constituent Assembly and First Vice-President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). Involved in undermining democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by using the media to publicly attack and threaten political opposition, other media and civil society. |
10. |
Date of birth: 19 July 1962
Gender: male
President of the Defence and Security Committee of the non-democratically elected National Assembly since January 2021. Former Chief of the General Staff of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (between July 2019 and September 2020). Former Commander in Chief of the Venezuelan Bolivarian National Army (until July 2019). Former General Commander of the Venezuelan Bolivarian National Army and former Commander of Venezuela’s Comprehensive Defence Region of the Central Zone (REDI Central). Responsible for serious human rights violations by forces under his command during his tenure as General Commander of the Venezuelan Bolivarian National Army, including the use of excessive force and the mistreatment of detainees. He has targeted the democratic opposition and supported the use of military courts to try civilian protestors. |
12. |
Date of birth: 18 May 1969
Gender: female
Vice-President of Venezuela, Minister of the Economy, Finances and Trade. Former President of the illegitimate Constituent Assembly and former member of the Presidential Commission for the illegitimate National Constituent Assembly. Her actions in the Presidential Commission and then as President of the illegitimate Constituent Assembly have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including usurping the powers of the National Assembly and using them to target the opposition and to prevent them from taking part in the political process. |
18. |
Xavier Antonio MORENO REYES |
Gender: male |
Secretary-General of the National Electoral Council (CNE) from 2009 until June 2020. In that role, Moreno Reyes facilitated, legitimised and gave credibility to CNE decisions, since the Secretary-General of the CNE has a role in agenda-setting and formalising decisions. Moreno Reyes remained Secretary-General of CNE while democracy was severely undermined and the independent role of the CNE within the electoral process was compromised. He is therefore responsible for undermining democracy in Venezuela, including facilitating the establishment of the illegitimate Constituent Assembly and the manipulation of the electoral process. |
20. |
Date of birth: 28 February 1968
ID number: V-6250588
Gender: male
Division General of the Venezuelan Bolivarian National Army since 5 July 2019. Former deputy Director of the Directorate-General of Military Counter-Intelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)). Responsible for serious human rights violations, including torture, the use of excessive force and the mistreatment of detainees in DGCIM facilities, that were committed by DGCIM officials under his command. Linked to the death of Captain Acosta. |
25. |
Hannover Esteban GUERRERO MIJARES |
Date of birth: 14 January 1971
Gender: male
Second Commander and Chief of Staff of the 35th Military Police Brigade since August 2020. Head of Investigations at the Directorate-General of Military Counter-Intelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)) from at least April 2019 to August 2019. As Head of Investigations, he supervised the DGCIM facility in Boleita. Responsible for serious human rights violations, including torture, the use of excessive force and the ill-treatment of detainees committed by himself and by officials under his command, particularly in Boleita. Linked to the death of Captain Acosta. |
27. |
Date of birth: 9 November 1952
Place of birth: Puerto Santo, Sucre, Venezuela
ID number: V-4114842
Gender: female
Member of the non-democratically elected National Assembly and former member and the Second Vice-President of the non-recognised National Constituent Assembly (ANC). In her leading role in the non-recognised ANC, she has undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela including by signing the decree that stripped the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, of his parliamentary immunity. |
28. |
Tania Valentina DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ |
Date of birth: 18 June 1963
Place of birth: Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela
ID number: V-6432672
Gender: female
Member of the non-democratically elected National Assembly and former First Vice-President of the non-recognised National Constituent Assembly (ANC). In her leading role in the non-recognised ANC she has undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by signing the decree that stripped the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, of his parliamentary immunity. |
29. |
Date of birth: 4 August 1963
Place of birth: Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela
ID number: V-7659695
Gender: male
Comptroller General, since 23 October 2018, and former First and Second Vice-President of the non-recognised National Constituent Assembly (ANC). His actions have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, including by banning opposition members from holding public office for 15 years and leading the non-recognised ANC, signing the ‘law against hatred’, justifying the removal of a legally-elected opposition governor and banning Juan Guaidó from running for any public office. |
34. |
Luis Eduardo PARRA RIVERO |
Date of birth: 7 July 1978
ID number: V-14211633
Gender: male
Member of the non-democratically elected National Assembly. As a member of the National Assembly elected in 2015, he staged his election as President of the National Assembly on 5 January 2020, thereby undermining democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela. The election took place while entry of several parliamentarians to the premises of the National Assembly was blocked by military police, and without a quorum being reached. Therefore, opposition members had to organise themselves outside of the premises of the National Assembly to re-elect Juan Guaidó as its President. Shortly after the staged election of Parra Rivero, supported by the regime’s political party (PSUV), Parra Rivero was welcomed by Maduro and the non-recognised National Constituent Assembly (ANC). |
35. |
Franklyn Leonardo DUARTE |
Date of birth: 15 May 1977
ID number: V-3304045
Gender: male
Member of the non-democratically elected National Assembly. Former member and illegitimately elected first Vice-President of the National Assembly elected in 2015. As a member of the National Assembly elected in 2015, he staged his election as the first Vice-President of the National Assembly on 5 January 2020, thereby undermining democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela. The election took place while entry of several parliamentarians to the premises of the National Assembly was blocked by military police, and without a quorum being reached. Therefore, opposition members had to organise themselves outside of the premises of the National Assembly to re-elect Juan Guaidó as its President. Shortly after the staged election of Duarte, supported by the regime’s political party (PSUV), the election of the Board of Directors of the National Assembly was welcomed by Maduro and the non-recognised National Constituent Assembly (ANC). |
36. |
Date of birth: 21 February 1969
ID number: V-8348784
Gender: male
Member of the non-democratically elected National Assembly. Former member and illegitimately elected second Vice-President of the National Assembly elected in 2015. Illegitimately appointed director of the ad-hoc board of the political party Voluntad Popular. As a member of the National Assembly elected in 2015, he staged his election as the second Vice-President of the National Assembly on 5 January 2020, thereby undermining democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela. The election took place while entry of several parliamentarians to the premises of the National Assembly was blocked by military police, and without a quorum being reached. Therefore, opposition members had to organise themselves outside of the premises of the National Assembly to re-elect Juan Guaidó as its President. Shortly after the staged election of Noriega, supported by the regime’s political party (PSUV), the election of the Board of Directors of the National Assembly was welcomed by Maduro and the non-recognised National Constituent Assembly (ANC). In July 2020, Noriega, helped by the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)), illegitimately took over the leadership of the political party Voluntad Popular, thereby further undermining democracy in Venezuela. |
37. |
Date of birth: 1 May 1963
ID-number: V-6557495
Gender: male
Former commander of the Operational and Strategic Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces of Venezuela (Comando Estratégico Operacional Fuerzas Armadas Nacionales Bolivarianas (CEOFANB)), the highest organ in the Venezuelan Armed Forces (June 2017–July 2021). CEOFANB controls the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and the Bolivarian National Guard. CEOFANB is also responsible for coordinating FANB interventions in demonstrations.
In his position as commander of CEOFANB, he was responsible for serious human rights violations, including the use of excessive force and inhuman and degrading treatment by officials of the FANB and by subordinate forces under his command, including the Bolivarian National Guard. Various sources, including the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, attribute human rights violations to FANB and the Bolivarian National Guard.
41. |
Date of birth: 27 April 1946
Gender: male
Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, he is responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. His actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and he has supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch. |
42. |
Lourdes Benicia SUÁREZ ANDERSON |
Date of birth: 7 March 1965
Gender: female
President of the Constitutional Chamber and first Vice-president of the Supreme Court since 5 February 2021. Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)) since December 2005. As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, she is responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. Her actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and she has supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch. |
43. |
Calixto Antonio ORTEGA RÍOS |
Date of birth: 12 October 1950
Gender: male
Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, he is responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. His actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and he has supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch. |
44. |
Gender: male |
Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, he is responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. His actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and he has supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch. |
45. |
Date of birth: 23 September 1954
Gender: male
Judge and Vice-President of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, he is responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. His actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and he has supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch. |
46. |
Carmen Auxiliadora ZULETA DE MERCHÁN |
Date of birth: 13 December 1947
Gender: female
Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, she is responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020, as well as the extension of the ruling on Acción Democrática for one more year in May 2021. Her actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and she has supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive branch. |
47. |
Date of birth: 29 April 1968
Place of birth: La Guaira (La Guaira State, Venezuela)
ID-number: V-6978710
Gender: female
President of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)) since May 2021. Former chairwoman of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)), appointed on 13 June 2020. Former member of the Electoral Chamber and Plenary Chamber of the Supreme Court (TSJ), Second Vice-Chairwoman of the TSJ from 2015 until 24 February 2017, Vice-Chairwoman of the TSJ from 24 February 2017 until 12 June 2020. As member of the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ, Alfonzo Izaguirre is responsible for the actions taken against the then newly elected National Assembly in December 2015, resulting in the impossibility for the National Assembly to exert its legislative power. Moreover, she accepted her appointment as the chairwoman of the CNE in June 2020 by the TSJ although this prerogative belongs to the National Assembly. In that role she prepared and supervised the non-democratic elections of the National Assembly held on 6 December 2020 and participated in the change of 30 June 2020 to the electoral norms for those elections, without formally leaving the TSJ (temporary permit to integrate the CNE). After the renewal of the CNE in May 2021, she returned to the TSJ. Her actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela. |
48. |
Leonardo Enrique MORALES POLEO |
Gender: male |
Former Vice-President of the National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) and President of the Political Participation and Financing Commission (August 2020–May 2021).
Morales Poleo was appointed Vice-President of the CNE and President of the Political Participation and Financing Commission on 7 August 2020 by the Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)) although this prerogative belongs to the National Assembly. Moreover, just prior to his appointment he served in the Advanced Progressive Party (Avanzada progresista). As member of the CNE, he fully took part in the supervision of the electoral process that led to the non-democratic elections of the National Assembly on 6 December 2020. His actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela.
51. |
Carlos Ramón Enrique CARVALLO GUEVARA |
ID-number: V-10132041
Gender: male
President of state enterprise Corporación Ecosocialista Ezequiel Zamora (CORPOEZ) since March 2021. Division General, and Deputy Director of the Directorate-General of Military Counter-Intelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)) from 21 August 2020 until 11 March 2021. Successor of General Rafael Ramón Blanco Marrero. Previously, Carvallo Guevara served for the DGCIM in Los Andes region and held an upper rank position in the Bolivarian National Guard. Responsible for serious human rights violations in Venezuela committed by DGCIM officials under his command. In the recently published findings of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, DGCIM is characterised as an institution directly responsible for carrying out severe human rights violations. |
53. |
Carlos Enrique TERÁN HURTADO |
ID-number: V-8042567
Gender: male
Brigadier General since 5 July 2019 and head of the Special Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Directorate-General of Military Counter-Intelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)) from 2019 until 2021. In previous functions, Brigadier General Terán Hurtado served as head of the police in Falcón state and head of DGCIM in Táchira state. Responsible for serious human rights violations, including cruel and inhumane treatment of detainees, committed by DGCIM officials under his command. In the detailed findings of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Brigadier General Terán Hurtado is specifically pointed out as one of the responsible actors, and is linked to the captain de la Sotta case. |
55. |
Douglas Arnoldo RICO GONZÁLEZ |
Date of birth: 28 September 1969
ID-number: V-6864238
Gender: male
Director of the Bureau for Scientific, Criminal, and Forensic Investigations (Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas (CICPC)) since 5 February 2016. Previously, he acted as CICPC deputy director. Responsible for serious human rights violations, by CICPC officials under his authority. The report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela characterises CICPC as an institution that commits systematic human rights violations in Venezuela. CICPC is also involved in extra-judicial killings, according to the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights released on 16 June 2021. |
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