‘11. |
Aliaksandr Valerievich BYKAU
Alexander (Alexandr) Valerievich BYKOV
Аляксандр Валер’евiч БЫКАЎ
Александр Валерьевич БЫКОВ
Position(s): First Deputy Commander of the Interior Troops, former Commander of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR), Lieutenant Colonel
Gender: male
In his former position as Commander of the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was responsible for the repression and intimidation campaign led by SOBR forces in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, in particular arbitrary arrests and ill-treatment, including torture, of peaceful demonstrators.
He remains active in the Lukashenka regime as First Deputy Commander of the Interior Troops.
39. |
Sviatlana Piatrouna KATSUBA
Svetlana Petrovna KATSUBO
Святлана Пятроўна КАЦУБА
Светлана Петровна КАЦУБО
Position(s): Chair of Social Humanities and Legal Disciplines at Gomel/Homyel State Technical University, former Member of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC)
DOB: 6.8.1959
POB: Podilsk, Odessa Region/Oblast, former USSR (now Ukraine)
Gender: female
In her former position as a member of the CEC college, she was responsible for its misconduct in the 2020 presidential electoral process, its non-compliance with basic international standards of fairness and transparency and its falsification of election results.
The CEC and its college have, in particular, organised the dismissal of certain opposition candidates on spurious grounds and placed disproportionate restrictions on observers in polling stations. The CEC has also ensured that the election commissions under its supervision are composed in a biased manner.
She remains active in the Lukashenka regime as the Chair of Social Humanities and Legal Disciplines at Gomel/Homyel State Technical University.
41. |
Igar Anatolievich PLYSHEUSKI
Ihor Anatolievich PLYSHEVSKIY
Iгар Анатольевiч ПЛЫШЭЎСКI
Игорь Анатольевич ПЛЫШЕВСКИЙ
Position(s): Managing Director of OOO Bergia Group, former Member of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC)
DOB: 19.2.1979
POB: Lyuban, former USSR (now Belarus)
Gender: male
In his former position as a member of the CEC college, he was responsible for its misconduct in the 2020 presidential electoral process, its non-compliance with basic international standards of fairness and transparency and its falsification of election results.
The CEC and its college have, in particular, organised the dismissal of certain opposition candidates on spurious grounds and placed disproportionate restrictions on observers in polling stations. The CEC has also ensured that the election commissions under its supervision are composed in a biased manner.
He remains active in the Lukashenka regime as the Managing Director of OOO Bergia Group.
43. |
Aleh Leanidavich SLIZHEUSKI
Oleg Leonidovich SLIZHEVSKI
Алег Леанiдавiч СЛIЖЭЎСКI
Олег Леонидович СЛИЖЕВСКИЙ
Position(s): Head of the Legal Support Department of the Permanent Committee of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, former Member of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC)
DOB: 16.8.1972
POB: Grodno/Hrodna, former USSR (now Belarus)
Gender: male
In his former position as a member of the CEC college, he was responsible for its misconduct in the 2020 presidential electoral process, its non-compliance with basic international standards of fairness and transparency and its falsification of election results.
The CEC and its college have, in particular, organised the dismissal of certain opposition candidates on spurious grounds and placed disproportionate restrictions on observers in polling stations. The CEC has also ensured that the election commissions under its supervision are composed in a biased manner.
He remains active in the Lukashenka regime as head of the Legal Support Department of the Permanent Committee of the Union State of Belarus and Russia.
44. |
Irina Aliaksandrauna TSELIKAVETS
Irina Alexandrovna TSELIKOVEC
Iрына Аляксандраўна ЦЭЛIКАВЕЦ
Ирина Александровна ЦЕЛИКОВЕЦ
Position(s): Former Member of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC)
DOB: 2.11.1976
POB: Zhlobin, former USSR (now Belarus)
Gender: female
In her former position as a member of the CEC college, she was responsible for its misconduct in the 2020 presidential electoral process, its non-compliance with basic international standards of fairness and transparency and its falsification of election results.
The CEC and its college have, in particular, organised the dismissal of certain opposition candidates on spurious grounds and placed disproportionate restrictions on observers in polling stations. The CEC has also ensured that the election commissions under its supervision are composed in a biased manner.
67. |
Genadz Andreevich BOGDAN
Gennady Andreievich BOGDAN
Генадзь Андрэевiч БОГДАН
Геннадий Андреевич БОГДАН
Position(s): Former Deputy Head of the Belarus President Property Management Directorate
DOB: 8.1.1977
Gender: male
In his former position of Deputy Head of the Belarus President Property Management Directorate, he oversees the functioning of numerous enterprises. The body under his leadership provides financial, material and technical, social, household and medical support to the State apparatus and republican authorities. He is closely associated with the President and continues to support the Lukashenka regime. |
68. |
Ihar Paulavich BURMISTRAU
Igor Pavlovich BURMISTROV
Iгар Паўлавiч БУРМIСТРАЎ
Игорь Павлович БУРМИСТРОВ
Position(s): Former Chief of Staff and First Deputy Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
DOB: 30.9.1968
Gender: male
In his former leadership position as First Deputy Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was responsible for the repression and intimidation campaign led by the Internal Troops under his command in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, in particular arbitrary arrests and ill-treatment, including torture, of peaceful demonstrators as well as intimidation and violence against journalists.
He was passed to the military reserve. He has the right to wear military uniform and insignia.
69. |
Arciom Kanstantinavich DUNKA
Artem Konstantinovich DUNKO
Арцём Канстанцiнавiч ДУНЬКА
Артем Константинович ДУНЬКО
Position(s): Deputy Head of the Vitebsk/Viciebsk Region/Oblast Office of the Department of Financial Investigations of the State Control Committee, former Senior Inspector for Special Matters of the Department of Financial Investigations of the State Control Committee
DOB: 8.6.1990
Gender: male
In his former leadership position as Senior Inspector for Special Matters of the Department of Financial Investigations of the State Control Committee, he was responsible for the repression and intimidation campaign led by the State apparatus in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, in particular investigations launched into opposition leaders and activists.
He remains active in the Lukashenka regime as the Deputy Head of the Vitebsk/Viciebsk Region/Oblast Office of the Department of Financial Investigations of the State Control Committee.
75. |
Siarhei Leanidavich KALINNIK
Sergei Leonidovich KALINNIK
Сяргей Леанiдавiч КАЛИННИК
Сергей Леонидович КАЛИННИК
Position(s): Deputy Head of Criminal Police in the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee, former Police Colonel, Chief of the Sovetsky District Police Department of Minsk
DOB: 23.7.1979
Gender: male
In his former position as Chief of the Sovetsky District Police Department of Minsk, he was responsible for the repression and intimidation campaign led by the local police force under his command in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, in particular arbitrary arrests and ill-treatment, including torture, of peaceful demonstrators as well as intimidation and violence against journalists.
According to witnesses, he personally supervised and took part in torturing unlawfully detained protesters.
He remains active in the Lukashenka regime as the Deputy Head of Criminal Police in the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive. Committee.
87 |
Aliaksandr Vasilevich SHAKUTSIN
Aleksandr Vasilevich SHAKUTIN
Аляксандр Васiльевiч ШАКУЦIН
Александр Васильевич ШАКУТИН
Position(s): Businessman, chairman of the board of directors of Amkodor holding, shareholder of SV Maschinen GmbH, UAB EM System, Anulatrans SIA, Amkodor-Tsentr, OOO PMI Inzhiniring
DOB: 12.1.1959
POB: Bolshoe Babino, Orsha Rayon, Vitebsk/Viciebsk Region/Oblast, former USSR (now Belarus)
Gender: male
He is one of the leading businessmen operating in Belarus, with business interests in construction, machine building, agriculture and other sectors.
He is reported to be one of the persons who has benefitted most from privatisation during Lukashenka’s tenure as President. He is also a former member of the presidium of the pro-Lukashenka public association “Belaya Rus” and a former member of the Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus.
In July 2020, he made public comments condemning the opposition protests in Belarus, thus supporting the Lukashenka regime’s policy of repression towards peaceful protesters, democratic opposition and civil society.
He is therefore benefitting from and supporting the Lukashenka regime.
He maintains business interests in Belarus.
117. |
Aliaksandr Henadzevich BAKHANOVICH
Aleksandr Gennadevich BAKHANOVICH
Аляĸсандр Генадзевiч БАХАНОВIЧ
Алеĸсандр Геннадьевич БАХАНОВИЧ
Position(s): First Deputy Minister of Education, former Rector of the Brest State Technical University
DOB: 1972
Gender: male
Nationality: Belarusian
In his former position as the Rector of the Brest State Technical University, whose appointment was approved by Alexander Lukashenka, Aliaksandr Bakhanovich was responsible for the decision of the university administration to expel students for taking part in peaceful protests. The expulsion orders were made following Lukashenka’s call on 27 October 2020 to expel from universities students taking part in protests and strikes. In January 2023, Aliaksandr Bakhanovich was appointed First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
He is therefore responsible for the repression of civil society and is supporting the Lukashenka regime.
147. |
Siarhei Uladzimiravich USHAKOU
Sergei Vladimirovich USHAKOV
Сяргей Уладзiмiравiч УШАКОЎ
Сергей Владимирович УШАКОВ
Position(s): Head, and former Deputy Head, of the Frunzensky District Police Department of Minsk
DOB: 22.8.1980
POB: Minsk, former USSR (now Belarus)
Gender: male
Nationality: Belarusian
In his former position as the Deputy Head of the Frunzensky District Police Department of Minsk supervising criminal police, Siarhei Ushakou was responsible for the actions of his subordinates, especially inhumane and degrading treatment, including torture, inflicted on citizens detained in the Frunzensky District in the wake of the 2020 presidential election and for the general brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters. Officers under Ushakou’s direct supervision used torture against detainees.
He is therefore responsible for serious violations of human rights and the repression of civil society and democratic opposition.
He is currently the head of the Fruzensky District Police Department of Minsk.
161. |
Ihar Uladzimiravich HOLUB
Igor Vladimirovich GOLUB
Iгар Уладзiмiравiч ГОЛУБ
Игорь Владимирович ГОЛУБ
Position(s): Director of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, former Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence of the Armed Forces
DOB: 19.11.1967
POB: Chernigov, Chernigovskaya oblast, former USSR (now Ukraine)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Belarusian
Rank: Major General
BY passport number: KH2187962
Personal identification: 3191167E003PB1
In his former position as Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, Ihar Holub was responsible for the decision taken by the Command of the Air Forces and Air Defence Forces, on Lukashenka’s instructions, to dispatch military aircraft to escort the forced landing of passenger flight FR4978 in Minsk airport without proper justification on 23 May 2021.
This politically motivated decision was aimed at arresting and detaining opposition journalist Raman Pratasevich and Sofia Sapega and is a form of repression against civil society and democratic opposition in Belarus.
Following the incident, Ihar Holub gave press statements together with Belarusian Ministry of Transport Aviation Department Director Artem Sikorsky justifying the actions of the Belarusian aviation authorities.
He is therefore responsible for the repression of civil society and democratic opposition in Belarus, and is supporting the Lukashenka regime.
He remains active in the Lukashenka regime as the Director of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Belarus.
163. |
Leanid Mikalaevich CHURO
Leonid Nikolaevich CHURO
Леанiд Мiкалаевiч ЧУРО
Леонид Николаевич ЧУРО
Position(s): Chairman of the Republican Chess Federation – Public Association “Belarusian Chess Federation”, former Director General of BELAERONAVIGATSIA State-Owned Enterprise
DOB: 8.7.1956
Gender: Male
Nationality: Belarusian
BY passport number: P4289481
Personal identification: 3080756A068PB5
In his former position as Director General of the BELAERONAVIGATSIA State-Owned Enterprise, Leanid Churo was responsible for Belarusian air traffic control. He therefore bears responsibility for diverting passenger flight FR4978 to Minsk airport without proper justification on 23 May 2021. This politically motivated decision was aimed at arresting and detaining opposition journalist Raman Pratasevich and Sofia Sapega and is a form of repression against civil society and democratic opposition in Belarus.
He is therefore responsible for the repression of civil society and democratic opposition.
He remains active in the Lukashenka regime as the chairman of the Republican Chess Federation – Public Association “Belarusian Chess Federation”.
165. |
Artsiom Igaravich SIKORSKI
Artem Igorevich SIKORSKIY
Арцём Iгаравiч СIКОРСКI
Артем Игоревич СИКОРСКИЙ
Position(s): Director General of the BELAERONAVIGATSIA State-Owned Enterprise, former Director of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications
DOB: 1983
POB: Soligorsk, Minsk Region/Oblast, former USSR (now Belarus)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Belarusian
BY passport number: MP3785448
Personal identification: 3240483A023PB7
In his former capacity as the Director of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Belarus, Artsiom Sikorski was responsible for state management in the sphere of civil aviation and supervision of air traffic control. He therefore bears responsibility for diverting passenger flight FR4978 to Minsk on 23 May 2021 without a proper justification. This politically motivated decision was aimed at arresting and detaining the opposition journalist Raman Pratasevich and Sofia Sapega and is a form of repression against civil society and democratic opposition of Belarus.
Following the incident, he gave press statements together with Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, Ihar Holub, justifying the actions of the Belarusian aviation authorities.
He is therefore responsible for repression of civil society and democratic opposition and is supporting the Lukashenka regime.
He remains active in the Lukashenka regime as the Director General of the BELAERONAVIGATSIA State-Owned Enterprise.
168. |
Anatol Piatrovich LAPO
Anatoliy Petrovich LAPPO
Анатоль Пятровiч ЛАПО/ЛАППО
Анатолии Петрович ЛАППО
Position(s): Former Lieutenant General and Chairman of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus (appointed on 29 December 2016), Chief State Border Delegate
DOB: 24.5.1963
POB: Kulakovka, Mogilev Region/Oblast, former USSR (now Belarus)
Gender: male
Nationality: Belarusian
Passport number: MP4098888
Personal ID: 3240563K033PB5
In his former position as Chairman of the State Border Committee, Anatol Lapo was responsible for actions of border control bodies under his command, whose border guards were documented as directing, guiding or forcing migrants to illegally cross the border between Belarus and Union Member States, and whose deliberate failure to carry out their duties properly facilitates attempts by migrants to cross that border.
He is therefore responsible for organising activities by the Lukashenka regime that facilitate the illegal crossing of the external borders of the Union.
He was passed to the military reserve in May 2023.
169. |
Kanstantsin Henadzevich MOLASTAU
Konstantin Gennadevich MOLOSTOV
Канстанцiн Генадзьевiч МОЛАСТАЎ
Константин Геннадьевич МОЛОСТОВ
Position(s): Colonel, Chairman of the State Border Committee, former Head of the Grodno Border Group (appointed on 1 October 2014), Military Unit 2141, State Border Delegate
DOB: 30.5.1970
POB: Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov Region, Russian Federation
Gender: male
Nationality: Belarusian
Passport number: KH2479999
Personal ID: 3300570K025PB3
In his former position as Head of the Grodno Border Group, Kanstantsin Molastau was responsible for actions of border guards under his command. The deliberate failure of the Grodno Border Group to carry out its duties properly facilitates attempts by migrants to cross the border with Union Member States.
He is therefore contributing to activities by the Lukashenka regime that facilitate the illegal crossing of the external borders of the Union.
He was appointed by Lukashenka as the Chairman of the State Border Committee.
171. |
Ihar Mikalaevich GUTNIK
Igor Nikolaevich GUTNIK
Iгар Мiкалаевiч ГУТНIК
Игорь Николаевич ГУТНИК
Position(s): Colonel, Deputy Chairman of the State Border Committee, former Head of the Brest Border Group
DOB: 17.12.1974
POB: Village of Zabolotye, Smolevichi District, Minsk Region/Oblast, former USSR (now Belarus)
Address: 90 Heroes of Defense of the Brest Fortress St., 224018, Brest, Belarus
Gender: male
Nationality: Belarusian
Passport number: BM1962867
In his former position as Head of the Brest Border Group, Ihar Gutnik, who in 2018 became a deputy of the Brest Regional Council as one of the candidates loyal to Lukashenka, was responsible for the actions of the border guards under his command. The deliberate failure of the Brest Border Group to carry out its duties properly facilitates attempts by migrants to cross the border with Union Member States.
He is therefore contributing to activities by the Lukashenka regime that facilitate the illegal crossing of the external borders of the Union.
He was appointed by Lukashenka as Deputy Chairman of the State Border Committee.
173. |
Maksim Viktaravich BUTRANETS
Maxim Viktorovich BUTRANETS
Максiм Вiктаравiч БУТРАНЕЦ
Максим Викторович БУТРАНЕЦ
Position(s): Head of the Brest Border Group, former Head of the Smorgon Border Group, Military Unit 2044 (appointed in March 2018), State Border Delegate
DOB: 12.12.1978
POB: Sverdlovsk, former USSR (now Russian Federation)
Gender: male
Nationality: Belarusian
In his former position as Head of the Smorgon Border Group, Maksim Butranets was responsible for actions of border guards under his command. The deliberate failure of the Smorgon Border Group to carry out its duties properly facilitates attempts by migrants to cross the border with Union Member States. Maksim Butranets also stated that the number of migrants at the Belarusian-Lithuanian border remained at the usual level, despite the substantial increase observed on the Lithuanian side. He is therefore contributing to activities by the Lukashenka regime that facilitate the illegal crossing of the external borders of the Union.
He was appointed as the Head of the Brest Border Group.
195. |
Ivan Ivanavich GALAVATYI
Ivan Ivanovich GOLOVATY
Iван Iванавiч ГАЛАВАТЫ
Иван Иванович ГОЛОВАТЫЙ
Position(s): Director-General of the Open Joint Stock Company “Belaruskali”, Chairman of the supervisory board of JSC Belarussian Potash Company.
Member of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus for Foreign Affairs and National Security
DOB: 15.6.1976
POB: Pogost Settlement, Soligorsk District, Minsk Province, Belarus
Gender: male
Nationality: Belarusian
Ivan Galavatyi is the director general of the state-owned enterprise Belaruskali, which is a major source of revenue and foreign currency for the Lukashenka regime. He is a member of the Council of the Republic and the National Assembly. He also holds multiple other high positions in Belarus and he has received multiple state awards, including from Lukashenka’s hands, during his career. He has been closely associated with Lukashenka and members of his family. He is therefore benefitting from and supporting the Lukashenka regime.
As director general of Belaruskali, Ivan Galavatyi is directly involved in the Lukashenka regime’s relocation of Ukrainian children from occupied territories in collaboration with Russia. Therefore, Ivan Galavatyi supports the Lukashenka regime.
The employees of OJSC “Belaruskali” who took part in strikes and peaceful protests in the aftermath of the fraudulent August 2020 presidential elections in Belarus, were deprived of premiums and laid off. Alexander Lukashenka himself personally threatened to replace the strikers with miners from Ukraine. Therefore, as the head of Belaruskali, Ivan Galavatyi is responsible for the repression of civil society.
205. |
Sviatlana Aliaksandrauna BANDARENKA
Svetlana Aleksandrovna BONDARENKO
Святлана Аляксандраўна БАНДАРЭНКА
Светлана Александровна БОНДАРЕНКО
Position(s): Judge of the Supreme Court of Belarus, former Judge at the court of the Moskovsky district of Minsk
Gender: female
Nationality: Belarusian
In her former position as judge of the Moskovsky district of Minsk, Sviatlana Bandarenka was responsible for numerous politically-motivated rulings. She sentenced several Belarusian citizens for participating in protests and publishing anti-government comments on Telegram. She also sentenced the journalist Ekaterina Borisevich and the emergency hospital doctor Artyom Sorokin for disclosing medical secrets about Roman Bondarenko, who was beaten to death by the security forces.
She is therefore responsible for serious human rights violations and for seriously undermining the rule of law, as well as for the repression of civil society and democratic opposition in Belarus.
She was appointed by Lukashenka as judge of the Supreme Court of Belarus.