Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2025/88 of 13 January 2025 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207 concerning certain emergency measures relating to sheep pox and goat pox in Greece (notified under document C(2025) 196) (Only the Greek text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2025/88 of 13 January 2025 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207 concerning certain emergency measures relating to sheep pox and goat pox in Greece (notified under document C(2025) 196) (Only the Greek text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health (‘Animal Health Law’)(1), and in particular Article 259(1), thereof,
Sheep pox and goat pox is an infectious viral disease affecting caprine and ovine animals and it can have a severe impact on the concerned animal population and the profitability of farming causing disturbance to movements of consignments of those animals and products thereof within the Union and exports to third countries.
In the event of an outbreak of sheep pox and goat pox in caprine or ovine animals, there is a serious risk of the spread of that disease to other establishments of caprine or ovine animals.
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687(2) supplements the rules for the control of the listed diseases referred to in Article 9(1), points (a), (b) and (c), of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, and defined as category A, B and C diseases in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882(3). In particular, Articles 21 and 22 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687 provide for the establishment of a restricted zone in the event of an outbreak of a category A disease, including sheep pox and goat pox, and for certain measures to be applied therein. In addition, Article 21(1) of that Delegated Regulation provides that the restricted zone is to comprise a protection zone, a surveillance zone, and, if necessary, further restricted zones around or adjacent to the protection and surveillance zones.
In order to address outbreaks of sheep pox and goat pox in Greece, the Commission adopted Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207(4) on the basis of Article 259 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429. This Decision lays down certain emergency measures relating to sheep pox and goat pox in Greece. More particularly, Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207 provides that the protection, surveillance and further restricted zones to be established by that Member State, in accordance with Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687, following outbreaks of that disease are to comprise at least the areas listed in the Annex to that Implementing Decision.
After the adoption of Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207, Greece notified the Commission of additional outbreaks of sheep pox and goat pox in establishments where ovine and caprine animals were kept. As a result, the Annex to that Implementing Decision was duly amended several times to take account of those additional outbreaks.
Since the last amendment of Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207, Greece has notified the Commission of twenty nine new outbreaks of sheep pox and goat pox in establishments where ovine and caprine animals were kept, in the regional units of Aetolia-Acarnania, Chalkidiki, Euboea, Evros, Kavala, Lemnos Magnesia, Phocis, Rhodopi and Xanthi.
Therefore, the areas listed as protection, surveillance and further restricted zones for Greece in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207 should be further adjusted in order to prevent the further spread of the disease in Greece and to the rest of the Union or to third countries, and the duration of the measures to be applied therein should be adjusted. Accordingly, it is necessary to amend the list of restricted zones and the duration of the measures to be applied therein set out in the Annex to that Implementing Decision.
The size of the protection, surveillance and further restricted zones and the duration of the measures to apply therein is based on the criteria laid down in Article 64(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and the rules laid down in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687, including the epidemiological situation as regards sheep pox and goat pox in the areas affected by that disease and the overall epidemiological situation of sheep pox and goat pox in the Member State concerned by that disease as well as the level of risk for the further spread of the disease. The duration of the measures also takes into account the international standards of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). In the current situation, there is a very high risk of further spread of the disease, in particular due to the fact that, according to the information provided by the competent authority, the disease continues to persist, in spite of the measures already in place.
In addition, in view of the occurrence of numerous new outbreaks of sheep pox and goat pox in Greece during the past weeks, it is also necessary to prolong the prohibition on the movement of sheep and goats from the entire territory of Greece, to a destination located outside Greece, at least until 31 January 2025 in order to avoid the spread of the disease to the rest of the Union and to third countries, as well as unjustified trade barriers.
Taking into account the current epidemiological situation in the Union as regards sheep pox and goat pox, the period during which the measures provided for byImplementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207 need to apply should be prolonged until 30 June 2025.
The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,
Article 1 Amendments to Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207
Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2207 is amended as follows:
In Article 3, paragraph (e) the date ‘15 January 2025’ is replaced by ‘31 January 2025’;
in Article 4, the date ‘31 May 2025’ is replaced by ‘30 June 2025’;
the Annex is replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Decision.
Article 2 Addressee
This Decision is addressed to the Hellenic Republic.
Done at Brussels, 13 January 2025.
For the Commission
Olivér Várhelyi
Member of the Commission
A. Protection and surveillance zones established around the confirmed outbreaks
Regional unit and ADIS reference number of the outbreaks | Areas established as protection and surveillance zones, part of the restricted zone in Greece referred to in Article 2 | Date until applicable |
Regional unit of Evros GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00005 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00006 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00007 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00008 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00009 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00010 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00011 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00012 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00013 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00014 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00015 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00016 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00017 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00018 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00019 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00020 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00021 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00022 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00023 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00024 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00025 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00026 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00027 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00028 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00029 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00030 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00031 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00032 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00033 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00034 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00036 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00037 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00038 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00040 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00041 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00042 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00043 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00044 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00045 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00046 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00047 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00048 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00049 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00050 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00051 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00052 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00053 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00054 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00056 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00057 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00058 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00061 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00062 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00063 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00064 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00065 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00066 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00067 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00068 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00069 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00070 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00071 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00077 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00079 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00080 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00081 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00082 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00083 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00084 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00087 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00088 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00089 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00090 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00091 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00092 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00093 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00094 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00099 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00100 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00103 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00107 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00114 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00115 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00116 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00117 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00122 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00125 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00128 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00129 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00130 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00138 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00140 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00143 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00146 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00153 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00154 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00155 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00156 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00160 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00171 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00173 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00174 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00184 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00185 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00186 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00187 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00188 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00206 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00207 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00210 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00211 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00212 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00213 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00214 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00230 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00234 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00237 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00251 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00252 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00259 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00260 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00264 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00285 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00291 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00303 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00317 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional units of Evros and Rhodopi contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 41.49961111 Long. 26.54605556 (2024/5), Lat. 40.96145278, Long. 26.3345 (2024/6), Lat. 40.94543, Long. 26.275696 (2024/7), Lat. 40.876278, Long. 26.202551 (2024/8), Lat. 40.952487, Long. 26.280721 (2024/9) Lat. 40.920725, Long. 26.205981 (2024/10) Lat. 41.024363, Long. 26.302547 (2024/11), Lat. 41.51720278, Long. 26.54510278 (2024/12), Lat. 40.959944, Long. 26.336306 (2024/13), Lat. 40.93578, Long. 26.213778 (2024/14), Lat. 40.895996, Long. 26.222777 (2024/15), Lat. 40.900261, Long. 26.22288 (2024/16), Lat. 40.891842, Long. 26.146147 (2024/17), Lat. 40.933886, Long. 26.217318 (2024/18), Lat. 40.92507, Long. 26.212431 (2024/19), Lat. 41.278291, Long. 26.276953 (2024/20), Lat. 40.883228, Long. 26.157055 (2024/21), Lat. 40.923486, Long. 26.213196 (2024/22), Lat. 40.922552, Long. 26.209702 (2024/23), Lat. 40.925647, Long. 26.1662 (2024/24), Lat. 40.883022, Long. 26.227036 (2024/25), Lat 40.904757, Long. 26.178189 (2024/26), Lat. 40.848411, Long. 26.203314 (2024/27), Lat. 41.019251, Long. 26.269386 (2024/28), Lat. 41.48359444, Long. 26.57411944 (2024/29), Lat. 41.49358333, Long. 26.54305556 (2024/30), Lat. 41.51486111, Long. 26.54725 (2024/31), Lat. 40.89917, Long. 26.186411 (2024/32), Lat. 40.9941149, Long. 26.155657 (2024/33), Lat. 40.832839, Long. 26.131642 (2024/34), Lat.41.033936, Long. 26.289506 (2024/36), Lat. 40.907284, Long. 26.211295 (2024/37), Lat. 40.878159, Long. 26.19378 (2024/38), Lat. 41.462289, Long. 26.567053 (2024/40), Lat. 41.300453, Long. 26.443197 (2024/41), Lat. 41.519144, Long. 26.310606 (2024/42), Lat. 40.945707, Long. 26.276123 (2024/43), Lat. 40.942757, Long. 26.126487 (2024/44), Lat. 40.887613, Long. 26.15199 (2024/45), Lat. 41.028801, Long. 26.277341 (2024/46), Lat. 40.930925, Long. 26.11938 (2024/47), Lat. 40.885191, Long. 26.182334 (2024/48), Lat. 40.850308, Long. 26.091824 (2024/49), Lat. 40.851382, Long. 26.090704 (2024/50), Lat. 40.853496, Long. 26.089931 (2024/51), Lat. 41.217657, Long. 26.300685 (2024/52), Lat. 40.850681, Long. 26.01075 (2024/53), Lat. 40.849066, Long. 25.939879 (2024/54), Lat. 41.08794, Long. 26.279672 (2024/56), Lat. 40.87472, Long. 26.009628 (2024/57), Lat. 41.473893, Long. 26.555161 (2024/58), Lat. 41.528783, Long. 26.417419 (2024/61) Lat. 41.39908056, Long. 26.56387222 (2024/62), Lat. 40.893756, Long. 26.150647 (2024/63), Lat. 41.019552, Long. 26.196322 (2024/64), Lat. 41.41270833, Long. 26.56403056 (2024/65), Lat. 40.900392, Long. 26.112876 (2024/66), Lat. 40.965033, Long. 26.187687 (2024/67), Lat. 41.62475833 Long. 26.27744889 (2024/68), Lat. 40.870838, Long. 26.11549 (2024/69), Lat. 41.380414, Long. 26.395186 (2024/70), Lat. 40.856357, Long. 26.122206 (2024/71), Lat. 41.4182253, Long. 26.560739 (2024/77), Lat. 41.427997, Long. 26.572258 (2024/79), Lat. 40.87113, Long. 25.709353 (2024/80) Lat. 40.85034, Long. 26.101913 (2024/81), Lat. 40.928383 Long. 26.116747 (2024/82), Lat. 40.8551401 Long. 25.690297 (2024/83), Lat. 40.858591 Long. 26.042815 (2024/84), Lat. 41.35629167 Long. 26.43148056 (2024/87), Lat. 41.42259167 Long. 26.56001667 (2024/88), Lat. 41.54086944 Long. 26.35241389 (2024/89), Lat. 41.47519722 Long. 26.55548056 (2024/90), Lat. 41.36086944 Long. 26.43525556 (2024/91), Lat. 41.449444 Long. 26.46625 (2024/92), Lat. 41.135601 Long. 26.194665 (2024/93), Lat. 40.866037 Long. 25.782831 (2024/94), Lat. 40.877427 Long. 25.90458 (2024/99), Lat. 40.885413 Long. 26.0523361 (2024/100), Lat. 41.414608 Long. 26.516228 (2024/103), Lat. 40.864383 Long. 25.949066 (2024/107), Lat. 41.390983 Long. 26.588422 (2024/114), Lat.41.219334, Long. 26.234399(2024/115), Lat. 40.903296, Long. 25.891759 (2024/116), Lat. 40.850425, Long. 25.959503 (2024/117), Lat. 40.86506, Long. 25.90036 (2024/122), Lat. 41.518528, Long. 26.544417 (2024/125), Lat. 41.358525, Long. 26.537567 (2024/128), Lat. 26.449294, Long. 26.0377778 (2024/129), Lat. 41.571822, Long. 26.512456 (2024/130), Lat. 41.34507222, Long. 26.4879 (2024/138), Lat. 40.862166, Long. 26.009283 (2024/140), Lat. 40.876892, Long. 25.904419 (2024/143), Lat. 41.231436, Long. 26.162596 (2024/146), Lat. 40.967411, Long. 25.900136 (2024/153), Lat. 41.630486, Long. 26.342353 (2024/154), Lat. 41.377519, Long. 26.470558 (2024/155), Lat. 41.271791, Long. 26.32829 (2024/156), Lat. 40.98574, Long. 25.83728 (2024/160), Lat. 40.913466, Long. 25.984146 (2024/171), Lat. 41.414403, Long. 26.512664 (2024/173), Lat. 41.415186, Long. 26.512456 (2024/174), Lat. 40.861597, Long. 25.73542 (2024/184), Lat. 40.878662, Long. 25.914364 (2024/185), Lat. 41.348775, Long. 26.365325 (2024/186), Lat. 41.364444, Long. 26.533433 (2024/187), Lat. 41.357692, Long. 26.489086 (2024/188), Lat. 40.917224, Long. 25.665812 (2024/206), Lat. 40.890727, Long. 26.151725 (2024/207), Lat. 41.533861, Long. 26.512908 (2024/210), Lat. 41.472278, Long. 26.525497 (2024/211), Lat. 41.382958, Long. 26.617547 (2024/212), Lat. 41.409469, Long. 26.387683 (2024/213) Lat. 41.342108, Long. 26.491881 (2024/214), Lat. 41.284712, Long. 26.287889 (2024/230), Lat. 41.571794, Long. 26.448383 (2024/234), Lat. 41.439344, Long. 26.557019 (2024/237), Lat. 40.866929, Long. 25.898956 (2024/251), Lat. 41.248695, Long. 26.03492 (2024/252), Lat. 41.226333, Long. 26.035108 (2024/259), Lat. 40.919061, Long. 25.927281 (2024/260), Lat. 41.507572, Long. 26.274953 (2024/264), Lat. 41.412406, Long. 26.455869 (2024/285), Lat. 40.89931, Long. 25.925649 (2024/291), Lat. 41.589408, Long. 26.308633 (2024/303), Lat. 40.918476, Long. 25.669972 (2024/317) | 17.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Evros and Rhodopi, contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 41.49961111 Long. 26.54605556 (2024/5), Lat. 40.96145278, Long. 26.3345 (2024/6), Lat. 40.94543, Long. 26.275696 (2024/7), Lat. 40.876278, Long. 26.202551 (2024/8), Lat. 40.952487, Long. 26.280721 (2024/9) Lat. 40.920725, Long. 26.205981 (2024/10) Lat. 41.024363, Long. 26.302547 (2024/11), Lat. 41.51720278, Long. 26.54510278 (2024/12), Lat. 40.959944, Long. 26.336306 (2024/13), Lat. 40.93578, Long. 26.213778 (2024/14), Lat. 40.895996, Long. 26.222777 (2024/15), Lat. 40.900261, Long. 26.22288 (2024/16), Lat. 40.891842, Long. 26.146147 (2024/17), Lat. 40.933886, Long. 26.217318 (2024/18), Lat. 40.92507, Long. 26.212431 (2024/19), Lat. 41.278291, Long. 26.276953 (2024/20), Lat. 40.883228, Long. 26.157055 (2024/21), Lat. 40.923486, Long. 26.213196 (2024/22), Lat. 40.922552, Long. 26.209702 (2024/23), Lat. 40.925647, Long. 26.1662 (2024/24), Lat. 40.883022, Long. 26.227036 (2024/25), Lat 40.904757, Long. 26.178189 (2024/26), Lat. 40.848411, Long. 26.203314 (2024/27), Lat. 41.019251, Long. 26.269386 (2024/28), Lat. 41.48359444, Long. 26.57411944 (2024/29), Lat. 41.49358333, Long. 26.54305556 (2024/30), Lat. 41.51486111, Long. 26.54725 (2024/31), Lat. 40.89917, Long. 26.186411 (2024/32), Lat. 40.9941149, Long. 26.155657 (2024/33), Lat. 40.832839, Long. 26.131642 (2024/34), Lat.41.033936, Long. 26.289506 (2024/36), Lat. 40.907284, Long. 26.211295 (2024/37), Lat. 40.878159, Long. 26.19378 (2024/38), Lat. 41.462289, Long. 26.567053 (2024/40), Lat. 41.300453, Long. 26.443197 (2024/41), Lat. 41.519144, Long. 26.310606 (2024/42), Lat. 40.945707, Long. 26.276123 (2024/43), Lat. 40.942757, Long. 26.126487 (2024/44), Lat. 40.887613, Long. 26.15199 (2024/45), Lat. 41.028801, Long. 26.277341 (2024/46), Lat. 40.930925, Long. 26.11938 (2024/47), Lat. 40.885191, Long. 26.182334 (2024/48), Lat. 40.850308, Long. 26.091824 (2024/49), Lat. 40.851382, Long. 26.090704 (2024/50), Lat. 40.853496, Long. 26.089931 (2024/51), Lat. 41.217657, Long. 26.300685 (2024/52), Lat. 40.850681, Long. 26.01075 (2024/53), Lat. 40.849066, Long. 25.939879 (2024/54), Lat. 41.08794, Long. 26.279672 (2024/56), Lat. 40.87472, Long. 26.009628 (2024/57), Lat. 41.473893, Long. 26.555161 (2024/58), Lat. 41.528783, Long. 26.417419 (2024/61) Lat. 41.39908056, Long. 26.56387222 (2024/62), Lat. 40.893756, Long. 26.150647 (2024/63), Lat. 41.019552, Long. 26.196322 (2024/64), Lat. 41.41270833, Long. 26.56403056 (2024/65), Lat. 40.900392, Long. 26.112876 (2024/66), Lat. 40.965033, Long. 26.187687 (2024/67), Lat. 41.62475833 Long. 26.27744889 (2024/68), Lat. 40.870838, Long. 26.11549 (2024/69), Lat. 41.380414, Long. 26.395186 (2024/70), Lat. 40.856357, Long. 26.122206 (2024/71), Lat. 41.4182253, Long. 26.560739 (2024/77), Lat. 41.427997, Long. 26.572258 (2024/79), Lat. 40.87113, Long. 25.709353 (2024/80) Lat. 40.85034, Long. 26.101913 (2024/81), Lat. 40.928383 Long. 26.116747 (2024/82), Lat. 40.8551401 Long. 25.690297 (2024/83), Lat. 40.858591 Long. 26.042815 (2024/84), Lat. 41.35629167 Long. 26.43148056 (2024/87), Lat. 41.42259167 Long. 26.56001667 (2024/88), Lat. 41.54086944 Long. 26.35241389 (2024/89), Lat. 41.47519722 Long. 26.55548056 (2024/90), Lat. 41.36086944 Long. 26.43525556 (2024/91), Lat. 41.449444 Long. 26.46625 (2024/92), Lat. 41.135601 Long. 26.194665 (2024/93), Lat. 40.866037 Long. 25.782831 (2024/94), Lat. 40.877427 Long. 25.90458 (2024/99), Lat. 40.885413 Long. 26.0523361 (2024/100), Lat. 41.414608 Long. 26.516228 (2024/103), Lat. 40.864383 Long. 25.949066 (2024/107), Lat. 41.390983 Long. 26.588422 (2024/114), Lat.41.219334, Long. 26.234399(2024/115), Lat. 40.903296, Long. 25.891759 (2024/116), Lat. 40.850425, Long. 25.959503 (2024/117), Lat. 40.86506, Long. 25.90036 (2024/122), Lat. 41.518528, Long. 26.544417 (2024/125), Lat. 41.358525, Long. 26.537567 (2024/128), Lat. 26.449294, Long. 26.0377778 (2024/129), Lat. 41.571822, Long. 26.512456 (2024/130), Lat. 41.34507222, Long. 26.4879 (2024/138), Lat. 40.862166, Long. 26.009283 (2024/140), Lat. 40.876892, Long. 25.904419 (2024/143), Lat. 41.231436, Long. 26.162596 (2024/146), Lat. 40.967411, Long. 25.900136 (2024/153), Lat. 41.630486, Long. 26.342353 (2024/154), Lat. 41.377519, Long. 26.470558 (2024/155), Lat. 41.271791, Long. 26.32829 (2024/156), Lat. 40.98574, Long. 25.83728 (2024/160), Lat. 40.913466, Long. 25.984146 (2024/171), Lat. 41.414403, Long. 26.512664 (2024/173), Lat. 41.415186, Long. 26.512456 (2024/174), Lat. 40.861597, Long. 25.73542 (2024/184), Lat. 40.878662, Long. 25.914364 (2024/185), Lat. 41.348775, Long. 26.365325 (2024/186), Lat. 41.364444, Long. 26.533433 (2024/187), Lat. 41.357692, Long. 26.489086 (2024/188), Lat. 40.917224, Long. 25.665812 (2024/206), Lat. 40.890727, Long. 26.151725 (2024/207), Lat. 41.533861, Long. 26.512908 (2024/210), Lat. 41.472278, Long. 26.525497 (2024/211), Lat. 41.382958, Long. 26.617547 (2024/212), Lat. 41.409469, Long. 26.387683 (2024/213) Lat. 41.342108, Long. 26.491881 (2024/214), Lat. 41.284712, Long. 26.287889 (2024/230), Lat. 41.571794, Long. 26.448383 (2024/234), Lat. 41.439344, Long. 26.557019 (2024/237), Lat. 40.866929, Long. 25.898956 (2024/251), Lat. 41.248695, Long. 26.03492 (2024/252), Lat. 41.226333, Long. 26.035108 (2024/259), Lat. 40.919061, Long. 25.927281 (2024/260), Lat. 41.507572, Long. 26.274953 (2024/264), Lat. 41.412406, Long. 26.455869 (2024/285), Lat. 40.89931, Long. 25.925649 (2024/291), Lat. 41.589408, Long. 26.308633 (2024/303), Lat. 40.918476, Long. 25.669972 (2024/317) excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 26.1.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Evros and Rhodopi, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 41.49961111 Long. 26.54605556 (2024/5), Lat. 40.96145278, Long. 26.3345 (2024/6), Lat. 40.94543, Long. 26.275696 (2024/7), Lat. 40.876278, Long. 26.202551 (2024/8), Lat. 40.952487, Long. 26.280721 (2024/9) Lat. 40.920725, Long. 26.205981 (2024/10) Lat. 41.024363, Long. 26.302547 (2024/11), Lat. 41.51720278, Long. 26.54510278 (2024/12), Lat. 40.959944, Long. 26.336306 (2024/13), Lat. 40.93578, Long. 26.213778 (2024/14), Lat. 40.895996, Long. 26.222777 (2024/15), Lat. 40.900261, Long. 26.22288 (2024/16), Lat. 40.891842, Long. 26.146147 (2024/17), Lat. 40.933886, Long. 26.217318 (2024/18), Lat. 40.92507, Long. 26.212431 (2024/19), Lat. 41.278291, Long. 26.276953 (2024/20), Lat. 40.883228, Long. 26.157055 (2024/21), Lat. 40.923486, Long. 26.213196 (2024/22), Lat. 40.922552, Long. 26.209702 (2024/23), Lat. 40.925647, Long. 26.1662 (2024/24), Lat. 40.883022, Long. 26.227036 (2024/25), Lat 40.904757, Long. 26.178189 (2024/26), Lat. 40.848411, Long. 26.203314 (2024/27), Lat. 41.019251, Long. 26.269386 (2024/28), Lat. 41.48359444, Long. 26.57411944 (2024/29), Lat. 41.49358333, Long. 26.54305556 (2024/30), Lat. 41.51486111, Long. 26.54725 (2024/31), Lat. 40.89917, Long. 26.186411 (2024/32), Lat. 40.9941149, Long. 26.155657 (2024/33), Lat. 40.832839, Long. 26.131642 (2024/34), Lat.41.033936, Long. 26.289506 (2024/36), Lat. 40.907284, Long. 26.211295 (2024/37), Lat. 40.878159, Long. 26.19378 (2024/38), Lat. 41.462289, Long. 26.567053 (2024/40), Lat. 41.300453, Long. 26.443197 (2024/41), Lat. 41.519144, Long. 26.310606 (2024/42), Lat. 40.945707, Long. 26.276123 (2024/43), Lat. 40.942757, Long. 26.126487 (2024/44), Lat. 40.887613, Long. 26.15199 (2024/45), Lat. 41.028801, Long. 26.277341 (2024/46), Lat. 40.930925, Long. 26.11938 (2024/47), Lat. 40.885191, Long. 26.182334 (2024/48), Lat. 40.850308, Long. 26.091824 (2024/49), Lat. 40.851382, Long. 26.090704 (2024/50), Lat. 40.853496, Long. 26.089931 (2024/51), Lat. 41.217657, Long. 26.300685 (2024/52), Lat. 40.850681, Long. 26.01075 (2024/53), Lat. 40.849066, Long. 25.939879 (2024/54), Lat. 41.08794, Long. 26.279672 (2024/56), Lat. 40.87472, Long. 26.009628 (2024/57), Lat. 41.473893, Long. 26.555161 (2024/58), Lat. 41.528783, Long. 26.417419 (2024/61) Lat. 41.39908056, Long. 26.56387222 (2024/62), Lat. 40.893756, Long. 26.150647 (2024/63), Lat. 41.019552, Long. 26.196322 (2024/64), Lat. 41.41270833, Long. 26.56403056 (2024/65), Lat. 40.900392, Long. 26.112876 (2024/66), Lat. 40.965033, Long. 26.187687 (2024/67), Lat. 41.62475833 Long. 26.27744889 (2024/68), Lat. 40.870838, Long. 26.11549 (2024/69), Lat. 41.380414, Long. 26.395186 (2024/70), Lat. 40.856357, Long. 26.122206 (2024/71), Lat. 41.4182253, Long. 26.560739 (2024/77), Lat. 41.427997, Long. 26.572258 (2024/79), Lat. 40.87113, Long. 25.709353 (2024/80) Lat. 40.85034, Long. 26.101913 (2024/81), Lat. 40.928383 Long. 26.116747 (2024/82), Lat. 40.8551401 Long. 25.690297 (2024/83), Lat. 40.858591 Long. 26.042815 (2024/84), Lat. 41.35629167 Long. 26.43148056 (2024/87), Lat. 41.42259167 Long. 26.56001667 (2024/88), Lat. 41.54086944 Long. 26.35241389 (2024/89), Lat. 41.47519722 Long. 26.55548056 (2024/90), Lat. 41.36086944 Long. 26.43525556 (2024/91), Lat. 41.449444 Long. 26.46625 (2024/92), Lat. 41.135601 Long. 26.194665 (2024/93), Lat. 40.866037 Long. 25.782831 (2024/94), Lat. 40.877427 Long. 25.90458 (2024/99), Lat. 40.885413 Long. 26.0523361 (2024/100), Lat. 41.414608 Long. 26.516228 (2024/103), Lat. 40.864383 Long. 25.949066 (2024/107), Lat. 41.390983 Long. 26.588422 (2024/114), Lat. 41.219334, Long. 26.234399 (2024/115), Lat. 40.903296, Long. 25.891759 (2024/116), Lat. 40.850425, Long. 25.959503 (2024/117), Lat. 40.86506, Long. 25.90036 (2024/122), Lat. 41.518528, Long. 26.544417 (2024/125), Lat. 41.358525, Long. 26.537567 (2024/128), Lat. 26.449294, Long. 26.0377778 (2024/129), Lat. 41.571822, Long. 26.512456 (2024/130), Lat. 41.34507222, Long. 26.4879 (2024/138), Lat. 40.862166, Long. 26.009283 (2024/140), Lat. 40.876892, Long. 25.904419 (2024/143), Lat. 41.231436, Long. 26.162596 (2024/146), Lat. 40.967411, Long. 25.900136 (2024/153), Lat. 41.630486, Long. 26.342353 (2024/154), Lat. 41.377519, Long. 26.470558 (2024/155), Lat. 41.271791, Long. 26.32829 (2024/156), Lat. 40.98574, Long. 25.83728 (2024/160), Lat. 40.913466, Long. 25.984146 (2024/171), Lat. 41.414403, Long. 26.512664 (2024/173), Lat. 41.415186, Long. 26.512456 (2024/174), Lat. 40.861597, Long. 25.73542 (2024/184), Lat. 40.878662, Long. 25.914364 (2024/185), Lat. 41.348775, Long. 26.365325 (2024/186), Lat. 41.364444, Long. 26.533433 (2024/187), Lat. 41.357692, Long. 26.489086 (2024/188), Lat. 40.917224, Long. 25.665812 (2024/206), Lat. 40.890727, Long. 26.151725 (2024/207), Lat. 41.533861, Long. 26.512908 (2024/210), Lat. 41.472278, Long. 26.525497 (2024/211), Lat. 41.382958, Long. 26.617547 (2024/212), Lat. 41.409469, Long. 26.387683 (2024/213) Lat. 41.342108, Long. 26.491881 (2024/214), Lat. 41.284712, Long. 26.287889 (2024/230), Lat. 41.571794, Long. 26.448383 (2024/234), Lat. 41.439344, Long. 26.557019 (2024/237), Lat. 40.866929, Long. 25.898956 (2024/251), Lat. 41.248695, Long. 26.03492 (2024/252), Lat. 41.226333, Long. 26.035108 (2024/259), Lat. 40.919061, Long. 25.927281 (2024/260), Lat. 41.507572, Long. 26.274953 (2024/264), Lat. 41.412406, Long. 26.455869 (2024/285), Lat. 40.89931, Long. 25.925649 (2024/291), Lat. 41.589408, Long. 26.308633 (2024/303), Lat. 40.918476, Long. 25.669972 (2024/317) | 18.1.2025 - 26.1.2025 | |
Regional unit of Kavala GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00035 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00039 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00060 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00073 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00074 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00075 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00076 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00078 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00085 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00086 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00097 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00098 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00101 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00102 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00110 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00127 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00131 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00132 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00133 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00134 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00139 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00161 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00163 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00169 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00170 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00189 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00190 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00195 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00196 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00218 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00219 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00220 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00231 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00242 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00267 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00272 GR-CAPRIPOX-2025-00001 GR-CAPRIPOX-2025-00002 GR-CAPRIPOX-2025-00003 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional units of Kavala, Serres and Xanthi, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.855895, Long. 24.176609 (2024/35), Lat. 40.884672, Long. 24.663783 (2024/39), Lat. 40.9007455, Long. 24.66838316 (2024/60), Lat. 40.86940957, Long. 24.71372915 (2024/73), Lat. 40.96307423, Long. 24.67115789 (2024/74), Lat. 40.87157597, Long. 24.71579265 (2024/75), Lat. 40.90818188, Long. 24.68586162 (2024/76), Lat. 40.87155993, Long. 24.71581822 (2024/78), Lat 40.930299 Long. 24.69503165 (2024/85), Lat. 40.87155993 Long. 24.71581822 (2024/86), Lat. 40.90818486 Long. 24.6858706 (2024/97), Lat. 40.91170567 Long. 24.6360924 (2024/98), Lat. 40.91520227 Long. 24.74376312 (2024/101), Lat. 40.9410113 Long. 24.62660181 (2024/102), Lat. 41.016819 Long. 24.657514 (2024/110), Lat. 40.960765, Long. 24.613769 (2024/127), Lat. 40.93703, Long. 24.715855 (2024/131), Lat. 40.964033, Long. 24.706643 (2024/132), Lat. 40.896498, Long. 24.750354 (2024/133), Lat. 40.878249, Long. 24.76182 (2024/134), Lat. 40.86637045, Long. 24.75824842 (2024/139), Lat. 40.9348, Long. 24.6261 (2024/161), Lat. 41.03082697, Long. 24.6954988 (2024/163), Lat. 40.81899, Long. 24.294374 (2024/169), Lat. 41.00912973 Long. 24.3755478 (2024/170), Lat. 40.99736722, Long. 24.5118725 (2024/189), Lat. 40.972542, Long. 24.612325 (2024/190), Lat. 40.989605, Long. 24.614677 (2024/195), Lat. 40.98649515 Long. 24.60459616 (2024/196), Lat. 40.98800435, Long. 24.6095147 (2024/218), Lat. 40.97951114, Long. 24.72373385 (2024/219), Lat. 40.99121997, Long. 24.66387638 (2024/220), Lat. 40.97255153, Long. 24.64240369 (2024/231), Lat. 40.96848422, Long. 24.57660864 (2024/242), Lat. 41.0585551, Long. 24.7100023 (2024/267), Lat. 40.9866379, Long. 24.60975027 (2024/272), Lat. 40.972058, Long. 24.491101 (2025/1), Lat. 41.020308, Long. 24.724732 (2025/2), Lat. 41.019616, Long. 24.705517 (2025/3) | 30.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Kavala, Serres and Xanthi , contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.855895, Long. 24.176609 (2024/35), Lat. 40.884672, Long. 24.663783 (2024/39), Lat. 40.9007455, Long. 24.66838316 (2024/60), Lat. 40.86940957, Long. 24.71372915 (2024/73), Lat. 40.96307423, Long. 24.67115789 (2024/74), Lat. 40.87157597, Long. 24.71579265 (2024/75), Lat. 40.90818188, Long. 24.68586162 (2024/76), Lat. 40.87155993, Long. 24.71581822 (2024/78), Lat 40.930299 Long. 24.69503165 (2024/85), Lat. 40.87155993 Long. 24.71581822 (2024/86), Lat. 40.90818486 Long. 24.6858706 (2024/97), Lat. 40.91170567 Long. 24.6360924 (2024/98), Lat. 40.91520227 Long. 24.74376312 (2024/101), Lat. 40.9410113 Long. 24.62660181 (2024/102), Lat. 41.016819 Long. 24.657514 (2024/110), Lat. 40.960765, Long. 24.613769 (2024/127), Lat. 40.93703, Long. 24.715855 (2024/131), Lat. 40.964033, Long. 24.706643 (2024/132), Lat. 40.896498, Long. 24.750354 (2024/133), Lat. 40.878249, Long. 24.76182 (2024/134), Lat. 40.86637045, Long. 24.75824842 (2024/139), Lat. 40.9348, Long. 24.6261 (2024/161), Lat. 41.03082697, Long. 24.6954988 (2024/163), Lat. 40.81899, Long. 24.294374 (2024/169), Lat. 41.00912973 Long. 24.3755478 (2024/170), Lat. 40.99736722, Long. 24.5118725 (2024/189), Lat. 40.972542, Long. 24.612325 (2024/190), Lat. 40.989605, Long. 24.614677 (2024/195), Lat. 40.98649515 Long. 24.60459616 (2024/196), Lat. 40.98800435, Long. 24.6095147 (2024/218), Lat. 40.97951114, Long. 24.72373385 (2024/219), Lat. 40.99121997, Long. 24.66387638 (2024/220), Lat. 40.97255153, Long. 24.64240369 (2024/231), Lat. 40.96848422, Long. 24.57660864 (2024/242), Lat. 41.0585551, Long. 24.7100023 (2024/267), Lat. 40.9866379, Long. 24.60975027 (2024/272), Lat. 40.972058, Long. 24.491101 (2025/1), Lat. 41.020308, Long. 24.724732 (2025/2), Lat. 41.019616, Long. 24.705517 (2025/3) excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 8.2.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Kavala, Serres and Xanthi, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.855895, Long. 24.176609 (2024/35), Lat. 40.884672, Long. 24.663783 (2024/39), Lat. 40.9007455, Long. 24.66838316 (2024/60), Lat. 40.86940957, Long. 24.71372915 (2024/73), Lat. 40.96307423, Long. 24.67115789 (2024/74), Lat. 40.87157597, Long. 24.71579265 (2024/75), Lat. 40.90818188, Long. 24.68586162 (2024/76), Lat. 40.87155993, Long. 24.71581822 (2024/78), Lat 40.930299 Long. 24.69503165 (2024/85), Lat. 40.87155993 Long. 24.71581822 (2024/86), Lat. 40.90818486 Long. 24.6858706 (2024/97), Lat. 40.91170567 Long. 24.6360924 (2024/98), Lat. 40.91520227 Long. 24.74376312 (2024/101), Lat. 40.9410113 Long. 24.62660181 (2024/102), Lat. 41.016819 Long. 24.657514 (2024/110), Lat. 40.960765, Long. 24.613769 (2024/127), Lat. 40.93703, Long. 24.715855 (2024/131), Lat. 40.964033, Long. 24.706643 (2024/132), Lat. 40.896498, Long. 24.750354 (2024/133), Lat. 40.878249, Long. 24.76182 (2024/134), Lat. 40.86637045, Long. 24.75824842 (2024/139), Lat. 40.9348, Long. 24.6261 (2024/161), Lat. 41.03082697, Long. 24.6954988 (2024/163), Lat. 40.81899, Long. 24.294374 (2024/169), Lat. 41.00912973 Long. 24.3755478 (2024/170), Lat. 40.99736722, Long. 24.5118725 (2024/189), Lat. 40.972542, Long. 24.612325 (2024/190), Lat. 40.989605, Long. 24.614677 (2024/195), Lat. 40.98649515 Long. 24.60459616 (2024/196), Lat. 40.98800435, Long. 24.6095147 (2024/218), Lat. 40.97951114, Long. 24.72373385 (2024/219), Lat. 40.99121997, Long. 24.66387638 (2024/220), Lat. 40.97255153, Long. 24.64240369 (2024/231), Lat. 40.96848422, Long. 24.57660864 (2024/242), Lat. 41.0585551, Long. 24.7100023 (2024/267), Lat. 40.9866379, Long. 24.60975027 (2024/272), Lat. 40.972058, Long. 24.491101 (2025/1), Lat. 41.020308, Long. 24.724732 (2025/2), Lat. 41.019616, Long. 24.705517 (2025/3) | 31.1.2025 – 8.2.2025 | |
Regional unit of Rhodopi GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00059 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00072 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00095 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00096 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00105 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00106 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00111 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00112 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00113 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00119 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00120 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00121 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00126 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00145 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00148 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00149 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00157 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00158 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00159 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00167 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00168 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00175 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00176 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00177 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00178 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00197 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00198 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00199 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00200 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00201 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00202 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00203 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00204 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00205 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00215 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00216 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00221 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00222 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00223 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00241 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00253 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00254 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00255 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00256 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00268 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00269 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00271 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00276 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00282 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00292 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00293 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00294 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00295 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00304 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00315 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional units of Rhodopi and Xanthi, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.983496, Long. 25.421738 (2024/59), Lat. 41.217186, Long. 25.903903 (2024/72) ,Lat. 41.010995 Long. 25.189305 (2024/95), Lat. 41.01135 Long. 25.314397 (2024/96), Lat. 41.021392 Long. 25.326094 (2024/105), Lat. 41.029708 Long. 25.196161 (2024/106), Lat. 40.989228 Long. 25.213909 (2024/111), Lat. 41.046428 Long. 25.177815 (2024/112), Lat. 41.147294 Long. 25.076011 (2024/113), Lat. 41.057391, Long. 25.18266 (2024/119),Lat. 41.011114, Long. 25.189633 (2024/120), Lat. 41.063277, Long. 25.244517 (2024/121), Lat. 41.002686 Long. 25.530461 (2024/126), Lat. 41.038083, Long. 25.187287 (2024/145), Lat. 41.00841, Long. 25.365656 (2024/148), Lat. 41.091751, Long. 25.227526 (2024/149),Lat. 41.084017, Long. 25.33219 (2024/157), Lat. 41.054956,Long. 25.229738 (2024/158),Lat. 41.126711, Long. 25.221058 (2024/159), Lat. 41.046391, Long. 25.180712 (2024/167), Lat. 41.041001 Long. 25.186453 (2024/168), Lat. 41.003884, Long. 25.494335 (2024/175), Lat. 40.92065, Long. 25.515202 (2024/176), Lat. 41.075773, Long. 25.270477 (2024/177), Lat. 41.046356 Long. 25.182112 (2024/178), Lat. 40.981435 Long. 25.608903 (2024/197), Lat. 41.089525 Long. 25.227073 (2024/198), Lat. 40.987403 Long. 25.392331 (2024/199), Lat. 40.960961 Long. 25.317277 (2024/200), Lat. 41.046459 Long. 25.182635 (2024/201), Lat. 40.969685 Long. 25.420957 (2024/202), Lat. 41.074844 Long. 25.268218 (2024/203), Lat. 41.083313 Long. 25.29745 (2024/204), Lat. 40.970019 Long. 25.418114 (2024/205), Lat. 40.982023 Long. 25.401876 (2024/215), Lat. 41.061729 Long. 25.463855 (2024/216), Lat. 41.076955 Long. 25.311582 (2024/221), Lat. 41.077163 Long. 25.4518686 (2024/222), Lat. 41.020549 Long. 25.325141 (2024/223), Lat. 41.070294 Long. 25.242052 (2024/241), Lat. 41.100444 Long. 25.306482 (2024/253), Lat. 41.121716 Long. 25.057889 (2024/254), Lat. 41.125882 Long. 25.076696 (2024/255), Lat. 41.121594 Long. 25.057916 (2024/256), Lat. 41.116563 Long. 25.070165 (2024/268), Lat. 41.040913 Long. 25.392822 (2024/269), Lat. 41.067638 Long. 25.270084 (2024/271), Lat. 41.071444 Long. 25.521447 (2024/276), Lat. 41.104867 Long. 25.097334 (2024/282), Lat. 41.050338 Long. 25.5356 (2024/292), Lat. 41.08861 Long. 25.237784 (2024/293), Lat. 40.931864 Long. 25.404874 (2024/294), Lat. 41.132151 Long. 25.19238 (2024/295), Lat. 41.114844 Long. 25.125811 (2024/304), Lat. 41.1238307 Long. 25.0728902 (2024/315) | 13.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Rhodopi and Xanthi, contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.983496, Long. 25.421738 (2024/59), Lat. 41.217186, Long. 25.903903 (2024/72), Lat. 41.010995 Long. 25.189305 (2024/95), Lat. 41.01135 Long. 25.314397 (2024/96), Lat. 41.021392 Long. 25.326094 (2024/105), Lat. 41.029708 Long. 25.196161 (2024/106), Lat. 40.989228 Long. 25.213909 (2024/111), Lat. 41.046428 Long. 25.177815 (2024/112), Lat. 41.147294 Long. 25.076011 (2024/113), Lat. 41.057391, Long. 25.18266 (2024/119),Lat. 41.011114, Long. 25.189633 (2024/120), Lat. 41.063277, Long. 25.244517 (2024/121), Lat. 41.002686 Long. 25.530461 (2024/126), Lat. 41.038083, Long. 25.187287 (2024/145), Lat. 41.00841, Long. 25.365656 (2024/148), Lat. 41.091751, Long. 25.227526 (2024/149),Lat. 41.084017, Long. 25.33219 (2024/157), Lat. 41.054956, Long. 25.229738 (2024/158), Lat. 41.126711, Long. 25.221058 (2024/159), Lat. 41.046391, Long. 25.180712 (2024/167), Lat. 41.041001 Long. 25.186453 (2024/168), Lat. 41.003884, Long. 25.494335 (2024/175), Lat. 40.92065, Long. 25.515202 (2024/176), Lat. 41.075773, Long. 25.270477 (2024/177), Lat. 41.046356 Long. 25.182112 (2024/178), Lat. 40.981435 Long. 25.608903 (2024/197), Lat. 41.089525 Long. 25.227073 (2024/198), Lat. 40.987403 Long. 25.392331 (2024/199), Lat. 40.960961 Long. 25.317277 (2024/200), Lat. 41.046459 Long. 25.182635 (2024/201), Lat. 40.969685 Long. 25.420957 (2024/202), Lat. 41.074844 Long. 25.268218 (2024/203), Lat. 41.083313 Long. 25.29745 (2024/204), Lat. 40.970019 Long. 25.418114 (2024/205), Lat. 40.982023 Long. 25.401876 (2024/215), Lat. 41.061729 Long. 25.463855 (2024/216), Lat. 41.076955 Long. 25.311582 (2024/221), Lat. 41.077163 Long. 25.4518686 (2024/222), Lat. 41.020549 Long. 25.325141 (2024/223), Lat. 41.070294 Long. 25.242052 (2024/241), Lat. 41.100444 Long. 25.306482 (2024/253), Lat. 41.121716 Long. 25.057889 (2024/254), Lat. 41.125882 Long. 25.076696 (2024/255), Lat. 41.121594 Long. 25.057916 (2024/256), Lat. 41.116563 Long. 25.070165 (2024/268), Lat. 41.040913 Long. 25.392822 (2024/269), Lat. 41.067638 Long. 25.270084 (2024/271), Lat. 41.071444 Long. 25.521447 (2024/276), Lat. 41.104867 Long. 25.097334 (2024/282), Lat. 41.050338 Long. 25.5356 (2024/292), Lat. 41.08861 Long. 25.237784 (2024/293), Lat. 40.931864 Long. 25.404874 (2024/294), Lat. 41.132151 Long. 25.19238 (2024/295), , Lat. 41.114844 Long. 25.125811 (2024/304), Lat. 41.1238307 Long. 25.0728902 (2024/315), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 22.1.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Rhodopi and Xanthi, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.983496, Long. 25.421738 (2024/59), Lat. 41.217186, Long. 25.903903 (2024/72) ,Lat. 41.010995 Long. 25.189305 (2024/95), Lat. 41.01135 Long. 25.314397 (2024/96), Lat. 41.021392 Long. 25.326094 (2024/105), Lat. 41.029708 Long. 25.196161 (2024/106), Lat. 40.989228 Long. 25.213909 (2024/111), Lat. 41.046428 Long. 25.177815 (2024/112), Lat. 41.147294 Long. 25.076011 (2024/113), Lat. 41.057391, Long. 25.18266 (2024/119),Lat. 41.011114, Long. 25.189633 (2024/120), Lat. 41.063277, Long. 25.244517 (2024/121), Lat. 41.002686 Long. 25.530461 (2024/126), Lat. 41.038083, Long. 25.187287 (2024/145), Lat. 41.00841, Long. 25.365656 (2024/148), Lat. 41.091751, Long. 25.227526 (2024/149), Lat. 41.084017, Long. 25.33219 (2024/157), Lat. 41.054956,Long. 25.229738 (2024/158), Lat. 41.126711, Long. 25.221058 (2024/159), Lat. 41.046391, Long. 25.180712 (2024/167), Lat. 41.041001 Long. 25.186453 (2024/168), Lat. 41.003884, Long. 25.494335 (2024/175), Lat. 40.92065, Long. 25.515202 (2024/176), Lat. 41.075773, Long. 25.270477 (2024/177), Lat. 41.046356 Long. 25.182112 (2024/178), Lat. 40.981435 Long. 25.608903 (2024/197), Lat. 41.089525 Long. 25.227073 (2024/198), Lat. 40.987403 Long. 25.392331 (2024/199), Lat. 40.960961 Long. 25.317277 (2024/200), Lat. 41.046459 Long. 25.182635 (2024/201), Lat. 40.969685 Long. 25.420957 (2024/202), Lat. 41.074844 Long. 25.268218 (2024/203), Lat. 41.083313 Long. 25.29745 (2024/204), Lat. 40.970019 Long. 25.418114 (2024/205), Lat. 40.982023 Long. 25.401876 (2024/215), Lat. 41.061729 Long. 25.463855 (2024/216), Lat. 41.076955 Long. 25.311582 (2024/221), Lat. 41.077163 Long. 25.4518686 (2024/222), Lat. 41.020549 Long. 25.325141 (2024/223), Lat. 41.070294 Long. 25.242052 (2024/241), Lat. 41.100444 Long. 25.306482 (2024/253), Lat. 41.121716 Long. 25.057889 (2024/254), Lat. 41.125882 Long. 25.076696 (2024/255), Lat. 41.121594 Long. 25.057916 (2024/256), Lat. 41.116563 Long. 25.070165 (2024/268), Lat. 41.040913 Long. 25.392822 (2024/269), Lat. 41.067638 Long. 25.270084 (2024/271), Lat. 41.071444 Long. 25.521447 (2024/276), Lat. 41.104867 Long. 25.097334 (2024/282), Lat. 41.050338 Long. 25.5356 (2024/292), Lat. 41.08861 Long. 25.237784 (2024/293), Lat. 40.931864 Long. 25.404874 (2024/294), Lat. 41.132151 Long. 25.19238 (2024/295), Lat. 41.114844 Long. 25.125811 (2024/304), Lat. 41.1238307 Long. 25.0728902 (2024/315) | 14.1.2025 - 22.1.2025 | |
Regional unit of Xanthi GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00104 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00118 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00124 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00141 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00147 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00150 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00165 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00166 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00179 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00180 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00181 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00191 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00192 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00193 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00194 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00224 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00225 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00226 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00227 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00228 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00229 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00235 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00238 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00239 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00240 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00243 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00244 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00245 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00246 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00247 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00248 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00249 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00261 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00262 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00263 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00273 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00278 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00279 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00280 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00284 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00288 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00289 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00299 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00305 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00306 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00308 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00314 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00319 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00320 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00321 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00322 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional units of Xanthi, Rhodopi and Kavala, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.95115 Long. 24.938942 (2024/104), Lat. 40.928275 Long. 24.804367 (2024/118), Lat. 40.933811, Long. 24.792864 (2024/124), Lat. 40.92619722, Long. 24.77851667 (2024/141), Lat. 40.971283 Long. 24.777492 (2024/147), Lat. 40.912636 Long. 24.812408 (2024/150), Lat. 41.079269 Long. 5.072219 (2024/165), Lat. 40.995286 Long. 24.777133 (2024/166), Lat. 40.981508 Long. 24.756153 (2024/179), Lat. 40.950117 Long. 24.843214 (2024/180), Lat. 40.984675 Long. 24.776544 (2024/181), Lat. 40.928681 Long. 24.780756 (2024/191), Lat. 40.955158 Long. 24.759117 (2024/192), Lat. 41.002875 Long. 24.842025 (2024/193), Lat. 40.917356 Long. 24.838778 (2024/194), Lat. 40.9508 Long. 24.772156 (2024/224), Lat. 41.049744 Long. 24.968864 (2024/225), Lat. 41.023094 Long. 24.764353 (2024/226), Lat. 40.981567 Long. 24.804372 (2024/227), Lat. 40.935711 Long. 24.789458 (2024/228), Lat. 40.914297 Long. 24.812108 (2024/229), Lat. 41.020853 Long. 24.846672 (2024/235), Lat. 40.952597 Long. 24.826993 (2024/238), Lat. 40.981156 Long. 24.804275 (2024/239), Lat. 41.027364 Long. 24.756461 (2024/240), Lat. 40.916758 Long. 24.812697 (2024/243), Lat. 40.916533 Long. 24.83895 (2024/244), Lat. 41.024653 Long. 24.758772 (2024/245), Lat. 40.956211 Long. 24.787258 (2024/246), Lat. 40.961231 Long. 24.781917 (2024/247), Lat. 40.904039 Long. 24.821725 (2024/248), Lat. 40.950447 Long. 24.821781 (2024/249), Lat. 40.901539 Long. 24.831261 (2024/261), Lat. 41.000356 Long. 24.774689 (2024/262), Lat. 41.010669 Long. 24.980608 (2024/263), Lat. 40.919683 Long. 24.852803 (2024/273), Lat. 40.931682 Long. 24.844139 (2024/278), Lat. 40.98176 Long. 24.755734 (2024/279), Lat. 40.914672 Long. 24.872752 (2024/280), Lat. 40.940356 Long. 24.841914 (2024/284), Lat. 40.940356 Long. 24.841914 (2024/288), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/289), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/299), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/305), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/306), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/308), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/314), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/319), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/320), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/321), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/322) | 24.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Xanthi, Rhodopi and Kavala, contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.95115 Long. 24.938942 (2024/104), Lat. 40.928275 Long. 24.804367 (2024/118), Lat. 40.933811, Long. 24.792864 (2024/124), Lat. 40.92619722, Long. 24.77851667 (2024/141), Lat. 40.971283 Long. 24.777492 (2024/147), Lat. 40.912636 Long. 24.812408 (2024/150), Lat. 41.079269 Long. 5.072219 (2024/165), Lat. 40.995286 Long. 24.777133 (2024/166), Lat. 40.981508 Long. 24.756153 (2024/179), Lat. 40.950117 Long. 24.843214 (2024/180), Lat. 40.984675 Long. 24.776544 (2024/181), Lat. 40.928681 Long. 24.780756 (2024/191), Lat. 40.955158 Long. 24.759117 (2024/192), Lat. 41.002875 Long. 24.842025 (2024/193), Lat. 40.917356 Long. 24.838778 (2024/194), Lat. 40.9508 Long. 24.772156 (2024/224), Lat. 41.049744 Long. 24.968864 (2024/225), Lat. 41.023094 Long. 24.764353 (2024/226), Lat. 40.981567 Long. 24.804372 (2024/227), Lat. 40.935711 Long. 24.789458 (2024/228), Lat. 40. 914297 Long. 24.812108 (2024/229), Lat. 41.020853 Long. 24.846672 (2024/235), Lat. 40.952597 Long. 24.826993 (2024/238), Lat. 40.981156 Long. 24.804275 (2024/239), Lat. 41.027364 Long. 24.756461 (2024/240), Lat. 40.916758 Long. 24.812697 (2024/243), Lat. 40.916533 Long. 24.83895 (2024/244), Lat. 41.024653 Long. 24.758772 (2024/245), Lat. 40.956211 Long. 24.787258 (2024/246), Lat. 40.961231 Long. 24.781917 (2024/247), Lat. 40.904039 Long. 24.821725 (2024/248), Lat. 40.950447 Long. 24.821781 (2024/249), Lat. 40.901539 Long. 24.831261 (2024/261), Lat. 41.000356 Long. 24.774689 (2024/262), Lat. 41.010669 Long. 24.980608 (2024/263), Lat. 40.919683 Long. 24.852803 (2024/273), Lat. 40.931682 Long. 24.844139 (2024/278), Lat. 40.98176 Long. 24.755734 (2024/279), Lat. 40.914672 Long. 24.872752 (2024/280), Lat. 40.940356 Long. 24.841914 (2024/284), Lat. 40.940356 Long. 24.841914 (2024/288), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/289), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/299), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/305), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/306), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/308), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/314), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/319), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/320), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/321), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/322), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 2.2.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Xanthi, Rhodopi and Kavala, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.95115 Long. 24.938942 (2024/104), Lat. 40.928275 Long. 24.804367 (2024/118), Lat. 40.933811, Long. 24.792864 (2024/124), Lat. 40.92619722, Long. 24.77851667 (2024/141), Lat. 40.971283 Long. 24.777492 (2024/147), Lat. 40.912636 Long. 24.812408 (2024/150), Lat. 41.079269 Long. 5.072219 (2024/165), Lat. 40.995286 Long. 24.777133 (2024/166), Lat. 40.981508 Long. 24.756153 (2024/179), Lat. 40.950117 Long. 24.843214 (2024/180), Lat. 40.984675 Long. 24.776544 (2024/181), Lat. 40.928681 Long. 24.780756 (2024/191), Lat. 40.955158 Long. 24.759117 (2024/192), Lat. 41.002875 Long. 24.842025 (2024/193), Lat. 40.917356 Long. 24.838778 (2024/194), Lat. 40.9508 Long. 24.772156 (2024/224), Lat. 41.049744 Long. 24.968864 (2024/225), Lat. 41.023094 Long. 24.764353 (2024/226), Lat. 40.981567 Long. 24.804372 (2024/227), Lat. 40. 935711 Long. 24.789458 (2024/228), Lat. 40.914297 Long. 24.812108 (2024/229), Lat. 41.020853 Long. 24.846672 (2024/235), Lat. 40.952597 Long. 24.826993 (2024/238), Lat. 40.981156 Long. 24.804275 (2024/239), Lat. 41.027364 Long. 24.756461 (2024/240), Lat. 40.916758 Long. 24.812697 (2024/243), Lat. 40.916533 Long. 24.83895 (2024/244), Lat. 41.024653 Long. 24.758772 (2024/245), Lat. 40.956211 Long. 24.787258 (2024/246), Lat. 40.961231 Long. 24.781917 (2024/247), Lat. 40.904039 Long. 24.821725 (2024/248), Lat. 40.950447 Long. 24.821781 (2024/249), Lat. 40.901539 Long. 24.831261 (2024/261), Lat. 41.000356 Long. 24.774689 (2024/262), Lat. 41.010669 Long. 24.980608 (2024/263), Lat. 40.919683 Long. 24.852803 (2024/273), Lat. 40.931682 Long. 24.844139 (2024/278), Lat. 40.98176 Long. 24.755734 (2024/279), Lat. 40.914672 Long. 24.872752 (2024/280), Lat. 40.940356 Long. 24.841914 (2024/284), Lat. 40.940356 Long. 24.841914 (2024/288), Lat. 40.91655 Long. 24.865325 (2024/289) | 25.1.2025 - 2.2.2025 | |
Regional unit of Larisa GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00137 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00152 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00164 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00232 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00257 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00258 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00265 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00281 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00297 | Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Larisa and Pieria, contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 39.91076 Long. 22.615067 (2024/137), Lat. 39.86369 Long. 22.524261 (2024/152), Lat. 39.770953 Long. 22.380676 (2024/164), 39.77002065 Long. 22.3715583 (2024/232), Lat. 39.78136628 Long. 22.37262742 (2024/257), Lat. 39.7697083 Long. 22.38109304 (2024/258), Lat. 39.78777164 Long. 22.34616771 (2024/265), Lat. 39.793134 Long. 22.365619 (2024/281), Lat. 39.7711 Long. 22.3813 (2024/297), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 14.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Larisa and Pieria, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 39.91076 Long. 22.615067 (2024/137), Lat. 39.86369 Long. 22.524261 (2024/152), Lat. 39.770953 Long. 22.380676 (2024/164), 39.77002065 Long. 22.3715583 (2024/232), Lat. 39.78136628 Long. 22.37262742 (2024/257), Lat. 39.7697083 Long. 22.38109304 (2024/258), Lat. 39.78777164 Long. 22.34616771 (2024/265), Lat. 39.793134 Long. 22.365619 (2024/281), Lat. 39.7711 Long. 22.3813 (2024/297) | 6.1.2025 - 14.1.2025 | |
Regional unit of Magnesia GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00109 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00136 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00151 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00162 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00183 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00274 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00286 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00287 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00298 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00300 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00307 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00310 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00311 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00316 GR-CAPRIPOX-2025-00004 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional units of Magnesia, Larisa and Phthiotis, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 39.473745 Long. 22.881961 (2024/109) Lat. 39.56708368 Long. 22.91260474 (2024/136), Lat. 39.3132 Long. 22.9119 (2024/151), Lat. 39.266958 Long. 23.169781 (2024/162), Lat. 39.034028 Long. 22.950472 (2024/183), Lat. 39.48796111 Long. 22.90556873 (2024/274), Lat. 39.18972 Long. 22.708292 (2024/286), Lat. 39.242333 Long. 22.795083 (2024/287), Lat. 39.191975 Long. 22.723228 (2024/298), Lat. 39.2448971 Long. 22.786542 (2024/300), Lat. 39.291196 Long. 22.822804 (2024/307), Lat. 39.188115 Long. 22.6968 (2024/310), Lat. 39.1894572 Long. 22.7049278 (2024/311), Lat. 39.1844 Long. 22.7112 (2024/316), Lat. 39.196457 Long. 22.713824 (2025/4) | 25.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Magnesia, Larisa and Phthiotis, contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 39.473745 Long. 22.881961 (2024/109) Lat. 39.56708368 Long. 22.91260474 (2024/136), Lat. 39.3132 Long. 22.9119 (2024/151), Lat. 39.266958 Long. 23.169781 (2024/162), Lat. 39.034028 Long. 22.950472 (2024/183), Lat. 39.48796111 Long. 22.90556873 (2024/274), Lat. 39.18972 Long. 22.708292 (2024/286), Lat. 39.242333 Long. 22.795083 (2024/287), Lat. 39.191975 Long. 22.723228 (2024/298), Lat. 39.2448971 Long. 22.786542 (2024/300), Lat. 39.291196 Long. 22.822804 (2024/307), Lat. 39.188115 Long. 22.6968 (2024/310), Lat. 39.1894572 Long. 22.7049278 (2024/311), Lat. 39.1844 Long. 22.7112 (2024/316), Lat. 39.196457 Long. 22.713824 (2025/4), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 3.2.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Magnesia, Larisa and Phthiotis, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 39.473745 Long. 22.881961 (2024/109) Lat. 39.56708368 Long. 22.91260474 (2024/136), Lat. 39.3132 Long. 22.9119 (2024/151), Lat. 39.266958 Long. 23.169781 (2024/162), Lat. 39.034028 Long. 22.950472 (2024/183), Lat. 39.48796111 Long. 22.90556873 (2024/274), Lat. 39.18972 Long. 22.708292 (2024/286), Lat. 39.242333 Long. 22.795083 (2024/287), Lat. 39.191975 Long. 22.723228 (2024/298), Lat. 39.2448971 Long. 22.786542 (2024/300), Lat. 39.291196 Long. 22.822804 (2024/307), Lat. 39.188115 Long. 22.6968 (2024/310), Lat. 39.1894572 Long. 22.7049278 (2024/311), Lat. 39.1844 Long. 22.7112 (2024/316), Lat. 39.196457 Long. 22.713824 (2025/4) | 26.1.2025 - 3.2.2025 | |
Regional unit of Euboea GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00142 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00217 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00275 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00283 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00309 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Euboea, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 38.03673056 Long. 24.37952222 (2024/142), Lat. 38.60391132 Long. 24.08598315 (2024/217), Lat. 38.958316 Long. 23.093043 (2024/275), Lat. 38.81519714 Long. 23.23869486 (2024/283), Lat. 38.976459 Long. 23.109584 (2024/309) | 13.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Euboea, contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 38.03673056 Long. 24.37952222 (2024/142), Lat. 38.60391132 Long. 24.08598315 (2024/217), Lat. 38.958316 Long. 23.093043 (2024/275), Lat. 38.81519714 Long. 23.23869486 (2024/283), Lat. 38.976459 Long. 23.109584 (2024/309), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 22.1.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Euboea, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 38.03673056 Long. 24.37952222 (2024/142), Lat. 38.60391132 Long. 24.08598315 (2024/217), Lat. 38.958316 Long. 23.093043 (2024/275), Lat. 38.81519714 Long. 23.23869486 (2024/283), Lat. 38.976459 Long. 23.109584 (2024/309) | 14.1.2025 - 22.1.2025 | |
Regional unit of Phocis GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00135 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00236 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00301 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional units of Phocis and Aetolia- Acarnania, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 38.408917 Long. 21.929083 (2024/135), Lat. 38.403889 Long. 21.891667 (2024/236), Lat. 38.398889 Long. 21.921111 (2024/301) | 10.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Phocis and Aetolia-Acarnania, contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 Lat. 38.408917 Long. 21.929083 (2024/135), Lat. 38.403889 Long. 21.891667 (2024/236), Lat. 38.398889 Long. 21.921111 (2024/301), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 19.1.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Phocis, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 38.408917 Long. 21.929083 (2024/135), Lat. 38.403889 Long. 21.891667 (2024/236), Lat. 38.398889 Long. 21.921111 (2024/301) | 11.1.2025-19.1.2025 | |
Regional unit ofAetolia-Acarnania GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00209 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00266 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00302 GR-CAPRIPOX-2025-00005 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Aetolia-Acarnania, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 38.417422 Long. 21.209425 (2024/209), Lat. 38.4169785 Long. 21.196812 (2024/266), Lat. 38.584103 Long. 21.456678 (2024/302), Lat. 38.592322 Long. 21.450042 (2025/5) | 25.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Aetolia-Acarnania, contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 38.417422 Long. 21.209425 (2024/209), Lat. 38.4169785 Long. 21.196812 (2024/266), Lat. 38.584103 Long. 21.456678 (2024/302), Lat. 38.592322 Long. 21.450042 (2025/5), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 3.2.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Aetolia-Acarnania, contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 38.417422 Long. 21.209425 (2024/209), Lat. 38.4169785 Long. 21.196812 (2024/266), Lat. 38.584103 Long. 21.456678 (2024/302), Lat. 38.592322 Long. 21.450042 (2025/5) | 26.1.2025 – 3.2.2025 | |
Regional Unit of Lemnos GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00233 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00250 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00312 GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00313 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Lemnos contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 39.9204 Long. 25.2788 (2024/233), Lat. 39.871 Long. 25.165 (2024/250), Lat. 39.919317 Long. 25.168672 (2024/312), Lat. 39.922481 Long. 25.16325 (2024/313) | 11.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Lemnos contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 39.9204 Long. 25.2788 (2024/233), Lat. 39.871 Long. 25.165 (2024/250), Lat. 39.919317 Long. 25.168672 (2024/312), Lat. 39.922481 Long. 25.16325 (2024/313), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 20.1.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Lemnos contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 39.9204 Long. 25.2788 (2024/233), Lat. 39.871 Long. 25.165 (2024/250), Lat. 39.919317 Long. 25.168672 (2024/312), Lat. 39.922481 Long. 25.16325 (2024/313) | 12.1.2025 – 20.1.2025 | |
Regional Unit of Corinthia GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00290 | Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Corinthia and Argolida contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 37.87764826 Long. 22.46550766 (2024/290), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 15.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional units of Corinthia and Argolida contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 37.87764826 Long. 22.46550766 (2024/290) | 7.1.2025 - 15.1.2025 | |
Regional Unit of Kavala – Municipality of Thasos GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00296 | Surveillance zone: Those parts of the municipality of Thasos contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.76439988 Long. 24.61745358 (2024/296), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 14.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the municipality of Thasos contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 40.76439988 Long. 24.61745358 (2024/296) | 6.1.2025 - 14.1.2025 | |
Regional Unit of Chalkidiki GR-CAPRIPOX-2024-00318 | Protection zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Chalkidiki contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 37.9534099 Long. 24.7634465 (2024/318) | 24.1.2025 |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Chalkidiki contained within a circle of a radius of 10 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 37.9534099 Long. 24.7634465 (2024/318), excluding the areas contained in any protection zone | 2.2.2025 | |
Surveillance zone: Those parts of the regional unit of Chalkidiki contained within a circle of a radius of 3 kilometres, centred on UTM 30, ETRS89 coordinates Lat. 37.9534099 Long. 24.7634465 (2024/318) | 25.1.2025 – 2.2.2025 |
B. Further restricted zones
Further restricted zone | Regional unit | Areas included in the further restricted zones established in Greece as referred to in Article 2 | Date until applicable |
Further restricted zone No 1 | Regional unit of Evros | The regional unit of Evros excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 26.1.2025 |
The regional unit of Evros | 27.1.2025 - 25.2.2025 | ||
Further restricted zone No 2 | Regional unit of Rhodopi | The regional unit of Rhodopi excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 22.1.2025 |
The regional unit of Rhodopi | 23.1.2025 - 21.2.2025 | ||
Further restricted zone No 3 | Regional unit of Kavala | The regional unit of Kavala , including the municipality of Thasos, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 8.2.2025 |
The regional unit of Kavala including the municipality of Thasos | 9.2.2025 - 10.3.2025 | ||
Regional unit of Drama | The municipality of Doxato, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 8.2.2025 | |
The municipality of Doxato | 9.2.2025 - 10.3.2025 | ||
Regional unit of Xanthi | The regional unit of Xanthi excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 8.2.2025 | |
The regional unit of Xanthi | 9.2.2025 - 10.3.2025 | ||
Further restricted zone No 4 | Regional unit of Serres | The municipalities of Amphipolis, Visaltia, and Emmanouil Pappas | 26.1.2025 |
Regional unit of Thessaloniki | The municipalities of Volvi and Lagkadas | 26.1.2025 | |
Regional unit of Chalkidiki | The municipalities of Aristotelis, Sithonia and Polygyros, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 2.2.2025 | |
The municipalities of Aristotelis, Sithonia and Polygyros | 3.2.2025 – 4.3.2025 | ||
The monastic community of Mount Athos | The monastic community of Mount Athos, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 2.2.2025 | |
The monastic community of Mount Athos | 3.2.2025 – 4.3.2025 | ||
Further restricted zone No 5 | Regional unit of Larisa | The regional unit of Larisa, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 14.1.2025 |
The regional unit of Larisa | 15.1.2025 - 13.2.2025 | ||
Further restricted zone No 6 | Regional unit of Pieria | The regional unit of Pieria | 4.1.2025 - 2.2.2025 |
Further restricted zone No 8 | Regional unit of Magnesia | The regional unit of Magnesia, excluding the Sporades islands and the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 3.2.2025 |
The regional unit of Magnesia, excluding the Sporades islands | 4.2.2025 – 5.3.2025 | ||
Regional unit of Phthiotis | The municipality of Stylida, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 3.2.2025 | |
The municipality of Stylida | 4.2.2025 – 5.3.2025 | ||
Further restricted zone No 9 | Regional unit of Phocis | The municipality of Dorida, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 3.2.2025 |
The municipality of Dorida | 4.2.2025 – 5.3.2025 | ||
Regional unit of Aetolia-Acarnania | The regional unit of Aetolia-Acarnania, excluding the municipalities of Aktio – Vonitsa and Amphilochia and the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 3.2.2025 | |
The regional unit of Aetolia-Acarnania, excluding the municipalities of Aktio – Vonitsa and Amphilochia | 4.2.2025 – 5.3.2025 | ||
Further restricted zone No 10 | Regional unit of Corinthia | The municipalities of Nemea, Sikyona, Velo-Vocha and Xylokastro-Evrostina, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 15.1.2025 |
The municipalities of Nemea, Sikyona, Velo-Vocha and Xylokastro-Evrostina. | 16.1.2025 - 14.2.2025 | ||
Regional unit of Argolida | The municipal units of Alea, Koutsopodi, and Lyrkeia, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 15.1.2025 | |
The municipal units of Alea, Koutsopodi, and Lyrkeia. | 16.1.2025 - 14.2.2025 | ||
Regional unit of Arcadia | The municipal unit of Levidi | 14.2.2025 | |
Further restricted zone No 11 | Regional unit of Euboea | The regional unit of Euboea, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 22.1.2025 |
The regional unit of Euboea. | 23.1.2025 - 21.2.2025 | ||
Further restricted zone No 12 | Regional unit of Lemnos | The regional unit of Lemnos, excluding the areas included in any protection or surveillance zone. | 20.1.2025 |
The regional unit of Lemnos | 21.1.2025 – 19.2.2025 | ||
Further restricted zone No 13 | Regional unit of Lesvos | The regional unit of Lesvos | 13.1.2025 |
Further restricted zone No 14 | Regional unit of Andros | The regional unit of Andros | 28.1.2025 |