№/ Страна N°/ País Číslo/ Země Nr./ Land Nr./ Land Nr/ Riik Αριθ./ Χώρα No/ Country N°/ Pays N./ Paese Nr./ Valsts Nr./ Šalis Sorszám/ Ország Nru/ Pajjiż Nr./ Land Nr/ Państwo N.°/ País Nr./ Ţară Číslo/ Štáty Št./ Država Nro/ Maa Nr/ Land | №/ Органи N°/ Organismos Číslo/ Subjekty Nr./ Organer Nr./ Einrichtungen Nr/ Asutused Αριθ./ Οργανισμοί No/ Agencies N°/ Organismes N./ Organismi Nr./ Iestādes Nr./ Institucijos Sorszám/ Szervek Nru/ Aġenziji Nr./ Instanties Nr/ Agencje N.°/ Organismos Nr./ Organisme Číslo/ Orgány Št./ Agencije Nro/ Laitokset Nr/ Organ | №/ Лаборатории N°/ Laboratorios Číslo/ Laboratoře Nr./ Laboratorier Nr./ Laboratorien Nr/ Laboratooriumid Αριθ./ Εργαστήρια No/ Laboratories N°/ Laboratoires N./ Laboratori Nr./ Laboratorijas Nr./ Laboratorijos Sorszám/ Laboratóriumok Nru/ Laboratorji Nr./ Laboratoria Nr/ Laboratoria N.°/ Laboratórios Nr./ Laboratoare Číslo/ Laboratóriá Št./ Laboratoriji Nro/ Laboratoriot Nr/ Laboratorier |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
1. | Южна Африка Sudáfrica Jihoafrická republika Sydafrika Südafrika Lõuna-Aafrika Νότιος Αφρική South Africa Afrique du Sud Sudafrica Dienvidāfrika Pietų Afrika Dél-Afrika |
| 1. | South African Wine and Spirit Board | PO Box 2176 | Dennesig | Stellenbosch 7601 |
2. | Office des vins et spiritueux d'Afrique du Sud | Stellenbosch |
| 1. | Department of Agriculture, Directorate Food Safety and Quality Assurance | Private Bag X5015 | Stellenbosch 7599 |
L-Afrika t’Isfel Zuid-Afrika Republika Południowej Afryki África do Sul Africa de Sud Južná Afrika Južna Afrika Etelä-Afrikka Sydafrika | | |
2. | Албания Albania Albánie Albanien Albanien Albaania Αλβανία Albania Albanie Albania Albānija Albanija Albánia L-Albanija Albanië Albania Albânia Albania Albánsko Albanija Albania Albanien |
| 1. | Agroprocessing and Marketing Directorate | Food and Agriculture Ministry | Bulevardi Deshmoret e Kombit, Nr. 2 | Tirana |
| 1. | Food Research Institute | Rr. Muhamet Gjollesha, Nr. 56 | Tirana |
3. | Алжир Argelia Alžírsko Algeriet Algerien Alžeeria Αλγερία Algeria Algérie Algeria Alžīrija Alžyras Algéria L-Alġerija Algerije Algieria Algeria Argélia Alžírsko Alžirija Algeria Algeriet |
| 1. | Office national de commercialisation des produits viti-vinicoles (ONCV) | 112, quai Sud | Alger 16000 |
| 1. | Laboratoire départemental d'Alger | 10, rue Dinet | Alger 16000 |
2. | Laboratoire Central, Unité Mohammadia | El Harrach | Alger |
3. | Laboratoire central | 1, place Hoche | Oran |
4. | Laboratoire de Mostaganem, Cave Campillo | Route du Port | Mostaganem |
4. | Бивша югославска република Македония Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia Bývalá jugoslávská republika Makedonie Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien Ehemalige jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien Endine Jugoslaavia Makedoonia Vabariik Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia Bijusī Dienvidslāvijas Republika Maķedonija Buvusioji Jugoslavijos Respublika Makedonija Macedónia Volt Jugoszláv Köztársaság L-ex-Repubblika Jugoslava tal-Maċedonja Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië Była Jugosłowiańska Republika Macedonii Antiga República Jugoslava da Macedónia Fosta Republică Iugoslavă a Macedoniei Bývalá juhoslovanská republika Macedónsko Nekdanja jugoslovanska republika Makedonija Entinen Jugoslavian tasavalta Makedonia F.d. jugoslaviska republiken Makedonien |
| 1. | Ministerstvo za zemjodelstvo, šumarstvo i vodostopanstvo na Republika Makedonija | Sektor zemjodelstvo | Oddelenie za lozarstvo, vinarstvo i ovoštarstvo | ul. Leninova 2 | MK-1000 Skopje |
| 1. | Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij | JNU Zemjodelski institut Skopje | Oddel za lozarstvo i vinarstvo | Bul. Aleksandar Makedonski bb | MK-1000 Skopje |
5. | Аржентина Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentinien Argentina Αργεντινή Argentina Argentine Argentina Argentīna Argentina Argentína L-Arġentina |
| 1. | Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura | San Martìn 430 | C.P. M5500AAR | Mendoza |
| 1. | Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura, República Argentina: 1.1. | Departamento Laboratorio General San Martin 430 | Mendoza (M5500AAR) |
1.2. | Departamento Laboratorio San Rafael Av. Libertador 126 — San Rafael | Mendoza (M5600AAO) |
1.3. | Departamento Laboratorio San Juan Rivadavia 665 (Oeste) | San Juan (J5402DFO) |
1.4. | Departamento Laboratorio Córdoba Humberto Primo 832 | Córdoba (X5000FAR) |
Argentinië Argentyna Argentina Argentina Argentína Argentina Argentiina Argentina | | 1.5. | Departamento Laboratorio la Rioja San Nicolás de Bari (Oeste) 954 | La Rioja (F5300AAW) |
1.6. | Departamento Laboratorio Tucumán Jujuy 65 | Ciudad Tucumán (T4000IQA) |
1.7. | Departamento Laboratorio Buenos Aires Av. Paseo Colón 992, 4o Piso | Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (C1063ACW) |
1.8. | Departamento Laboratorio Rosario Belgrano 836 — Rosario | Santa Fe (S2000APV) |
1.9. | Departamento Laboratorio Resistencia Corrientes 36 — Resistencia | Chaco (H3500AGB) |
1.10. | Departamento Laboratorio General Roca Belgrano 632 — General Roca | Rio Negro (R8332HLK) |
6. | Армения Armenia Arménie Armenien Armenien Armeenia Αρμενία Armenia Arménie Armenia Armēnija Armėnija Örményország L-Armenja Armenië Armenia Arménia Armenia Arménsko Armenija Armenia Armenien |
| 1. | National Institute of Standards CJSC | 49/2 Komitas Str. | 37 50 51 Yerevan |
| 1. | National Institute of Standards CJSC E01 | Testing Laboratory | 49/2 Komitas Str. | 375051 Yerevan |
7. | Австралия Australia Austrálie Australien Australien Austraalia Αυστραλία Australia Australie Australia Austrālija Australija |
| 1. | Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation | Level 2, 18 Dequetteville Tce | PO Box 2733 | Kent Town SA 5071 |
| 1. | Australian Wine Research Institute | Waite Road | Urrbrae SA 5064 |
2. | Best Bottlers Pty Ltd | Cnr Cowra Ave & Bathurst Crt | Mildura VIC 3502 |
3. | Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard Pty Ltd | Milawa VIC 3678 |
4. | Chemistry Centre | 125 Hay Street | East Perth WA 6004 |
5. | Hardy Wine Company — Berri | Berri Estate Laboratory | Sturt Highway | Glossop SA 5344 |
L-Australija Ausztrália Australië Australia Austrália Australia Austrália Avstralija Australia Australien | | 6. | Hardy Wine Company | Reynella Laboratory | Reynell Road | Reynella SA 5161 |
7. | McGuigan Simeon Wines Ltd | Whiting Street | Merbein VIC 3505 |
8. | National Measurement Institute | 51-65 Clarke Street | South Melbourne VIC 3205 |
9. | Ozpak | Goulburn Valley Highway | Nagambie VIC 3608 |
10. | Pernod Ricard Pacific Pty Ltd | Central Laboratory | Main Road | Rowland Flat SA 5352 |
11. | Portavin Integrated Wine Services | Portavin Laboratory Services | Payne Road | Jindong WA 6280 |
12. | Portavin Melbourne | 114-118 Talinga Road | Cheltenham VIC 3192 |
13. | Portavin SA Pty Ltd | 160 May Terrace | Ottaway SA 5013 |
14. | Southcorp Wines Pty Ltd | Karadoc Laboratory, Edey Road | Red Cliffs VIC 3496 |
15. | The Wine Clinic | 30-38 Tanunda Road | Nuriootpa SA 5355 |
16. | Vinpac International Pty Ltd | Vinpac Laboratory | Stockwell Road | Angaston SA 5353 |
17. | Vintessential Laboratories Pty Ltd | 13/143 Point Nepean Road | Dromana VIC 3936 |
18. | Vintessential Laboratories (WA) | Unit 4/222 Naturaliste Terrace | Dunsborough WA 6281 |
19. | Winechek | PO Box 1673 | Busselton WA 6280 |
20. | Yalumba Wine Company | Eden Valley Road | Angaston SA 5353 |
8. | Беларус Belarús Bělorusko Belarus Belarus Valgevene Λευκορωσία Belarus Belarus Bielorussia Baltkrievija Baltarusija Belarusz Il-Belarus Belarus |
| 1. | Centres for standardization and metrology: |
| 1. | Main laboratory for State Testing and Certification of Food and Agricultural Products 220053 Minsk Starovilensky Tract, 93 |
2. | Regional Food Products Testing Laboratories, Centres for Standardization and Metrology |
Białoruś Bielorrússia Belarus Bielorusko Belorusija Valko-Venäjä Vitryssland | 2. | Ministry of Health | Republican center hygiene, epidemiology and public health | Kazintsa, 50 | 220099 Minsk |
| 3. | Laboratory Department in Republican center hygiene, epidemiology and public health | Kazintsa, 50 | 220660 Minsk |
3.1 | Regional centers: 3.1.4. | 220013 Minsk, P. Brovki, 9 |
3.2 | City centers: 3.2.3. | 220013 Minsk, P. Brovki, 13 |
9. | Босна и Херцеговина Bosnia y Herzegovina Bosna a Hercegovina Bosnien-Hercegovina Bosnien und Herzegowina Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina Βοσνία-Ερζεγοβίνη Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnie-Herzégovine Bosnia-Erzegovina Bosnija-Hercegovina Bosnija ir Hercegovina Bosznia-Hercegovina Bosnija-Ħerzegovina Bosnië en Herzegovina Bośnia i Hercegowina Bósnia e Herzegovina Bosnia-Herţegovina Bosna a Herecegovina Bosna in Hercegovina Bosnia ja Hertsegovina Bosnien och Hercegovina |
| 1. | Federalni agromediteranski zavod | Biskupa Čule 10 | 88000 Mostar |
| 1. | Laboratory «Bobita Co» | 88260 Čitluk | Kralja Tomislava 42 a |
2. | Poljoprivredni fakultet | Univerzitet Sarajevo | 71000 Sarajevo | Zmaja od Bosne 8 |
10. | Бразилия Brasil Brazílie Brasilien Brasilien Brasiilia Βραζιλία Brazil Brésil Brasile Brazīlija Brazilija Brazília Il-Brażil Brazilië Brazylia Brasil Brazilia Brazília Brazilija Brasilia Brasilien |
| I. | Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento | Departamento de Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Vegetal | Coordenação-Geral de Vinhos e Bebidas | Esplanada dos Ministérios — Bloco D, | CEP 70.043-900 | Brasília, DF |
II. | Superintendências: 1. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Acre — SFAPA/AC | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Rodovia AC — 40, n.o 793 — Segundo Distrito | CEP 69.901-180 | Rio Branco/AC | Tel: (68) 3212 1305 | Fax: (68) 3212 1310 |
2. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento de Alagoas — SFAPA/AL | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Avenida Fernandes Lima, n.o 72 | Bairro Farol | CEP 57.050-900 | Maceió/AL | Tel: (82) 3315 7009/3223 2767 |
3. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Amazonas — SFAPA/AM | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Rua Maceió, n.o 460 | Adrianópolis | CEP 69.057-010 | Manaus/AM | Tel: (92) 3232 1372 |
4. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Amapá — SFAPA/AP | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Rua Tiradentes, 469 | Bairro Central | CEP 68.906-380 | Macapá/AP | Tel: (96) 3223 3071/3222 0282 |
5. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento da Bahia — SFAPA/BA | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Largo dos Aflitos, s/no — Edifício Ceres | CEP 40.060-030 | Salvador/BA | Tel: (71) 3320 7436/3329 5890 |
6. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Ceará — SFAPA/CE | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. dos Expedicionários, n.o 3442 — Benfica | CEP 60.410-410 | Fortaleza/CE | Tel: (85) 3455 9201/3455 9202 |
| III. | Laboratórios oficiais: 1. | Lanagro/GO | Rua da Divisa, s/no — Setor Jaó | CEP 74.674-025 | Goiânia/GO | Tel: (62) 3232 7202/ 3232 7204 | Tel/Fax: (62) 3232 7206/ 3232 7200/ 3232 7208 |
2. | Lanagro/PE | Rua Manoel de Medeiros, s/no — Dois Irmãos | CEP 52.171-120 | Recife/PE | Tel: (81) 3441 6311/3441 6024/3268 8834 | Fax: (81) 3441 6477 |
3. | Lanagro/PA | Av. Almirante Barroso, n.o 1234 | Bairro Marco | CEP 66.095-000 | Belém/PA | Tel: (91) 3226 4233/3226 4310/3226 8814 | Fax: (91) 3226 2682 |
4. | Lanagro/SP | Rua Raul Ferrari, s/no | Jardim Santa Marcelina | Caixa Postal 5538 | CEP 13.100-105 | Campinas/SP | Tel: (19) 3252 0155 | Fax: (19) 3252 4835 |
5. | Lanagro/RS | Estrada da Ponta Grossa, n.o 3036 | CEP 91.785-340 | Porto Alegre/RS | Tel: (51) 3248 2133/3248 1926 | Tel/Fax: (51) 3248 2133 |
6. | Lanagro/MG | Av. Rómulo Joviano, s/no — Caixa Postal 35, 50 | CEP 33.600-000 | Pedro Leopoldo/MG | Tel: (31) 3660 9600 | Fax: (31) 3661 2383 |
IV. | Unidades Laboratoriais Avançadas: 7. | UAV/Jundiaí | Avenida Jundiaí, n.o 773 | Jundiaí/SP | Tel: (11) 4586 1581/ 4586 2025 |
8. | UAV/GO | BR 153 Km 3,5 (saída para Anapolis) | CEP 74.003-010 | Goiânia/GO | Tel: (62) 3207 3854/ 3207 5180 |
9. | UAV/São Roque | Rodovia Raposo Tavares, Km 58 — Taboão | CEP 18.130-000 | São Roque/SP | Tel: (11) 4712 2177 |
10. | UAV/PE | Avenida General San Martin n.o 1000 — Bonji | CEP 50.830-60 | Recife/PE | Tel: (81) 3227 3911/3227 6263 |
| 7. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Distrito Federal — SFAPA/DF | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | SBN Q 01. Bl.D — 5o Andar Ed. Palácio do Desenvolvimento | CEP 70.057-900 Brasília/DF | Tel: (61) 3329 7101/3329 7150 |
8. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Espírito Santo — SFAPA/ES | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. Na Sra dos Navegantes, n.o 495, 2o Andar — Praia do Sua | CEP 29.050-420 Vitória/ES | Tel: (27) 3137 2704/3137 2754 |
9. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Goiás — SFAPA/GO | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Praça Cívica 100, 7o Andar | Caixa Postal 149 | CEP 74.003-010 Goiânia/GO | Tel: (62) 3221 7205 |
10. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Maranhão — SFAPA/MA | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Praça de República, n.o 147 | Bairro Diamante | CEP 65.020-150 São Luis/MA | Tel: (98) 2106 1962 | Fax: (98) 2106 1961 |
11. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Minas Gerais — SFAPA/MG | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. Rajá Gabaglia, n.o 245 | Cidade Jardim | CEP 30380-090 Belo Horizonte/MG | Tel: (31) 3250 0300/3250 0306 |
12. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Mato Grosso do Sul — SFAPA/MS | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Rua Dom Aquino, n.o 2696 | Centro | CEP 79002-970 Campo Grande/MS | Tel: (67) 3325 8866 |
| 11. | UAV/RS | Avenida Farrapos, n.o 285 | CEP 90.220-004 | Porto Alegre/RS | Tel: (51) 3286 6399 |
12. | UAV/Andradas | Campos de Experiência | Caixa Postal 123 | CEP 37.795-000 | Andradas/MG | Tel: (35) 3221 2489/3321 2589 |
13. | UAV/PB | BR 230 KM 14 Estrada de J. Pessoa/Cabedelo | CEP 58.310-000 | Cabedelo/PB | Tel: (83) 3246 2535 | Fax: (83) 3246 1235 |
14. | UAV/RJ | Avenida Maracanã, n.o 245 | CEP 20.271-102 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ | Tel: (21) 2234 0542/ 2234 1376 |
15. | UAV/São José/SC | Rua Joaquim Vaz, n.o 1161 | Praia Comprida | CEP 88.101-210 | São José/SC | Tel: (48) 3247 8527/ 3247 0545 |
16. | UAV/PR | Rua José Veríssimo, n.o 420 | CEP 82.800-000 | Curitiba/PR | Tel: (41) 3264 4039/ 3262 6944 |
17. | UAV/ES | Rua 15 de Novembro, n.o 126 | Praia da Costa | CEP 29.110-031 | Vitória/ES | Tel: (27) 3137 2719/ 3137 2708 |
18. | UAV/CE | Rua Jorge Dummar, n.o 170 | Monterse | CEP 60.410-300 | Fortaleza/CE | Tel: (85) 3494 6077/ 3283 5444/ 3281 3211 |
V. | Laboratórios credenciados 19. | UFBA — Universidade Federal da Bahia | Rua Barão de Jeremoabo s/no, Campus Universitário de Ondina | CEP 40.170-215 | Salvador/Bahia | Tel: (71) 3245 6204 |
20. | UFES — Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo | Av. Fernando Ferrari, no 514 | Campus Universitário — Goiabeiras | CEP 29.075-910 | Vitória/ES | Tel: (27) 3335 2200 |
21. | Instituto de Biociências — Centro de Isótopos Estáveis (CIE) | Rubião Júnior s/no | CEP 18.618-000 | Botucatu/SP | Tel: (14) 3815 1171 |
| 13. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Mato Grosso — SFAPA/MT | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Alameda Dr. Annibal Molina s/no | Ponte Nova | CEP 78.115-901 | Várzea Grande/MT | Tel: (65) 3685 7689/3685 1887 |
14. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Pará — SFAPA/PA | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. Almirante Barroso, n.o 5384 | Souza | CEP 66.030-000 | Belém/PA | Tel: (91) 3214 8696/3231 8697 |
15. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Paraíba — SFAPA/PB | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | BR — 230 Km 14 Estrada João Pessoa/Cabedelo | CEP 58.310-000 | Cabedelo/PB | Tel: (83) 3246 2123 |
16. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Pernambuco — SFAPA/PE | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. General San Martin, n.o 1000 | Bongi | CEP 50.630-060 | Recife/PE | Tel: (81) 3237 3911 |
17. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Piauí — SFAPA/PI | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Rua Taumaturgo de Azevedo, n.o 2315 | CEP 64.001-340 | Teresina/PI | Tel: (86) 3223 4500/3223 4549 |
18. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Paraná — SFAPA/PR | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Rua José Veríssimo, n.o 420 | Tarumã | CEP 82.820-000 | Curitiba/PR | Tel: (41) 3360/3361 4042 |
19. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Rio de Janeiro — SFAPA/RJ | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. Rodrigues Alves, n.o 129, 8o Andar | CEP 20.081-250 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ | Tel: (21) 2233 9122/3263 0822 |
| 22. | Laboratório Food Intelligence | Rua Pássaro e Flores, n.° 141 | Bairro Brooklin | CEP 04.704-000 | São Paulo/SP | Tel: (11) 5049 2772 | Fax: (11) 5049 2100 | E-mail: foodintelligence@foodintelligence.com.br |
23. | Cerelab | Rua Itapeva, n.o 142 | Bela Vista | CEP 01.332-000 | São Paulo/SP | Tel/Fax: (011) 3284 8744 |
24. | SFDK – Laboratório de Análise de Produtos S/C Ltda | Avenida Aratãs, n.o 754 | Moema | CEP 04.081-004 | São Paulo/SP | Tel: (011) 5097 7888 | Fax: (011) 5042 1844 |
25. | Secretaria da Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul | LAREN – Laboratório de Referência Enológica | Avenida da Vindima, n.o 1855 – Centro | CEP 95.084-470 | Caxias do Sul/RS | Tel: (54) 3221 2593 | Fax: (54) 3221 2593 |
| 20. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Rio Grande do Norte — SFAPA/RN | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. Hildebrando de Góís, n.o 150 | Ribeira | CEP 59.010-700 | Natal/RN | Tel: (84) 3221 1741/3221 1750 |
21. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Rondónia– SFAPA/RO | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | BR-364, Km 5.5 Sentido a Cuiabá — CP 35 | CEP 78.900-970 | Porto Velho/RO | Tel: (69) 3216 5616/3216 5601 |
22. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Roraima — SFAPA/RR | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. Santos Dumont, 582 — CP 132 — Bairro de S. Pedro | CEP 69.305-340 | Boa Vista/RR | Tel: (95) 3623 3736 |
23. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Rio Grande do Sul — SFAPA/RS | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. Loureiro Silva, n.o 515, 8o Andar, Sala 808 | CEP 90.010-420 | Porto Alegre/RS | Tel: (51) 3284 9627 | Fax: (51) 3284 9616 |
24. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento de Santa Catarina — SFAPA/SC | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Rua Felipe Schmidt, n.o 755 — Ed. Embaixador, 11o Andar | CEP 88.010-002 | Florianópolis/SC | Tel: (48) 3261 9999/3216 9914 |
25. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Sergipe — SFAPA/SE | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. João Ribeiro, n.o 428 — Centro | CEP 49.065-000 | Aracajú/SE | Tel: (79) 3179 2455 |
26. | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento de São Paulo — SFAPA/SP | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. 13 de Maio, n.o 1558, 9o Andar | Bela Vista | CEP 01.327-002 | São Paulo/SP | Tel: (11) 3284 634 427 |
| |
| 27) | Superintendência Federal de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Tocantins — SFAPA/TO | Serviço de Inspeção de Produtos Agropecuários — SIPAG | Av. N 5 1, 201, Sul Conj. 2, lote 05 (Prédio do INSS) | CEP 77.015-202 | Palmas/TO | Tel: (63) 3210 4320 |
| |
11. | Канада Canadá Kanada Canada Kanada Kanada Καναδάς Canada Canada Canada Kanāda Kanada Kanada Il-Kanada Canada Kanada Canadá Canada Kanada Kanada Kanada Kanada |
| 1. | Vintners Quality Alliance Ontario | 1, Yonge Street, Suite 1601 | Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E5 |
2. | British Colombia Wine Institute | 1737 Pandosy Street | Kelowna, BC V1Y 1R2 |
| 1. | Can Test Ltd | 4606 Canada Way | Burnaby | BC V5G 1K5 |
2. | Inniskillin Wines Inc. | S.R. 66, RR 1 | Niagara Parkway | Niagara-on-the-Lake, | Ontario L0S 1J0 |
3. | Liquor Control Board of Ontario | 55 Lakeshore Blvd East | Toronto, Ontario M5E 1A4 |
4. | SGS Canada Inc | General Testing Laboratories | 50 — 655 W. Kent Ave N. | Vancouver, British Columbia | V6P 6T7 |
5. | Vincor International Inc. | 441 Courtneypark Drive East | Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2V3 |
12. | Чили Chile Chile Chile Chile Tšiili Χιλή Chile Chili Cile Čīle Čilė Chile Iċ-Ċili Chili Chile Chile Chile Čile Čile Chile Chile |
| 1. | Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG), | Bulnes 140, Piso 8 | Santiago |
| 1. | Servicios Terroir Ltda | Sociedad Humbser & Humbser Ltda | Longitudinal Sur, Km. 103 (Poniente) | Comuna de Rengo, Sexta Región. | Correspondencia: Guillermo Saavedra № 141 | Villa Triana | Rancagua |
2. | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Av. Vicuña Mackenna № 4860 | Comuna de Macul | Santiago, Región Metropolitana |
3. | Vinolab Ltda | Camino Antiguo a Valparaíso, Parcela 4 B | Comuna de Padre Hurtado | Región Metropolitana | Correspondencia: Casilla 102 | Padre Hurtado |
4. | Comercial ANALAB Chile SA | Exequiel Fernández № 3592 | Comuna de Macul | Santiago, Región Metropolitana |
5. | Gestión de Calidad y Laboratorio | SA - Santiago | Av. Parque Antonio Rabat № 6165 | Comuna de Vitacura | Santiago, Región Metropolitana |
6. | Vinotec Chile SA | Av. El Rosal № 4644 | Comuna de Huechuraba | Santiago, Región Metropolitana |
| | 7. | Universidad de Talca | Centro Tecnológico de la Vid y el Vino | Av. Lircay s/n | Comuna de Talca | Séptima Región |
8. | Universidad Católica del Maule | Camino a Molina s/n | Comuna de Molina | Séptima Región | Correspondencia: Casilla 114 | Molina |
9. | Laboratorio Vitivinícola de San Fernando | Av. Bernardo O' Higgins № 0220 C | San Femando | Sexta Región |
13. | Хърватия Croacia Chorvatsko Kroatien Kroatien Horvaatia Κροατία Croatia Croatie Croazia Horvātija Kroatija Horvátország Il-Kroazja Kroatië Chorwacja Croácia Croaţia Chorvátsko Hrvaška Kroatia Kroatien |
| 1. | Hrvatski zavod za vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo | Kneza Ljudevita Posavskog, 48 | Zagreb |
| 1. | Hrvatski zavod za vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo | Kneza Ljudevita Posavskog, 48 | Zagreb |
2. | Agronomski Fakultet sveučilišta u Zagrebu | Zavod za vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo | Svetošimunska, 25 | Zagreb |
3. | Institut za Jadranske kulture i melioraciju kraša | Put Duilova, 11 | Split |
4. | Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam | Carla Huguesa, 8 | Poreč |
5. | E.C. Inspekt d.o.o. | Josipa Pupacica, 2 | 10090 Zagreb |
14. | Куба Cuba Kuba Cuba Kuba Kuuba Κούβα Cuba Cuba Cuba Kuba Kuba Kuba Kuba Cuba Kuba Cuba Cuba Kuba Kuba Kuuba Kuba |
| 1. | Corporación Cuba Ron, S.A. | Calle 44 No. 305, Entre 3ra. y 5ta Avenidas | Reparto Miramar, Playa, | La Habana |
| 1. | CNICA | Avenida de Rancho Boyeros km 3 No. 4914 | e/ Camaguey y Línea de Ferrocarril | Rancho Boyeros | La Habana |
15. | Египет Egipto Egypt Egypten Ägypten Egiptus Αίγυπτος Egypt Égypte Egitto Ēģipte Egiptas Egyiptom L-Eġittu Egypte Egipt Egipto Egipt Egypt Egipt Egypti Egypten |
| 1. | The General Organization for Export & Import Control | Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry | 1, Ramsesstreet | Cairo |
| |
16. | САЩ Estados Unidos Spojené státy americké USA Vereinigte Staaten Ameerika Ühendriigid Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες United States États-Unis Stati Uniti Amerikas Savienotās Valstis L-Istati Uniti Jungtinės Valstijos Amerikai Egyesült Államok Verenigde Staten Stany Zjednoczone Estados Unidos Statele Unite Spojené štáty americké Združene države Amerike Yhdysvallat Förenta staterna |
| 1. | Alcohol and Tobacco | Tax and Trade Bureau | 1310 G Street, NW | Washington, DC 20220 |
| I. | Laboratories, graduate chemists and graduate enologists: 1. | Allied Domecq | 1761 Atlas Peak Road | Napa, CA 94558 |
2. | Baker Wine and Grape Analysis | 1101 Riverside Avenue Suite C | Paso Robles, CA 93446 |
3. | Beringer Wine Estates | 1000 Pratt Avenue | PO Box 111 | St Helena, CA 94574 |
4. | Brewing & Distilling Analytical Services | 128 Shady Lane | Lexington, KY 40503 |
5. | Bronco Wine Company | 6342 Bystrum Road | Ceres, CA 95307 |
6. | Brown-Forman Beverages Worldwide | 850 Dixie Highway (40210) | PO Box 1080 | Louisville, KY 40201 |
7. | Constellation Brands, Inc. | 116 Buffalo Street | Canandaigua, NY 14424 |
8. | Constellation Wines U.S. | 800 South Alta Street | PO Box 780 | Gonzales, CA 93926 |
9. | Constellation Wines U.S. Inc. | 12667 Road 24 | PO Box 99 | Madera, CA 93639 |
10. | Constellation Wines U.S. Inc. | 4614 West Turner Road | Lodi, CA 95240 |
| | 11. | Constellation Wines U.S. Inc. | 5950 East Woodbridge Road | Acampo, CA 95220 |
| | 12. | Cool Climate Analytical | 4550 South Clubview Drive | Adrian, MI 49221 |
| | 13. | Delicato Family Vineyards | 12001 South Highway 99 | Manteca, CA 95336 |
| | 14. | Diageo Chateau & Estates | PO Box 116 | 385 Panoche Road | Paicines, CA 95043 |
| | 15. | Diageo North America, Inc. | 21468 8th Street East | PO Box 1636 | Sonoma, CA 95476 |
| | 16. | Diageo North America, Inc. | 903 West 143rd Street | Planifier, IL 60544 |
| | 17. | Duckhorn Wine Company | 1000 Lodi Lane | St. Helena, CA 94574 |
| | 18. | E. & J. Gallo Winery | PO Box 1130 | Modesto, CA 95353 |
| | 19. | Enology Service Laboratory | Room 113, FST Building 0418 | Blacksburg, VA 24061 |
| | 20. | ETS Laboratories | 899 Adams Street | St. Helena, CA 94574 |
| | 21. | Fetzer Vineyards | 12625 East Side Road | PO Box 611 | Hopland, CA 95449 |
| | 22. | Franciscan Vineyards, Inc. | 1775 Metz Road | Soledad, CA 93960 |
| | 23. | Geyser Peak Winery | 22281 Chianti Road | Soledad, CA 95441 |
| | 24. | Glen Ellen Carneros Winery | 21468 Eigth Street East | PO Box 1636 | Sonoma, CA 95476 |
| | 25. | Golden State Vintners | 7409 West Central Avenue | Fresno, CA 93706 |
| | 26. | Gusmer Enterprises, Inc. | 81 M Street | Fresno, CA 93721 |
| | 27. | Kendall Jackson Monterey Winery | 37300 Doud Road | Soledad, CA 93960 |
| | 28. | Kendall Jackson Monterey Winery | 7600 St. Helena Highway | Oakville, CA 94562 |
| | 29. | Kendall Jackson Monterey Winery | 1190 Kitty Hawk Boulevard | Santa Rosa, CA 95403 |
| | 30. | Kendall Jackson Wine Estates, Ltd | 18700 Geyserville Avenue | Geyserville, CA 95441 |
| | 31. | LaCrema | 3690 Laughlin Road | Windsor, CA 95492 |
| | 32. | Lodi Winery Laboratory | 400 East Kettleman Lane | Suite 19 | Lodi, CA 95240 |
| | 33. | Matanzas Creek Winery | 6097 Bennett Valley Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95404-9583 |
| | 34. | Meridian Vineyards | PO Box 3289 | 7000 Highway 46 East | Paso Robles, CA 93446 |
| | 35. | Mogen David Wine Corporation | 85 Boume Street | PO Box 1 | Westfield, NY 14784 |
| | 36. | RJ Lee Group Inc. | 2715 St. Andrews Loop | Suite F | Pasco, WA 99301 |
| | 37. | Scott Laboratories, Inc. | 2220 Pine View Way | PO Box 4559 | Petaluma, CA 94955-4559 |
| | 38. | Sebastiani Vineyards & Winery | 389 Fourth Street East | Sonoma, CA 95476 |
| | 39. | Silverado Vineyards | 6121 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 |
| | 40. | Ste. Michelle Wine Estates | Highway 221 | PO Box 231 | Paterson, WA 99345-0231 |
| | 41. | Ste. Michelle Wine Estates | One Stimson Lane | PO Box 1976 | Woodinville, WA 98072 |
| | 42. | Sutter Home Winery, Inc. | PO Box 248 | St. Helena, CA 94574 |
| | 43. | Vinquiry, Inc. | 7795 Bell Road | Windsor, CA 95492 |
| | 44. | The Wine Group, Inc. | 17000 East Highway 120 | PO Box 897 | Ripon, CA 95366 |
| | II. | Wine producers authorized: |
| | California |
| | 1. | ASV Wines, Inc. | 31502 Peterson Road | McFarland, CA 93250 | BW-CA-5087 |
| | 2. | ASV Wines, Inc. | 12805 Llagas Avenue | San Martin, CA 95046 | BW-CA-5603 |
| | 3. | A.V.V. Winery Co. | dba Alexander Valley Vineyards | 8644 Highway 128 | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4685 |
| | 4. | Acacia Winery | 2750 Las Amigas Road | Napa, CA 94559 | BW-CA-5067 |
| | 5. | Adam T. Tolmach | dba A. Tolmach | 10540 Encino Drive | Oakview, CA 93022 | BW-CA-5203 |
| | 6. | Adler Fels Winery | 5325 Corrick Lane | Santa Rosa, CA 95405 | BW-CA-5024 |
| | 7. | Ahlgren Vineyard | 20320 Highway 9 | Boulder Creek, CA 95006 | BW-CA-4764 |
| | 8. | Alan Grahm | dba Bonny Doon Vineyard | 10 Pine Flat Road | Santa Cruz, CA 95060 | BW-CA-5167 |
| | 9. | Alderbrook Winery | 2306 Magnolia Drive | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5112 |
| | 10. | Allan W. Green | dba Greenwood Ridge Vineyards | 24555 Greenwood Road | Philo, CA 95466 | BW-CA-4960 |
| | 11. | Arciero Winery | 5625 East Hwy 46 | Paso Robles, CA 93446 | BW-CA-5223 |
| | 12. | Arrowwood Vineyards and Winery | 14347 Sonoma Highway | PO Box 987 | Glen Ellen, CA 95442 | BW-CA-5388 |
| | 13. | Associated Vintage Group, Inc. | 2191 Laguna Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | BW-CA-881 |
| | 14. | Associated Vintage Group, Inc. | 3000 Bowen Avenue | Graton, CA 95444 | BW-CA-4831 |
| | 15. | Associated Vintage Group, Inc. | 13300 Buckman Drive | Hopland, CA 95449 | BW-CA-5436 |
| | 16. | Atlas Peak Vineyards, Inc. | 3700 Soda Canyon | Road Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5410 |
| | 17. | B.F.R. Associates | dba Glen Ellen Winery | 21468 Eighth Street | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-5398 |
| | 18. | Bargetto's Santa Cruz Winery | 3535 No. Main Street | Soquel, CA 95073 | BW-CA-3859 |
| | 19. | Barry R. Gnekow | dba Gnekow Family Winery | 17347 East Gawne Road | Collegeville, CA 95215-9646 | BW-CA-5942 |
| | 20. | Bellerose Vineyard | 435 West Dry Creek Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4955 |
| | 21. | Belvedere Winery | 4035 Westside Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5051 |
| | 22. | Benjamin B. Zeitman and Mary Kathleen Quinn | dba Amador Foothill Winery | 12500 Steiner Road | Plymouth, CA 95669 | BW-CA-4963 |
| | 23. | Benziger Family Ranch Assoc. | dba Glen Ellen Winery | 1883 London Ranch Road | Glen Ellen, CA 95442 | BW-CA-4911 |
| | 24. | Bergfeld Cellars | 401 St. Helena Highway | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-3565 |
| | 25. | Beringer/Los Hermanos | 2000 Main Street | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-46 |
| | 26. | Bernardus | 21810 Parrot Ranch Road | Carmel Valley, CA 93924 | BW-CA-5568 |
| | 27. | Boeger Winery, Inc. (a California corporation) | dba Boeger Winery | 1709 Carson Road | Placerville, CA 95667 | BW-CA-4652 |
| | 28. | Bronco Wine Company | 6342 Bystrum Road | Ceres, CA 95307 | BW-CA-4666 |
| | 29. | Buehler Vineyards, Inc. | 820 Greenfield Road | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4841 |
| | 30. | Buena Vista Winery, Inc. | 27000 Ramal Road | PO Box 182 | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-4702 |
| | 31. | Burgess Cellars, Inc. | 1108 Deer Park Road | PO Box 282 | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-945 |
| | 32. | C. Mondavi and Sons | dba Charles Krug Winery | 2800 St. Helena Highway | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-3110 |
| | 33. | Cakebread Cellars | 8300 St. Helena Highway | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-4732 |
| | 34. | Calera Wine Company | 11300 Cienega Road | Hollister, CA 95023 | BW-CA-4826 |
| | 35. | Caliame Corporation | dba Marimar Torres Estate | 11400 Graton Road | Sebastopol, CA 95472 | BW-CA-5666 |
| | 36. | Callaway Vineyard and Winery | 32720 Rancho California Road | Temecula, CA 92390 | BW-CA-4668 |
| | 37. | Cambria Winery, Inc. | 5475 Chardonnay Lane | Santa Maria, CA 94345 | BW-CA-5486 |
| | 38. | Canandaigua West, Inc. (a New York corporation) | dba Mission Bell Winery | 12667 Road 24 | Madera, CA 93637 | BW-CA-22 |
| | 39. | Carmenet Vineyard, Inc. | 1700 Moon Mountain Drive | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-5173 |
| | 40. | Carneros Creek Winery, Inc. | 1285 Dealy Lane | Napa, CA 94559 | BW-CA-4645 |
| | 41. | Castoro Cellars | 6465 Von Dollen Road | San Miguel, CA 93451 | BW-CA-5542 |
| | 42. | Caymus Vineyards, Inc. | PO Box 268 | 8700 Conn Creek Road | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-4598 |
| | 43. | Cecchetti-Sebastiani Cellar | 520 Airpark Road | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5752 |
| | 44. | Chalk Hill Winery | 10300 Chalk Hill Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4986 |
| | 45. | Chalone, Incorporated | dba Chalone Vineyard | mile NW of the junction of Shirt Tail Canyon Road and Stonewall Canyon Road | 10 miles ESE of Post Office | Soledad, CA 93960 | BW-CA-4512 |
| | 46. | Chalone Inc. & Paragon Vineyard Co, Inc. | dba Edna Valley Vineyard | 5 miles SW from San Luis Obispo | Post Office, 300' SW of Biddle Ranch Road | 3900' E of Biddle Ranch Road and CA State Highway | 227 Intersection | San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 | BW-CA-5003 |
| | 47. | Chappellet Vineyards | 1581 Sage Canyon Road | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4537 |
| | 48. | Charles F. Shaw Vineyard & Winery Ltd | 1010 Big Tree Road | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4930 |
| | 49. | Chateau De Baun | 1160 Hopper Avenue | Santa Rosa, CA 95403 | BW-CA-5326 |
| | 50. | Chateau Montelana Winery | 1429 Tubbs Lane | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-4525 |
| | 51. | Chateau St. Jean Inc. | 8555 Sonoma Highway | PO Box 293 | Kenwood, CA 95452-9990 | BW-CA-4710 |
| | 52. | Chimney Rock Winery Corp. (a California corporation) | dba Chimney Rock | 5350 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5400 |
| | 53. | Christopher Creek Winery | 641 Limerick Lane | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4655 |
| | 54. | Clendenen-Tolmach Vintners | dba Au Bon Climat | 4 miles W of Post Office on Highway 135 | Los Alamos, CA 93440 | BW-CA-5107 |
| | 55. | Cline Cellars | 24737 Arnold Drive | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-5152 |
| | 56. | Clos Du Bois Wines, Inc. | 19410 Geyserville Avenue | Geyserville, CA 95441 | BW-CA-5593 |
| | 57. | Clos Du Val Wine Company, Ltd | 5330 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4638 |
| | 58. | Codera Wine Group, Inc. | 9119 Graton Road | Graton, CA 95444 | BW-CA-5968 |
| | 59. | Codorniu Napa, Inc. | 1345 Henry Road | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5573 |
| | 60. | Congress Springs Vineyards, Inc. | 23600 Congress Springs Road | Saratoga, CA 95070 | BW-CA-4766 |
| | 61. | Conn Creek Winery, Ltd | 8711 Silverado Trail | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4769 |
| | 62. | Corbett Canyon Vineyards | 2195 Corbett Canyon Road | San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 | BW-CA-4885 |
| | 63. | Costello Vineyards | dba Saintsbury | 1500 Los Carneros Avenue | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5109 |
| | 64. | Craig Jaffurs | dba Jaffurs Wine Cellars/Cyrano Winery | 2717 Aviation Way, Suite C3-2 | Santa Maria, CA 93454 | BW-CA-5787 |
| | 65. | Cuvaison Winery | PO Box 384 | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-4550 |
| | 66. | David Bruce Winery | 21439 Bear Creek Road | Los Gatos, CA 95030 | BW-CA-4495 |
| | 67. | Davis Bynum Winery | 8075 Westside Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4634 |
| | 68. | De Loach Vineyards | 1791 Olivet Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | BW-CA-4906 |
| | 69. | De Lorimier Winery | 2001 Highway 128 | PO Box 487 | Geyserville, CA 95441 | BW-CA-5305 |
| | 70. | Delicato Vineyards | 12001 S. Highway 99 | Manteca, CA 95336 | BW-CA-4094 |
| | 71. | Diamond Creek Vineyards | 1500 Diamond Mtn. Road | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-4606 |
| | 72. | Dolce Winery, Inc. | One Acacia Drive | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-5691 |
| | 73. | Domaine Chandon | One California Drive | Yountville, CA 94599 | BW-CA-4755 |
| | 74. | Domaine De Clarck | 7023 Carmel Valley Road | Carmel, CA 93923 | BW-CA-5516 |
| | 75. | Domaine De Napa | 1155 Mee Lane | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-5312 |
| | 76. | Domaine Mumm | 8445 Silverado Trail | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-5431 |
| | 77. | Domaine St. George Winery & Vineyards | 1141 Grant Avenue | PO Box 548 | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4052 |
| | 78. | Doug Nalle & The Hambrecht | 1980 Revocable Trust | William Hambrecht Trustee (a partnership) | dba Nalle Winery | 1040 Lytton Springs Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5281 |
| | 79. | Dry Creek Vineyard, Inc. | 3700 Lambert Bridge Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4611 |
| | 80. | Dunn Vineyards | 805 White Cottage Road | Angwin, CA 94508 | BW-CA-5124 |
| | 81. | E. & J. Gallo Winery | 600 Yosemite Blvd | Modesto, CA 95354 | Mailing address: | PO Box 1130 | Modesto, CA 95353 | BW-CA-4213 |
| | 82. | Edwin Joseph Selyem, Jr. and Fred Burt Williams | dba Williams-Selyem | 6575 Westside Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5149 |
| | 83. | Ehlers Lane Investors (a limited partnership) | dba Ehlers Lane Winery | 3222 Ehlers Lane | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-5168 |
| | 84. | F. Korbel & Bros., Inc. | 13250 River Road | Guerneville, CA 95446-9538 | BW-CA-74 |
| | 85. | Far Niente Winery | One Acacia Drive | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-5072 |
| | 86. | Ferrari-Carano Vineyards and Winery | 8761 Dry Creek Road | PO Box 1549 | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5349 |
| | 87. | Fetzer Vineyards | PO Box 227 | Redwood Valley, CA 95470 | BW-CA-4522 |
| | 88. | Fisher Vineyards | 6200 St. Helena Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95404 | BW-CA-4926 |
| | 89. | Flood Ranch Company | Rancho Sisquoc Winery | Route 1, Box 147 on Foxen Road 18 miles E of Post Office | Santa Maria, CA 93454 | BW-CA-4778 |
| | 90. | Flora Springs Wine Company | 1978 W. Zinfandel Lane | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4853 |
| | 91. | Franciscan Vineyards, Inc. (a Delaware corporation) | dba Franciscan Vineyards | 1178 Galleron Road | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-4594 |
| | 92. | Franzia Brothers Winery | 17000 E Highway 120 | Ripon, CA 95366 | BW-CA-3654 |
| | 93. | Freemark Abbey Winery | PO Box 410 | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4514 |
| | 94. | Freixenet Sonoma Caves, Inc. | dba Gloria Ferrer Caves | 23555 Highway 121 | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-5320 |
| | 95. | Frey Vineyards | 14000 Tomki Road | Redwood Valley, CA 95470 | BW-CA-4979 |
| | 96. | Frick Winery | 23072 Walling Road | Geyserville, CA 95441 | BW-CA-4771 |
| | 97. | Frog's Leap Winery | 8815 Conn Creek Road | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-5741 |
| | 98. | Frog's Leap Winery (Inc.) | 3358 St. Helena Highway | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-5075 |
| | 99. | Gabrielli Winery, Inc. | 10950 West Road | Redwood Valley, CA 95470 | BW-CA-5608 |
| | 100. | Garric-Langbehn Winery | 5400 Alpine Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95404 | BW-CA-5394 |
| | 101. | Geyser Peak Winery | PO Box 25 | Geyserville, CA 95441 | BW-CA-29 |
| | 102. | Glen Ellen Carneros Winery | 21468 Eighth Street East | PO Box 1636 | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-5938 |
| | 103. | Golden State Vintners | 38558 Road 128 | Cutler, CA 93615 | BW-CA-4 |
| | 104. | Golden State Vintners | 1777 Metz Road | Soledad, CA 93960 | BW-CA-4505 |
| | 105. | Golden State Vintners | 7409 West Central Avenue | Fresno, CA 93706 | BW-CA-4808 |
| | 106. | Golden State Vintners | 1175 «D» Commerce Boulevard | American Canyon | Napa County, CA 94503 | BW-CA-6560 |
| | 107. | Grape Links, Inc. | 9119 Graton Road Suite P | Craton, CA 95444 | BW-CA-5626 |
| | 108. | Grgich Hills Cellar | 1829 St. Helena Highway | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-4813 |
| | 109. | Groth Vineyards & Winery | PO Box 390 | 750 Oakville Cross Road | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-5178 |
| | 110. | Guenoc Winery | 21000 Butts Canyon Road | Middletown, CA 95461 | BW-CA-5059 |
| | 111. | Guild Wineries & Distilleries (a California corporation) | dba Guild Wine Company | Ukiah Winery | On East Side of US 101 | 2.2 miles NE of Post Office | Ukiah, CA 95482 | BW-CA-4398 |
| | 112. | Guild Wineries & Distilleries (a California corporation) | dba Guild Wine Company | Central Cellars | Eastside of Guild Avenue | 3.3 miles East of Post Office | Woodbridge, CA 95258 | BW-CA-4416 |
| | 113. | Hacienda Wine Cellars, Inc. | 1000 Vineyard Road | PO Box 416 | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-4623 |
| | 114. | Hanna Winery | 5345 Occidental Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | BW-CA-5282 |
| | 115. | Hanna Winery | 9280 Highway 128 | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5725 |
| | 116. | Hanns Kornell Champagne Cellars (a California corporation) | E/S of Larkmead Lane | 0.3 miles N of State Highway 29 | 4.3 miles E of Post Office | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-605 |
| | 117. | Hanzell Vineyards | 18596 Lomita Avenue | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-4470 |
| | 118. | Hartford-Jackson, LLC | dba Hartford Court | 8075 Martinelli Road | Forestville, CA 95436 | BW-CA-5734 |
| | 119. | Hartford-Jackson Winery, LLC | dba LaCrema Winery | 3680 & 3690 Laughlin Road | Windsor, CA 95492 | BW-CA-5920 |
| | 120. | Heitz Wine Cellars | 500 Taplin Road | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-967 |
| | 121. | Heller Estate | dba Durney Vineyards | 18820 Cachagua Road | Carmel Valley, CA 93924 | BW-CA-4823 |
| | 122. | Heublein Fine Wine Group | PO Box 391 | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4497 |
| | 123. | Heublein, Inc. | dba Beaulieu Vineyard | 1960 St. Helena Highway | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-71 |
| | 124. | Hidden Cellars Winery, Inc. | 13300 Buckman Drive | Hopland, CA 95449 | BW-CA-5066 |
| | 125. | Honig Vineyard and Winery, LLC | 850 Rutherford Road | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-5134 |
| | 126. | Husch Vineyards Inc. | 4400 Highway 128 | Philo, CA 95466 | BW-CA-4558 |
| | 127. | Independence Wine Company, LLC | dba Seven Peaks | 453 Deutz Drive, Suite A | Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 | BW-CA-5963 |
| | 128. | Iron Horse Vineyards | 9786 Ross Station Road | Sebastopol, CA 95472 | BW-CA-4874 |
| | 129. | J. & GP. Inc., Lake County Vintners, Inc. | Wines Not, Inc. and Daniel Lahey (General partners) | dba Konocti Winery | 4350 Thomas Drive | Kelseyville, CA 95451 | BW-CA-4929 |
| | 130. | J.L. Jordan Co., general partner of J Vineyards & Winery, LP | dba J Vineyards and Winery | 11447 Old Redwood Highway | Mailing address: | PO Box 6009 | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5506 |
| | 131. | J. Fritz Winery | 24691 Dutcher Creek Road | Cloverdale, CA 95425 | BW-CA-5018 |
| | 132. | J. Lohr Winery | 1000 Lenzen Avenue | San Jose, CA 95123 | BW-CA-4670 |
| | 133. | J. Pedroncelli Winery | 1220 Canyon Road | Geyserville, CA 95441 | BW-CA-113 |
| | 134. | J. Rochioli Vineyards & Winery | 6192 Westside Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4892 |
| | 135. | Jackson Family Farms, LLC | dba Matanzas Creek Winery | 6097 Bennett Valley Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95404 | BW-CA-4848 |
| | 136. | Jackson Family Farms, LLC | dba Cardinale Winery | 7600 St. Helena Highway | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-5052 |
| | 137. | Jackson Family Farms, LLC | dba Vente Winery | 4611 Thomas Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5100 |
| | 138. | Jackson Family Farms, LLC | dba Cambria Winery | 5475 Chardonnay Lane | Santa Rosa, CA 95453 | BW-CA-5486 |
| | 139. | Jackson Family Farms, LLC | dba Stonestreet Winery | 7111 Highway 128 | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-6340 |
| | 140. | Jayson L. Pahlmeyer | dba Pahlmeyer | 7830-40 St. Helena Highway | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-5706 |
| | 141. | Jekel Vineyard | 40155 Walnut Avenue | Greenfield, CA 93927 | BW-CA-4851 |
| | 142. | Jepson Vineyards, Ltd | 10400 S Highway 101 | Ukiah, CA 95482 | BW-CA-5304 |
| | 143. | Jimark Winery, Inc | 602 Limerick Lane | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5154 |
| | 144. | John M. MacCready & Barbara A. MacCready | dba Sierra Vista Winery | 4560 Cabernet Way | Placerville, CA 95667 | BW-CA-4791 |
| | 145. | Joli Val, Ltd (a California corporation) | dba St. Andrew's Winery | 2921 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4957 |
| | 146. | Jordan Sparkling Wine Company (a limited California partnership) | dba J Wine Company | 11447 Old Redwood Highway | PO Box 6009 | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5506 |
| | 147. | Jordan Vineyard & Winery | PO Box 878 | 1474 Alexander Valley Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4776 |
| | 148. | Joseph Phelps Vineyards | 200 Taplin Road | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4647 |
| | 149. | Joseph Swan Vineyards | 2916 Laguna Road | Forestville, CA 95436 | BW-CA-4528 |
| | 150. | Kautz Vineyards, Inc. | 1894 Six Mile Road | Murphys, CA 95247 | BW-CA-5517 |
| | 151. | Kendall-Jackson Wine Estates, Ltd | dba Edmeades | 5500 Highway 128 | Philo, CA 95466 | BW-CA-4596 |
| | 152. | Kendall-Jackson Wine Estates, Ltd | dba Kendall-Jackson | 600 Matthews Road | Lakeport, CA 95453 | BW-CA-5080 |
| | 153. | Kendall-Jackson Wine Estates, Ltd | dba Kendall-Jackson | 18700 Geyserville Avenue | Geyserville, CA 95441 | BW-CA-5256 |
| | 154. | Kendall-Jackson Wine Estates, Ltd | dba Kendall-Jackson Wine Center | 5007 Fulton Road | Fulton, CA 95439 | BW-CA-5600 |
| | 155. | Kendall Jackson Wine Estates, Ltd | dba Kendall-Jackson | 5620 Skylane Bouvelard | Santa Rosa, CA 95403 | BW-CA-5894 |
| | 156. | Kendall-Jackson Wine Estates, Ltd | dba Kendall-Jackson | 37300 Doud Road | Soledad, CA 93960 | BW-CA-6095 |
| | 157. | Kenwood Vineyards | PO Box 447 | Kenwood, CA 95452 | BW-CA-978 |
| | 158. | Kiriko Ltd | dba Clos Pegase Winery | 1060 Dunaweal Lane | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-5343 |
| | 159. | Kistler Vineyards | 4707 Vine Hill Road | Sebastopol, CA 95472 | BW-CA-5663 |
| | 160. | Klein Foods, Inc. | dba Klein Family Vintners | dba Rodney Strong Vineyards | 11455 Old Redwood Highway | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4520 |
| | 161. | Knights' Valley Vineyards | dba Tijsseling Vineyards | 2150 McNab Ranch Road | Ukiah, CA 95482 | BW-CA-5033 |
| | 162. | Kunde Enterprises, Inc. | dba Kunde Estate Winery | 10155 Sonoma Highway | PO Box 639 | Kenwood, CA 95452 | BW-CA-202 |
| | 163. | L. Foppiano Wine Company (a California corporation) | 12707 Old Redwood Highway | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-312 |
| | 164. | Lambert Bridge, Inc. | dba Lambert Bridge | 4085 West Dry Creek Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4725 |
| | 165. | Laurel Glen Winery | PO Box 548 | Glen Ellen, CA 95442 | BW-CA-5010 |
| | 166. | Leeward Winery | 2784 Johnson Drive | Ventura, CA 93003 | BW-CA-4898 |
| | 167. | Llords & Elwood (a California corporation) | 1250 Stanford Avenue | Fremont, CA 94539 | BW-CA-4475 |
| | 168. | Long Vineyards (a California corporation) | 1535 Sage Canyon Road | PO Box 50 | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4861 |
| | 169. | Louis D. Preston | dba Preston Winery | 9206 West Dry Creek Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4716 |
| | 170. | Louis M. Martini | PO Box 112 | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-3596 |
| | 171. | Lytton Springs Winery, Inc. | 650 Lytton Springs Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4798 |
| | 172. | M.E.V. Corporation | dba Mount Eden Vineyards | 22020 Mount Eden Road | Saratoga, CA 95070 | BW-CA-4599 |
| | 173. | Mark West Winery, Inc. | 7000 Trenton-Healdsburg Road | Forestville, CA 95436 | BW-CA-4765 |
| | 174. | Markham Vineyards | dba Glass Mountain Quarry | 2812 St. Helena Highway | PO Box 636 | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-957 |
| | 175. | Marko B. Zaninovich | dba ASV Wines | On the North side of Peterson Road | approx. 1/4 mile West of the intersection of Peterson & Browning Rds. in Kern County, California, 5 1/2 miles South of the Delano Post Office | Delano, CA 93215 | BW-CA-5087 |
| | 176. | Martin & Mcfarlane, Inc. | dba Martin Brothers Winery | PO Box 2599 | Paso Robles, CA 93447 | BW-CA-5057 |
| | 177. | Martin Ray Winery, Inc. | 2191 Laguna Road | Suite C | Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | BW-CA-6600 |
| | 178. | Matanzas Creek Winery Inc. | 6097 Bennett Valley Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95404 | BW-CA-4848 |
| | 179. | Mayacamas Vineyards | 1155 Lokoya Road | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4417 |
| | 180. | McDowell Cellars, Inc. | 3811 Highway 175 | PO Box 449 | Hopland, CA 95449 | BW-CA-4879 |
| | 181. | Melim, Ltd | dba Melin/Chalk Hill Vineyards | 15001 Chalk Hill Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5411 |
| | 182. | Meridian Vineyards | PO Box 3289 | 7000 Highway 46 East | Paso Robles, CA 93446 | BW-CA 5453 |
| | 183. | Merryvale Vineyards, LLC | dba Merryvale Vineyards | 1000 Main Street | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4072 |
| | 184. | Michael Robbins | dba Spring Mountain Vineyards | 2805 Spring Mountain Road | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4521 |
| | 185. | Michel Vineyards, Inc. | 4155 Wine Creek Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5283 |
| | 186. | Mildara Blass, Inc. | dba Windsor Vineyards | 9600 Bell Road | Windsor, CA 95492 | BW-CA-999 |
| | 187. | Mill Creek Vineyards | 1401 Westside Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4739 |
| | 188. | Milla Handley and Rex McClellan, general partners | Handley Cellars Ltd Partnership | dba Handley Cellars | 3151 Highway 128 | Philo, CA 95466 | B W-CA-5128 |
| | 189. | Mirassou Champagne Cellers | 300 College Avenue | Los Gatos, CA 95030 | BW-CA-107 |
| | 190. | Mirassou Wineries | 3000 Aborn Road | San Jose, CA 95135 | BW-CA-4255 |
| | 191. | Mont La Salle Vineyards (a California corporation) | 8418 South Lac Jac Avenue | Reedley, CA 93654 | BW-CA-3620 |
| | 192. | Monterey Peninsula Winery, Inc. | 2999 Monterey-Salinas Highway | Monterey, CA 93940 | BW-CA-4676 |
| | 193. | Monticello Cellars, Inc. (a California corporation) | 4242 Big Ranch Road | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-S 102 |
| | 194. | Morgan Winery | 526 Brunken Avenue | Salinas, CA 93901 | BW-CA-5130 |
| | 195. | Mount Veeder Winery | 1999 Mount Veeder Road | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4620 |
| | 196. | Mr. Robert Andrew Cutter | dba Duxoup Wine Works | 9611 West Dry Creek Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5042 |
| | 197. | MTGR Corporation | dba Murphy-Goode Estate Winery | 4001 Highway 128 | PO Box 158 | Geyserville, CA 95441 | BW-CA-5415 |
| | 198. | Napa Cellar Inc. | dba De Moor Winery & Napa Cellars | PO Box 348 | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-4737 |
| | 199. | Napa Wine Company | 7830-40 St. Helena Highway | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-9 |
| | 200. | Newton Vineyard | One California Drive | Yountville, CA 94599 | BW-CA-4918 |
| | 201. | Nichelini Winery, Inc. | 2950 Sage Canyon Road | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-843 |
| | 202. | Niebaum-Coppola Estate Winery | PO Box 208 | 1460 Niebaum Lane | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-4856 |
| | 203. | Nils Venge & Robert A. Call (a California partnership) | dba Venge Vineyards | 7802 Money Road | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-5183 |
| | 204. | Norman C. & Rosa Lee deLeuze | dba ZD Wines | 8383 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4524 |
| | 205. | O'Neill Beverage Company LLC | 8418 South Lac Jac Avenue | Parlier, CA 93648 | BW-CA-3620 |
| | 206. | Oak Knoll Cellars | dba Rutherford Hill Winery | 200 Rutherford Hill Road | Rutherford, CA 95573 | BW-CA-4591 |
| | 207. | Oak Ridge Winery, LLC | 6100 East Highway 12 | Lodi, CA 95240 | Mailing address: PO Box 440 | Lodi, CA 95241-0440 | BW-CA-3863 |
| | 208. | Oak Stave Corporation | dba Caporale Winery | 910-A Enterprise Way | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5401 |
| | 209. | Oakville Hills Cellar, Inc. (a California corporation) | 7776 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5344 |
| | 210. | Orleans Hill Vinicultural Corporation (a California corporation) | 17636 County Road 94B | Woodland, CA 95695 | BW-CA-4994 |
| | 211. | Overlook Vineyards | dba Landmark Vineyards | 101 Adobe Canyon Road | Kenwood, CA 95452 | BW-CA-4731 |
| | 212. | Pacific Wine Partners, LLC | 800 South Alta Street | Gonzalez, CA 93926 | BW-CA-4674 |
| | 213. | Paragon Vineyard Co., Inc. | 4915 Orcutt Road | San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 | BW-CA-5572 |
| | 214. | Parducci Winery, Ltd | dba Parducci Wine Cellars | 501 Parducci Road | Ukiah, CA 95482 | BW-CA-3832 |
| | 215. | Parsons Creek Winery | 3001 South State Street | Ukiah, CA 95482 | BW-CA-4894 |
| | 216. | Patz & Hall Wine Company | 850 Rutherford Road | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-5961 |
| | 217. | Pellegrini Family Vineyards | 4055 West Olivet Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95404 | BW-CA-3822 |
| | 218. | Pellegrini Family Vineyards | 10155 Sonoma Highway | Kenwood, CA 95452 | BW-CA-5721 |
| | 219. | Philip Togni & Birgitta Togni | dba Philip Togni Vineyard | PO Box 81 | 3780 Spring Mountain Road | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-5290 |
| | 220. | Pine Ridge Winery | 5901 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5012 |
| | 221. | Pyramids Winery | dba Keller Estate | 5875 Lakeville Highway | Petaluma, CA 94954 | BW-CA 6369 |
| | 222. | Quady Winery, Inc. | 13181 Road 24 | Madera, CA 93937 | BW-CA-4684 |
| | 223. | Quivira Vineyards | 4900 West Dry Creek Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5377 |
| | 224. | R. Montali Winery, Inc. | 600 Addison Street | Berkeley, CA 94710 | BW-CA-4562 |
| | 225. | R.M.E., Inc. | dba Robert Mondavi Winery-Woodbridge | 5950 East Woodbridge Road | Acampo, CA 95220 | BW-CA-4802 |
| | 226. | Ravenswood Winery, Inc. | 18701 Gehricke Road | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-4991 |
| | 227. | Ravenswood Winery, Inc. | 21415 Broadway | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-5083 |
| | 228. | Raymond T. Duncan & Justin R. Meyer | dba Silver Oak Wine Cellars | 915 Oakville Crossroad | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-4624 |
| | 229. | Raymond Vineyard & Cellar, Inc. | 849 Zinfandel Lane | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4672 |
| | 230. | Reginald B. Oliver | dba El Molino | 3315 St. Helena Highway North | PO Box 306 | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-5438 |
| | 231. | Renaissance Vineyard and Winery, Inc. | 12585 Rice's Crossing Road | Renaissance, CA 95962 | BW-CA-4869 |
| | 232. | Richard H. & Leslie H. Bush | dba Madrona Vineyards | North End High Hill Road 3 miles West of Camino | Camino, CA 95709 | BW-CA-5005 |
| | 233. | Richard M. Steltzner | dba Steltzner | 5998 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5175 |
| | 234. | Richard P. Minor | dba Ritchie Creek Vineyard | 4024 Spring Montain Road | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4681 |
| | 235. | Ridge Vineyards, Inc. | 17100 Monte Bello Road | PO Box AI | Cupertino, CA 95014-95015 | BW-CA-4488 |
| | 236. | River Oaks Agricorp | dba Clos du Bois Wines/River Oaks | Vineyards | #5 Fitch Street (PO Box 339) | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4730 |
| | 237. | Robert A. & Robert L. Pepi, General Partners | dba Robert Pepi Winery | 7585 St. Helena Highway | PO Box 328 | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-5052 |
| | 238. | Robert Mondavi Investments and B.ph.R. (California) Inc. | dba Opus One | 7900 St. Helena Highway | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-5594 |
| | 239. | Robert Mondavi Winery | 7801 St. Helena Highway | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-4511 |
| | 240. | Robert Pecota Winery | PO Box 303 | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-4845 |
| | 241. | Robert Stemmler Winery | 3805 Lambert Bridge Road | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-4846 |
| | 242. | Roche Winery | 28700 Arnold Drive | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-5495 |
| | 243. | Rombauer Vineyards, Inc. | dba Rombauer Vineyards | 3522 Silverado Trail | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-5113 |
| | 244. | Rosenblum Cellars, Inc. | 2900 Main Street | Sawtooth Building #1 | Alameda, CA 94501 | BW-CA-5139 |
| | 245. | Round Hill Cellars (a California corporation) | 1097 Lodi Lane | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4828 |
| | 246. | Rudd Wines, Inc. | dba Rudd | 500 Oakville Crossroad | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-4999 |
| | 247. | Russian River Winery, Inc. | 2191 Laguna Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | BW-CA-881 |
| | 248. | Rutherford Vintners Inc. (a California corporation) | dba Rutherford Vintners | 1673 St. Helena Highway South | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-4805 |
| | 249. | S. Anderson Vineyard | 1473 Yountville Crossroad | Yountville, CA 94599 | BW-CA-4917 |
| | 250. | Sanford Winery | 7250 Santa Rosa Road | Buellton, CA 93427 | BW-CA-5160 |
| | 251. | Santa Barbara Winery | 202 Anacapa Street | Santa Barbara, CA 93101 | BW-CA-4490 |
| | 252. | Santa Cruz Moutain Vineyard | 2300 Jarvis Road | Santa Cruz, CA 95065 | BW-CA-4697 |
| | 253. | Santa Lucia Winery, Inc. (a California corporation) | On Templeton Road 2.2 miles South of intersection of Templeton and Vineyard Roads | Templeton, CA 93465 | BW-CA-5169 |
| | 254. | Scharffenberger Cellars, Inc. | 8501 Highway 128 | Philo, CA 95466 | BW-CA-5592 |
| | 255. | Schramsberg Vineyards Co. | 1400 Schramsberg Road | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-4329 |
| | 256. | Sean Haley Thackrey | dba Thackrey & Co. | 240 Overlook Drive | Bolinas, CA 94924 | BW-CA-5082 |
| | 257. | Seghesio Wineries, Inc. | 14730 Grove Street | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-56 |
| | 258. | Sequoia Grove Vineyards | 8338 St. Helena Higway | PO Box 449 | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-5000 |
| | 259. | Shafer Vineyards | 6154 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4897 |
| | 260. | Silverado Vineyards | 6121 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5064 |
| | 261. | Simi Winery, Inc. | dba Simi Winery | 16275 Healdsburg Avenue | Healdsburg, CA 94558 | BW-CA-2332 |
| | 262. | Skalli Corporation | dba St. Supery Vineyards & Winery | 8440 St. Helena Highway | PO Box 38 | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-5427 |
| | 263. | Sky Vineyards | 1500 Lokoya Road | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4934 |
| | 264. | Smith & Hook Winery | 37700 Foothill Road | Soledad, CA 93960 | BW-CA-5015 |
| | 265. | Sonoma-Cutrer Vineyards | 4401 Slusser Road | Windsor, CA 95492 | BW-CA-5054 |
| | 266. | Spottswoode Winery | 1401 Hudson Avenue | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-5148 |
| | 267. | St. Clement Vineyards | 2867 St. Helena Highway | PO Box 261 | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4745 |
| | 268. | St. Francis Vineyards | 8450 Sonoma Highway | Kenwood, CA 95452 | BW-CA-4905 |
| | 269. | St. Francis Winery & Vineyard, LP | 500 Pythian Road | Santa Rosa, CA 95409 | BW-CA-6180 |
| | 270. | St. Helena Wine Co., Inc. | dba Duckhorn Vineyards | 3027 Silverado Trail | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4857 |
| | 271. | Stag's Leap Wine Cellars | 5766 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4609 |
| | 272. | Sterling Vineyards | 1111 Dunaweal Lane | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-4533 |
| | 273. | Sterling Wines | dba Newton Vineyard | 2555 Madrona Avenue | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4918 |
| | 274. | Stonegate, Inc. | dba Stonegate Winery | 1183 Dunaweal Lane | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-4640 |
| | 275. | Storybook Mountain Vineyards | 3835 Highway 128 | Calistoga, CA 94515 | BW-CA-4946 |
| | 276. | Stratford Winery | 3222 Ehlers Lane | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-5624 |
| | 277. | Sutter Home Winery, Inc. | 277 St. Helena Highway | PO Box 248 | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-1007 |
| | 278. | Swanson Vineyards & Winery | 1271 Manley Lane | PO Box 459 | Rutherford, CA 94573 | BW-CA-4820 |
| | 279. | Talley Vineyards | 3031 Lopez Drive | Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 | BW-CA-5338 |
| | 280. | The Biale Estate | dba Robert Biale Vineyards | 4038 Big Ranch Road | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5872 |
| | 281. | The Firestone Vineyard | PO Box 244 | Los Olivos, CA 93441 | BW-CA-4720 |
| | 282. | The Hess Collection | 4411 Redwood Road | PO Box 4140 | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5311 |
| | 283. | The R.H. Phillips Vineyard, Inc. | County Road 87 & 12-A | 8 miles due N of Esparto | Esparto, CA 95627 | BW-CA-5214 |
| | 284. | Thomas Dehlinger | dba Dehlinger Winery | 6300 Guerneville Road | Sebastopol, CA 95472 | BW-CA-4757 |
| | 285. | Thornton Winery | 32575 Rancho California Road | Temecula, CA 92591 | BW-CA-5417 |
| | 286. | Topolos at Russian River Vineyards | 5700 Gravenstein Highway North | PO Box 358 | Forestville, CA 95436 | BW-CA-4855 |
| | 287. | Trefethen Vineyards Winery, Inc. | dba Trefethen Vineyards | 1160 Oak Knoll Avenue | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4635 |
| | 288. | Valley of the Moon Winery | 777 Madrone Road | Glen Ellen, CA 95442 | BW-CA-4388 |
| | 289. | Ventana Vineyards Winery, Inc. | Los Coches Road | 5.8 miles SW of Post Office | Soledad, CA 93960 | BW-CA-4847 |
| | 290. | Vichon Associates (a California general partnership) | dba Vichon | 1595 Oakville Grade | Oakville, CA 94562 | BW-CA-4989 |
| | 291. | Villa Helena Winery | 1455 Inglewood Avenue | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-5210 |
| | 292. | Villa Mt. Eden Winery | c/o Ste. Michelle Vintners Inc. | 620 Oakville Crossroad | Oakville, CA 94563 | BW-CA-4677 |
| | 293. | Vine Cliff Winery | 7400 Silverado Trail | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-5591 |
| | 294. | Vineburg Wine Company, Inc. | 2000 Denmark Street | Vineburg, CA 95487 | BW-CA-64 |
| | 295. | Vintners International Company, Inc. | Off Pierce Road, 3.3 miles W of Post Office | Saratoga, CA 95070 | BW-CA-144 |
| | 296. | Vintners International Company, Inc. | 1777 Metz Road | Soledad, CA 93960 | BW-CA-4505 |
| | 297. | Vintners International Company, Inc. | 22004 Road 24 | Madera, CA 93637 | BW-CA-4682 |
| | 298. | Vintners International Company, Inc. | 340 El Camino Real South | Salinas, CA 93908 | BW-CA-5251 |
| | 299. | Vivette & Company | dba Saintsbury | 1500 Los Carneros Avenue | Napa, CA 94559 | BW-CA-5114 |
| | 300. | Walter Schug | dba Schug Cellars | 602 Bonneau Road | Sonoma, CA 95476 | BW-CA-5309 |
| | 301. | Weibel Vineyards | 1250 Stanford Avenue | Mission San Jose, CA 94539 | BW-CA-4372 |
| | 302. | Wente Bros. Winery | 5565 Tesla Road | Livermore, CA 94550 | BW-CA-893 |
| | 303. | Whitehall Lane Winery | 1563 St. Helena Highway | St. Helena, CA 94574 | BW-CA-4974 |
| | 304. | Wildhurst Vineyards | 3495 Benson Lane | PO Box 1223 | Keyseyville, CA 95451 | BW-CA-5611 |
| | 305. | William George Easton, Jr. | Jane Louise O'Riordan | dba Domaine de la Terre Rouge | 10801 Dickson Road | Plymouth, CA 95669 | BW-CA-5789 |
| | 306. | William Hill Napa, Inc. | 1761 Atlas Peak Road | Napa, CA 94558 | BW-CA-4901 |
| | 307. | William S. Greenough & Nancy P. Greenough | dba Saucelito Canyon Vineyard | 1600 Saucelito Creek Road | San Luis Obispo County | Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 | BW-CA-5110 |
| | 308. | William Wheeler Winery | 130 Plaza Street | PO Box 881 | Healdsburg, CA 95448 | BW-CA-5011 |
| | 309. | Woltner Estates, Ltd | 150 White Cottage Road | Angwin, CA 94508 | BW-CA-5286 |
| | 310. | Yayin Corporation (Brand: Gan Eden) | 4950 Ross Road | Sebastopol, CA 95472 | BW-CA-5274 |
| | Colorado 311. | Minturn Cellars Ltd | 107 Williams Street | PO Box 129 | Minturn, CO 81645 | BW-CO-19 |
| | Georgia 312. | Chateau Elan Ltd | Route 1 (State Route 211) | PO Box 563-1 | Hoschton, GA 30548 | BW-GA-30 |
| | Idaho 313. | Louis Facelli Winery | PO Box 694 | Wilder, ID 83676 | BW-ID-09 |
| | 314. | Ste Chapelle Winery | Route 4, Box 775 | Caldwell, ID 83605 | BW-ID-08 |
| | 315. | Valley Vintners Inc. | dba Rose Creek Vineyards | 111 West Hagerman Avenue | PO Box 356 | Hagerman, ID 83332 | BW-ID-16 |
| | Maryland 316. | Elk Run Vineyards, Inc. | 15113 Liberty Road | Mount Airy, MD 21771 | BW-MD-30 |
| | New York 317. | Bidwell Vineyards | Route 48 | Cutchogue, NY 11935 | BW-NY-730 |
| | 318. | Mogan David Wine Corporation | 85 Bourne Street | Westfield, NY 14787 | BW-NY-626 |
| | 319. | Palmer Vineyards | 108 Sound Avenue | Riverhead, NY 11901 | BW-NY-721 |
| | 320. | Royal Wine Corporation | 418-430 Kent Avenue | Brooklyn, NY 11211 | BW-NY-600 |
| | 321. | The Bridgehampton Winery | PO Box 979 | Bridgehampton, NY 11932 | BW-NY-695 |
| | North Carolina 322. | Biltmore Estate Wine Company | One Biltmore Plaza | Asheville, NC 28803 | BW-NC-32 |
| | Oregon 323. | Abacela Vineyards and Winery, Inc. | 12500 Looking Glass Road | Roseburg, OR 97470 | BW-OR-206 |
| | 324. | Adelsheim Vineyard, LLC | 16800 NE Calking Lane | Newberg, OR 97132 | BW-OR-71 |
| | 325. | Amity Vineyards | 18150 Amity Vineyards Road | Amity, OR 97101 | BW-OR-60 |
| | 326. | Argyle Winery, Inc. | 691 Highway 99W | Dundee, OR 97115 | BW-OR-122 |
| | 327. | Barney Watson Jr., Nola Mosier, | David Buchanan & Margaret Margaret Buchanan (a partnership) | dba Tyee Wine Cellars | 26335 Greenberry Road | Corvallis, OR 97333 | BW-OR-106 |
| | 328. | Bethel Heights Vineyard, Inc. | Trade name: Bethel Heights Vineyard | 6060 Bethel Heights Road NW | Salem, OR 97304 | BW-OR-98 |
| | 329. | Cayuse Winery, LLC | 53863 Highway 332 | Sunnyside Road | Milton-Freewater, OR 97862 | BWN-OR-15042 |
| | 330. | Cristom Winery, Inc. | 6905 Spring Valley Road NW | Salem, OR 97304 | BW-OR-169 |
| | 331. | Daniel C. Jepsen | dba Alpine Vineyards | 2.2 miles North of Monroe Post Office on Green Peak Road | Alpine, OR 97456 | BW-OR-79 |
| | 332. | David B. and Virginia W. Adelsheim (a partnership) | dba Adelsheim Vineyard | Route 1, Box 129D | Newberg, OR 97132 | BW-OR-71 |
| | 333. | Edward L. Gerber, Merideth R. Gerber, Russell P. Berard & Elizabeth A. Berard | dba Foris Vineyards Winery | 654 Kendall Road | Cave Junction, OR 97523 | BW-OR-118 |
| | 334. | Eyrie Vineyards | PO Box 697 | Dundee, OR 97115 | BW-OR-49 |
| | 335. | Flynn Vineyards, Inc. | 2200 W Pacific Highway | Rickreall, OR 97371 | BW-OR-153 |
| | 336. | Joe H. & Patricia A. Campbell | dba Elkcove Vineyards | 27751 NW Olson Road | Gaston, OR 97119 | BW-OR-64 |
| | 337. | Knudsen Erath Winery | Worden Hill Road | 3 miles W by NW of Dundee Post Office | Dundee, OR 97115 | BW-OR-52 |
| | 338. | Montinore Vineyards Limited | dba Montinore Vineyards | 3663 SW Dilley Road | Forest Grove, OR 97116 | BW-OR-140 |
| | 339. | Oak Knoll Winery, Inc. | 29700 SW Burkhalter Road | Hillsboro, OR 97123 | BW-OR-50 |
| | 340. | Ponzi Vineyards | 14665 SW Winery Lane | Beaverton, OR 97007 | BW-OR-56 |
| | 341. | Rex Hill Vineyards, Inc. (an Oregon corporation) | dba Rex Hill Vineyards | 30835 N Highway 99W | Newberg, OR 97132 | BW-OR-91 |
| | 342. | Scott Henry's Winery Corp. | PO Box 26 | 687 Hubbard Creek Road | Umpqua, OR 97486 | BW-OR-74 |
| | 343. | Sokol Blosser Winery, Inc. | dba Sokol Blosser | dba Sokol Blosser Winery | 5000 NE Sokol Blosser Lane | Dundee, OR 97225 | PO Box 399 | Dundee, OR 97115 | BW-OR-66 |
| | 344. | Tualatin Vineyards, Inc. | 10850 NW Seavey Road | Forest Grove, OR 97116 | BW-OR-55 |
| | 345. | Valley View Winery, Inc. | 1000 Applegate Road | Jacksonville, OR 97530 | BW-OR-70 |
| | 346. | Willamette Valley Vineyards | 8800 Enchanted Way, SE | Turner, OR 97392 | BW-OR-149 |
| | 347. | Yamhill Valley Vineyards, Inc. | 16250 SW Oldsville Road | McMinnville, OR 97128 | BW-OR-104 |
| | Pennsylvania 348. | Fox Meadow Farm | RD #2 Box 59 | Chester Springs, PA 19425 | BW-PA-132 |
| | Texas 349. | Hugo Edwin Auler | dba Fall Creek Vineyards | 2 1/2 miles NE of Post Office | Tow, TX 78672 | BW-TX-23 |
| | 350. | Messina Hof Wine Cellars | Route 7, Box 905 | Bryan, TX 77802 | BW-TX-34 |
| | 351. | S.G.R.C. Ltd | dba Ste Genevieve Vineyards | Service Road South, 10 miles West intersection IH 10 and Farm Road 11 | Bakersfield | Peco, TX 79735 | BW-TX-40 |
| | 352. | The Richter Wine Group | 1941 1H 35 East | New Braunfels, TX 78130 | BW-TX-52 |
| | Virginia 353. | Barboursville Winery, Inc. | PO Box F/136 | Barboursville, VA 22923 | BW-VA-31 |
| | Washington 354. | American Wine Trade | dba Hedges Cellars | 53511 N Sunset Road | Benton City, WA 98027 | BW-WA-176 |
| | 355. | Arbor Crest Winery | 4705 N Fruithill Road | Spokane, WA 99207 | BW-WA-90 |
| | 356. | Associated Vintners Inc. (a Washington corporation) | dba Columbia Winery | 1445 120th Avenue NE | Bellevue, WA 98005 | BW-WA-56 |
| | 357. | Badger Mountain, Inc. | 1106 South Jurupa Street | Kennewick, WA 99338 | BW-WA-144 |
| | 358. | Blackwood Canyon Vintners | Route 2, Box 2169H | Benton City, WA 99320 | BW-WA-106 |
| | 359. | Cascade Estates Winery | 111 East Lincoln Avenue | Sunnyside, WA 98944 | BW-WA-151 |
| | 360. | Cayuse Vineyards, LLC | 17 East Main Street | Walla Walla, WA 99362 | BWC-WA-269 |
| | 361. | George D. Stewart | dba Stewart Vineyards | Cherry Hill Road | Granger, WA 98944 | BW-WA-98 |
| | 362. | Gordon Brothers | 531 Levey Road | Pasco, WA 99301-9711 | BW-WA-235 |
| | 363. | Gordon Brothers Cellars, Inc. | 671 Levey Road | Pasco, WA 99301-9711 | BW-WA-102 |
| | 364. | Hinzerling Vineyards, Inc. | 1520 Sheridan Avenue | Prosser, WA 99350 | BW-WA-64 |
| | 365. | Kiona Vineyards Winery | 211 South 46th Street | West Richland, WA 99352 | Mailing address: | Rt. 2 Box 2169E | Benton City, WA 99320 | BW-WA-73 |
| | 366. | L'Ecole No. 41 Winery | PO Box 111 | 41 Lowden School Road | Lowden, WA 99360 | BW-WA-100 |
| | 367. | Preston Family, Inc. | 502 East Vineyard Drive | Pasco, WA 99301 | BW-WA-62 |
| | 368. | Quail Run Cellars & Vintners | dba Covey Run Vintners | 1500 Vintage Road | Zillah, WA 98953 | BW-WA-86 |
| | 369. | Salishan Vineyards | Route 2, Box 8 | LaCenter, WA 98629 | BW-WA-89 |
| | 370. | Snoqualmie Winery | 1000 Winery Road | Snoqualmie, WA 98067 | BW-WA-114 |
| | 371. | Sparling Wilson Preston | dba Preston Wine Cellars | 1124 West Ainsworth | Pasco, WA 99301 | BW-WA-172 |
| | 372. | Staton Hills Winery Company Ltd | 71 Gangl Road | Wapato, WA 98951 | BW-WA-109 |
| | 373. | Stimson Lane Ltd | dba Stimson Lane Wine & Spirits Ltd | 14111 NE 145th | Woodinville, WA 98072 | BW-WA-8 |
| | 374. | Stimson Lane Ltd | dba Stimson Lane Wine & Spirits Ltd | Route 221-1 mile North of Paterson | Paterson, WA 99345-0231 | BW-WA-85 |
| | 375. | Stimson Lane, Ltd | Star Route 14 | 11 miles West of Paterson Post Office | Paterson, WA 99345-0231 | BW-WA-194 |
| | 376. | The Hogue Cellars | Route 2, Box 2898 | Prosser, WA 99350 | BW-WA-92 |
| | 377. | W. Clay Mackey & Kathryn E. Simon | dba Chinook Wines | Route 3, Box 3622 | Corner of Wittkopf Road and old Highway 12 | Prosser, WA 99350 | BW-WA-118 |
| | 378. | WHC Inc. | dba Washington Hills Cellars | 111 East Lincoln Avenue | Sunnyside, WA 98944-2129 | BW-WA-171 |
| | 379. | Woodward Canyon Winery | on State Highway 12, 4.7 miles East of Post Office at Touchet | Walla Walla, WA 99360 | BW-WA-81 |
17. | Грузия Georgia Gruzie Georgien Georgien Gruusia Γεωργία Georgia Géorgie Georgia Gruzija Gruzija Grúzia Il-Ġeorġja Georgië Gruzja Geórgia Georgia Gruzínsko Gruzija Georgia Georgien |
| 1. | Department of Vine & Wine «SAMTREST» | Chairman: Mr. Vasil Managadze | Marshal Gelovani Ave N° 6 | 0123 Tbilisi | Tel.: (995 32) 37 80 55 | Tel./Fax: (995 32) 37 80 47 |
| 1. | «Multitest» LTD Food Safety and Quality Control Laboratory | 5, Djikia Str. | 0186 Tbilisi | Tel: (995 32) 244 302 | Fax: (995 32) 244 300 | Email: multitesti@yandex.ru | Accreditation certificate: 268-20814845-8.1-487-020 — 07.07.2005 — E2107.07.2008 | Head of the laboratory: Mr N. Mgeladze |
2. | LTD «Wine Laboratory» | Highway to the direction from Didi Dighomi to Gldani (4/50) | Tbilisi | Tel: (995 32) 265 095 | Fax: (995 32) 261 116 | Email: weinlabor@gol.ge | Head of the laboratory: Mr Nugzar Ksovreli |
3. | LTD «NORMA» | Ksani str. 22 | 0141 Tbilisi | Tel: (995 32) 617 641 | Email: Norma@geomail.ge | Director of the laboratory: Mr. George Manjgaladze | Accreditation certificate: GEO-268-20523007-3.1-007 | Validity period: 25.09.2006 – 08.07.2008 |
4. | LTD «EXSPERTIZA+» | Sh. Iamanidze st. N3 | 0112 Tbilisi | Tel./Fax: (995 32) 356 500 | Head of certification body: Mrs. Mzia Kharadze | Accreditation certificate: GEO–268-20703790-2.1-0001 | Validity period: 22.08.2006 -22.08.2009 |
18. | Индия India Indie Indien Indien India Ινδία India Inde India Indija Indija India L-Indja India Indie Índia India India Indija Intia Indien |
| 1. | Central Food Technological Research Institute | VV mohalla | Mysore 13 | Karnataka State |
| 1. | Central Food Technological Research Institute | VV mohalla | Mysore 13 | Karnataka State |
19. | Израел Israel Izrael Israel Israel Iisrael Ισραήλ Israel Israël Israele Izraēla Izraelis Izrael L-Iżrael Israël Izrael Israel Israel Izrael Izrael Israel Israel |
| 1. | Ministry of Commerce and Industry | Food Industrial Division | Export Inspection Service | Rehov Bank Israel | Jerusalem |
| 1. | Wine and Food Laboratory at the Standards Institution of Israel (SII) | 42 Chaim Levanon Street | Tel Aviv 69977 |
2. | Israel Wine Institute | Oenological Laboratory | PO Box 2329 | Rehovot 76120 |
20. | Япония Japó Japonsko Japan Japan Jaapan Ιαπωνία Japan Japon Repubblica libanese Giappone Japonija Japāna Japán Il-Ġappun Japan Japonia Japão Japonia Japonsko Japonska Japani Japan |
| 1. | National Research Institute of Brewing | 3-7-1 Kagamiyama, | Higashi-Hiroshima, | Hiroshima Pref., 739-0046 |
| 1. | National Research Institute of Brewing | Technology and Information Support Division | 2-6-30 Takinogawa | Kita-ku | Tokyo, 114-0023 |
2. | National Research Institute of Brewing, Safety and Quality Research Division | 3-7-1 Kagamiyama | Higashi-Hiroshima | Hiroshima Pref., 739-0046 |
3. | National Research Institute of Brewing, | Fundamental Research Division | 3-7-1 Kagamiyama | Higashi-Hiroshima | Hiroshima Pref., 739-0046 |
4. | National Research Institute of Brewing, | Environmental and Enzyme Research Division | 3-7-1 Kagamiyama | Higashi-Hiroshima | Hiroshima Pref., 739-0046 |
5. | National Research Institute of Brewing, | Technology Development Research Division | 3-7-1 Kagamiyama | Higashi-Hiroshima | Hiroshima Pref., 739-0046 |
21. | Ливанска република República Libanesa Libanonská republika Libanon Libanon Liibanoni Vabariik Δημοκρατία του Λιβάνου Lebanon République Libanaise Repubblica libanese |
| | 1. | Laboratoire Central du Ministère de la Santé | Ain El Tineh | Beyrouth |
2. | Institut de Recherches Agronomiques | Laboratoire Régional Fanar | Jdeidet el Metn | Beyrouth |
3. | Institut de Recherche Industrielle | Laboratoire de microbiologie et chimie | Hadath |
Libānas Republika Libanas Libanoni Köztársaság Ir-Repubblika Libaniża Libanon Republika Libańska Republica Libaneză República Libanesa Libanon Libanon Libanon Libanon | | 4. | Centre d'Analyses et de Recherches | Université Saint-Joseph | Rue de Damas | BP 17-5208 Mar Mikhaël | Beyrouth 1104-2020 | Tél.: (00961) 1 426 456 | Fax: (00961) 1 423 369 |
5. | Laboratoire Écologique Central | Université Américaine de Beyrouth | PO Box 13-5053 Chouran | Beyrouth 1102 2801 — Liban | Tél.: (00961) 1 786 456 - 786 464, | (00961) 3 791 314 | Fax: (00961) 1 423 369 |
22. | Мароко Marruecos Maroko Marokko Marokko Maroko Μαρόκο Morocco Maroc Marocco Maroka Marokas Marokkó Il-Marokk Marokko Maroko Marrocos Maroc Maroko Maroko Marokko Marocko |
| 1. | Ministère de l'agriculture et de la mise en valeur agricole | Office de commercialisation et d'exportation (OCE) | Avenue de l'Armée Royale | Boîte Postale 259 | Casablanca |
2. | Établissement Autonome de Contrôle et de Coordination des Exportations (EACCE) | 72, angle Bd Mohamed Smiha et rue Mohamed Baamrani | Casablanca |
| 1. | Laboratoire de l'Établissement Autonome de Contrôle et de Coordination des Exportations | 72, rue Mohamed Smiba | Casablanca |
2. | Laboratoire officiel d'analyses et de recherches chimiques | 25, rue de la Tour | Casablanca |
23. | Мексико México Mexiko Mexico Mexiko Mehhiko Μεξικό Mexico Mexique Messico Meksika Meksika Mexikó Il-Messiko Mexico Meksyk México Mexic Mexiko Mehika Meksiko Mexiko |
| 1. | Dirección General de Normas de la Secretaria de Economía | Avenida Puente de Tecamachalco no. 6, piso 3 | Colonia Lomas de Tecamachalco | 53950 Naucálpan de Juárez | Estado de México | México |
2. | Asociación Nacional de Vitivinicultores AC | World Trade Center Ciudad de México | Calle Montecito no. 38, piso 15, despacho 22 | Delegación Benito Juárez | 03810 México DF |
| 1. | Cámara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera | Calzada Lázaro Cárdenas no. 3289 | 45030 Guadalajara, Jalisco |
2. | Centro de Control Total de Calidades, S.A. de C.V. | Puebla no. 282 | Colonia Roma | 06700 México DF |
3. | Industrias Vinícolas Pedro Domecq, S.A. de C.V. | Km 17,5 Carretera Federal México—Puebla | 56400, Los Reyes la Paz | Estado de México |
4. | Laboratorio Químico, Industrial y Agrícola, S.A. de C.V. Laquimia | Andrés López no. 838-3, Col. Moderna | 36690 Irapuato, Guanajuato |
5. | Laboratorio de Calidad Química Veracruzana, S.C. | Privada de Sur 17 no. 84, Col. Centro | 94300 Orizaba, Veracruz |
24. | Молдова Moldavia Moldavsko Moldova Republik Moldau Moldova Μολδαβία Moldova Moldavie Moldavia Moldāvija Moldova Moldova Il-Moldova Moldavië Republika Mołdowy Moldávia Republica Moldova Moldavsko Moldavija Moldova Moldavien |
| 1. | Agro-industrial Agency | «Moldova-Vin» | Ştefan cel Mare, 162 | MD-2004 Chisinau |
| 1. | Center of Verification of the Quality for Raw Materials and Wine Products | M. Kogilniceanu Str., 63 | MD-2009 Chisinau |
25. | Република Черна гора República de Montenegro Republika Černá Hora Montenegro Montenegro Montenegro Vabariik Δημοκρατία του Μαυροβουνίου Republic of Montenegro République de Monténégro Repubblica di Montenegro Melnkalnes Republika Juodkalnija Montenegró Ir-Repubblika tal-Montenegro Montenegro Republika Czarnogóry República da Montenegro Republica Muntenegru Čierna hora Črna gora Montenegro Montenegro |
| 1. | Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, | šumarstva i vodoprivrede | ul. Cetinjski put bb | PC Vektra | 81000 Podgorica | Crna Gora |
| 1. | Biotehnički institut Podgorica | Ul. Kralja Nikole bb | 81000 Podgorica | Crna Gora |
2. | PI Center for Ecotoxicological Researches of Montenegro | (JU Centar za ekotoksikoloska ispitivanja Crne Gore) | Put Radomira Ivanovića br. 2 | 81000 Podgorica | Crna Gora | Tel: (+381) 81 658 090, 81 658 091, 81 658 108 | Fax: (+381) 81 658 092 |
26. | Норвегия Noruega Norsko Norge |
| 1. | Mattilsynet (Norwegian Food Safety Authority) | Postmottak | Postboks 383 | N-2381 Brummundal |
| 1. | ARCUS AS | PO Box 6764 | Rodelokka | N-0503 Oslo |
Norwegen Norra Νορβηγία Norway Norvège Norvegia Norvēģija Norvegija Norvégia In-Norveġja Noorwegen Norwegia Noruega Norvegia Nórsko Norveška Norja Norge | | |
27. | Нова Зеландия Nueva Zelanda Nový Zéland New Zealand Neuseeland Uus-Meremaa Νέα Ζηλανδία New Zealand Nouvelle-Zélande Nuova Zelanda Jaunzēlande Naujoji Zelandija Új-Zéland In-New Zealand Nieuw-Zeeland Nowa Zelandia Nova Zelândia Noua Zeelandă Nový Zéland Nova Zelandija Uusi-Seelanti Nya Zeeland |
| 1. | New Zealand Food Safety Authority | PO Box 2835 | Wellington |
| 1. | Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd | Mt Albert Science Centre | Private Bag 92021 | Hampstead Road | Mt Albert | Auckland |
28. | Перу Perú Peru Peru Peru Peruu Περού Peru Pérou Perù Peru Peru Peru |
| 1. | International Analytical Services SA — Inassa | Avenida la Marina 3035 | San Miguel | Lima |
2. | SGS del Peru SA | Avenida Arequipa 3445 | Lima |
3. | Instituto de Desarollo Agroindustrial de la Universidad | Nacional Agraria la Molina — Indda-Unalm | Avenida de la Universidad s/n | La Molina | Lima |
| 1. | International Analytical Services SA — Inassa | Avenida la Marina 3035 | San Miguel | Lima |
Peru Il-Perù Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru | | |
29. | Република Сърбия República de Serbia Republika Srbsko Serbien Serbien Serbia Vabariik Δημοκρατία της Σερβίας Republic of Serbia République de Serbie Repubblica di Serbia Serbijas Republika Serbija Szerbia Ir-Repubblika tas-Serbja Servië Republika Serbii República da Sérvia Republica Serbia Srbsko Srbija Serbia Serbien |
| 1. | Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede | ul. Nemanjina br. 22-26 | Beograd |
| 1. | «Enološka stanica» | ul. Heroja Pinkija br. 49 | Vršac |
2. | «Jugoinspekt Beograd» DD | «Zavod Topčider» | ul. Teodora Drajzera br. 11 | Beograd |
3. | AD «Jugoinspekt Novi Sad» | ul. Dunavska br. 23/I | Novi Sad |
4. | «Tehnološki fukultet Novi Sad» | ul. Bulevar cara Lazara br. 1 | Novi Sad |
5. | «Zavod za zaštitu zdravlja Subotica» | ul. Zmaj Jovina br. 30 | Subotica |
6. | «Zavod za zaštitu zdravlja Vranje» | ul. J.J. Lunge br. 1 | Vranje |
7. | «EKO-LAB» D.O.O. | ul. Industrijsko naselje bb | Beograd — Padinska skela |
8. | P. «Institut Tamiš» | ul. Novoseljanski put br. 33 | Pančevo |
9. | Poljoprivredna stanica Kruševac | ul. Čolak Antina br. 41 | 37 000 Kruševac |
10. | D.O.O. Preduzeće za pružanje | laboratorijskih sluga «ALFA LAB» | ul. Kruševačka 36 | 37 230 Aleksandrovac |
11. | «Soja Protein» AD | Industrijska zona bb | 21220 Bečej |
12. | A.E. «Bio-ekološki centar» | ul. Petra Drapšina br. 15 | Zrenjanin |
13. | «Gradski zavod za zaštitu zdravlja» | ul. Bulevar Despota Stefana br. 54a | Beograd |
14. | «PIK Takowo» A.D. | ul. Radovana Grkovica bb | Gornji Milanovac |
15. | «Institut Vinča» | ul. Mihajla Petrovica Alasa br. 12-14 | Beograd — Vinča |
30. | Русия Rusia Rusko Rusland |
| 1. | All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Brewing, Non-alcoholic and Wine Industry | Rossolimo street, 7 | 119021 Moscow |
| 1. | Testing Laboratory of Beer, Non-alcoholic and Wine Industry | Rossolimo street, 7 | 119021 Moscow |
Russische Föderation Venemaa Ρωσία Russia Russie Russia Krievija Rusija Oroszország Ir-Russja Rusland Rosja Rússia Rusia Rusko Rusija Venäjä Ryssland | | |
31. | Швейцария Suiza Švýcarsko Schweiz Schweiz Šveits Ελβετία Switzerland Suisse Svizzera Šveice Šveicarija Svájc L-Iżvizzera Zwitserland Szwajcaria Suíça Elveţia Švajčiarsko Švica Sveitsi Schweiz |
| 1. | Office fédéral de l'agriculture | Division principale Production et Affaires internationales | Section cultures spéciales et économie vinicole | Mattenhofstrasse 5 | CH-3003 Berne |
2. | Conféderations: 2.1. | Aargau | Kantonale Zentralstelle für Weinbau | CH-5722 Gränichen |
2.2. | Appenzell A.Rh. | Landwirtschaftsamt Kanton AR | Kasernenstrasse 17 | CH-9100 Herisau |
2.3. | Appenzell I.Rh. | Gesundheitsdirektion A.Rh. | Kasernenstrasse 17 | CH-9100 Herisau |
2.4. | Basel-Landschaft | Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Ebenrain | Ebenrainweg | CH-4450 Sissach |
2.5. | Basel-Stadt | Wirtschafts- und Sozialdepartement des Kantons BS (WSD) | Marktplatz 9/Postfach | CH-4001 Basel |
2.6. | Bern | Abteilung Direktzahlungen und Rebbau | Herrengasse 1 | CH-3011 Bern |
2.7. | Fribourg | Direction des institutions de l'agriculture et des forêts (DIAF) | Ruelle Notre-Dame 2 | CH-1700 Fribourg |
| Agroscope: 1. | Laboratoire de la Station fédérale de recherches agronomiques de Changins-Wädenswil | Case postale 1012 | CH-1260 Nyon 1 |
2. | Aargau-Kantonales Laboratorium | Kunsthausweg 24 | CH-5000 Aarau |
3. | Appenzell A.Rh | Amt für Lebensmittelkontrolle der Kantone AR AI GL SH | Mühlenstrasse 184 | Postfach | CH-8201 Schaffhausen |
4. | Appenzell I.Rh. | Amt für Lebensmittelkontrolle der Kantone AR AI GL SH | Mühlenstrasse 184 | Postfach | CH-8201 Schaffhausen |
5. | Basel-Landschaft | Kantonales Laboratorium | Hammerstrasse 25 | CH-4410 Liestal |
6. | Basel-Stadt | Kantonales Laboratorium | Kannenfeldstrasse 2 | Postfach | CH-4012 Basel |
7. | Bern | Kantonales Laboratorium | Muesmattstrasse 19 | CH-3000 Bern |
8. | Fribourg | Laboratoire cantonal | Chemin du Musée 15 | CH-1700 Fribourg |
9. | Genève | Service de protection de la Consommation (SPCo) | Case postale 166 | CH-1211 Genève 4 |
| 2.8. | Genève | Service de protection de la Consommation (SPCo) | Quai Ernest-Ansermet 22 | CH-1205 Genève |
2.9. | Glarus | Kantonschemiker der Kantone AR, AI, GL und SH | Mühlenstrasse 184 | Postfach 786 | CH-8201 Schaffhausen |
2.10. | Graubünden | LBBZ Plantahof | Obst- und Weinbau | Plantahofstrasse 205 | CH-7302 Landquart |
2.11. | Jura | République et Canton du Jura | Laboratoire cantonal | Faubourg de Capucins 20 | CH-2800 Delémont |
2.12. | Luzern | Kantonales Landwirtschaftsamt | Fachstelle für Spezialkulturen | Centralstrasse 21 | CH-6210 Sursee |
2.13. | Neuchâtel | Laboratoire cantonal | Rue Jehanne-de-Hochberg 5 Case postale | CH-2001 Neuchâtel |
2.14. | Nidwalden | Landwirtschaftsamt | Kreuzstrasse 2 | CH-6371 Stans |
2.15. | Obwalden | Landwirtschaftsamt Obwalden | St-Antonistrasse 4 | Postfach 1264 | CH-6061 Sarnen |
2.16. | Schaffhausen | Landwirtschaftsamt des Kantons SH | Fachstelle für Weinbau | Charlottenfels | Postfach 867 | CH-8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall |
2.17. | Schwyz | Zentralstelle für Obst- und Weinbau | Römerrain 9 | Postfach 76 | CH-8808 Pfäffikon |
2.18. | Solothurn | Amt für Landwirtschaft | Einzelbetriebliche Massnahmen | Hauptgasse 72 | CH-4509 Solothurn |
2.19. | St. Gallen | Fachstelle für Weinbau | Rheinhof | CH-9465 Salez |
| 10. | Glarus | Amt für Lebensmittelkontrolle der Kantone AR AI GL SH | Mühlenstrasse 184 | Postfach | CH-8201 Schaffhausen |
11. | Graubünden | Kantonales Labor und Lebensmittelkontrolle | Planaterrastrasse 11 | CH-7000 Chur |
12. | Jura | Laboratoire cantonal | Case postale 2345 | CH-2800 Delémont |
13. | Luzern | Kantonales Laboratorium | Vonmattstrasse 16 | CH-6002 Luzern |
14. | Neuchâtel | Service de la consommation | Rue Jehanne-de-Hochberg 5 | Case postale | CH-2001 Neuchâtel |
15. | Nidwalden | Laboratorium der Urkantone | Postfach 363 | CH-6440 Brunnen |
16. | Obwalden | Laboratorium der Urkantone | Postfach 363 | CH-6440 Brunnen |
17. | Schaffhausen | Amt für Lebensmittelkontrolle der Kantone AR AI GL SH | Mühlenstrasse 184 | Postfach | CH-8201 Schaffhausen |
18. | Schwyz | Laboratorium der Urkantone | Postfach 363 | CH-6440 Brunnen |
19. | Solothurn | Kantonale Lebensmittelkontrolle | Werkhofstrasse 5 | CH-4509 Solothurn |
20. | St. Gallen | Kantonales Amt für Lebensmittelkontrolle | Blarerstrasse 2 | CH-9001 St. Gallen |
21. | Tessin | Laboratorio cantonale | Via Mirasole 22 | CH-6500 Bellinzona |
22. | Thurgau | Kantonales Laboratorium | Spannerstrasse 20 | CH-8510 Frauenfeld |
23. | Uri | Laboratorium der Urkantone | Postfach 363 | CH-6440 Brunnen |
24. | Valais | Laboratoire cantonal | Rue Pré-d'Amédée 2 | CH-1950 Sion |
| 2.20. | Tessin | Camera di commercio dell'industria e dell'artigianato del Cantone Ticino | Corso Elvezia 16 | CH-6900 Lugano |
2.21. | Thurgau | Landwirtschaftsamt des Kantons Thurgau | Verwaltungsgebäude Promenade | CH-8510 Frauenfeld |
2.22. | Uri | Amt für Landwirtschaft | Klausenstrasse 2 | CH-6460 Altdorf |
2.23. | Valais | Laboratoire cantonal du Valais | Rue Pré-d'Amédée 2 | CH-1950 Sion |
2.24. | Vaud | Laboratoire cantonal | Contrôle des denrées alimentaires | Chemin de Boveresses 155 | Case postale 68 | CH-1066 Epalinges |
2.25. | Zug | Volkswirtschaftsdirektion des | Kantons Zug | Aabachstrasse 5 | Postfach 857 | CH-6300 Zug |
2.26. | Zürich | Strickhof Wülflingen | Rebbaukommissariat | Riedhofstrasse 64 | CH-8408 Winterthur |
| 25. | Vaud | Laboratoire cantonal | Chemin de Boveresses 155 | Case postale 68 | CH-1066 Epalinges |
26. | Zug | Amt für Lebensmittelkontrolle | Postfach 262 | CH-6312 Steinhausen |
27. | Zürich | Kantonales Laboratorium | Postfach | CH-8030 Zürich |
32. | Тунис Túnez Tunisko Tunesien Tunesien Tuneesia Τυνησία Tunisia Tunisie Tunisia Tunisija Tunisas Tunézia It-Tuneżija Tunesië Tunezja Tunísia Tunisia Tunisko Tunizija Tunisia Tunisien |
| 1. | Groupement Interprofessionnel des fruits | 2, rue Badï Azzamen | Cité Mahrajène | Belvédère | 1082 Tunis | Tél.: 71 787 721 |
| 1. | Laboratoire du Groupement Interprofessionel des Fruits | 60, rue Alain Savary | 1002 Tunis |
2. | Laboratoire Central d’Analyses et d’Essais | 23, rue Jawaher Lel Nehru | Montfleury | 1008 Tunis |
33. | Турция Turquía Turecko Tyrkiet Türkei Türgi Τουρκία Turkey Turquie Turchia Turcija Turkija Törökország It-Turkija Turkije Turcja Turquia Turcia Turecko Turčija Turkki Turkiet |
| 1. | Wine: 1.1. | T.C. Tütün, Tütün Mamulleri ve Alkollü Içkiler Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu | (Tobacco, Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Beverages Market Regulatory Authority) | Güvenevler Mahallesi Güneş Sokak No 11 | 06690 Çankaya — Ankara |
2. | Grape juice and grape must: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs | Koruma ve Kontrol Genel Müdürlüü | Akay Caddesi No: 3 | Bakanliklar | Ankara |
| 1. | Wine: 1.1. | Tekirdag Içki Fabrikası | Müdürlügü — Türkiye | (Tekirdag Spirit Drinks Plant) | 100, Yıl Ahallesi Atatürk Bulvarı No: 90 | Tekirdağ |
2. | Grape juice and grape must: 2.1. | Ankara il Kontrol | Laboratuvarı | Müdürlügü | PK 36, Yenimaballe | Ankara |
2.2. | Bursa Gıda Kontrol ve Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü | Müdürlügü | Hurriyet | Bursa |
2.3. | Izmir il Kontrol Laboratuvarı | Müdürlügü | Bornova | Izmir |
2.4. | Canakkale il Kontrol Laboratuvar | Müdürlügü | Çanakkale |
34. | Украйна Ucrania Ukrajina Ukraine Ukraine Ukraina Ουκρανία Ukraine Ukraine Ucraina Ukraina Ukraina Ukrajna L-Ukraina Oekraïne Ukraina Ucrânia Ucraina Ukrajina Ukrajina Ukraina Ukraina |
| 1. | Ukrainian Government | Central Laboratory of Winemaking Industry | State Department of Food Industry of Ukraine | 1, Saksagankogo Str. | Kyiv-33 |
| 1. | Ukrainian Government | Central Laboratory of Winemaking Industry | State Department of Food Industry of Ukraine | 1, Saksagankogo Str. | Kyiv-33 |
35. | Уругвай Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Ουρουγουάη Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay |
| 1. | Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura (INAVI) | Canelones |
| 1. | Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | Avenida Italia 6201 | Montevideo |
Urugvaja Urugvajus Uruguay L-Urugwaj Uruguay Urugwaj Uruguai Uruguay Uruguaj Urugvaj Uruguay Uruguay | | |
36. | Зимбабве Zimbabue Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Simbabwe Zimbabwe Ζιμπάμπουε Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabve Zimbabvė Zimbabwe Iż-Żimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabué Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabve Zimbabwe Zimbabwe |
| 1. | Standards Association of Zimbabwe | Northend Close | Northridge Park | PO Box 2259 | Borrowdale |
| 1. | Standarts Association of Zimbabwe | Northend Close | Northridge Park | PO Box 2259 | Borrowdale |