Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Fourth Chamber) of 12 July 2007.
Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Fourth Chamber) of 12 July 2007.
- Court
- General Court
- Case date
- 12 juli 2007
Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Fourth Chamber) of 12 July 2007 – Evropaiki Dynamiki v Commission
(Case T-250/05)
Public service contracts – Community tendering procedure – Provision of services for the collection, production and dissemination of electronic publications, in particular the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union – Rejection of a tender – Equal treatment – Obligation to state reasons – No manifest error of assessment
1. European Communities’ public procurement – Tendering procedure (Council Regulation No 1605/2002, Art. 89(1)) (see paras 45-46)
2. Acts of the institutions – Statement of reasons – Obligation – Scope (Art. 253 EC; Council Regulation No 1605/2002, Art. 100(2)) (see paras 68-69, 75, 78)
3. European Communities’ public procurement – Conclusion of a contract following a call for tenders (see para. 89)
ACTION for annulment of the decision of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities of 15 April 2005 to reject the applicant’s tender in connection with the call for tenders issued on 19 November 2004 (OJ 2004 S 226) for the provision of services in relation to the collection, production and dissemination of electronic publications, in particular the Supplement to the | Official Journal of the European Union | , and to award the contract to the successful tenderer. |
Operative part
The Court:
Dismisses the action; |
Orders Evropaiki Dynamiki – Proigmena Systimata Tilepikinonion Pliroforikis kai Tilematikis AE to pay the costs. |