
Order of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) of 17 October 2017

Order of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) of 17 October 2017


General Court
Case date
17 oktober 2017


Order of the Court of First Instance (Ninth Chamber) of 17 October 2017 — Andreassons Åkeri and Others v Commission

(Case T‑746/16)

"(Action for annulment - Social security - Commission decision to close an EU Pilot procedure - Decision to take no further action on a complaint - Refusal of the Commission to bring infringement proceedings - Act not open to challenge - Lack of direct concern - Manifest inadmissibility - Application seeking the issue of an injunction - Manifest lack of jurisdiction)"

Actions for annulmentActionable measuresCommission's refusal to bring infringement proceedingsNot included

(Arts 258 TFEU and 263 TFEU)

(see paras 12-18)

Actions for annulmentJurisdiction of the EU judicatureClaim seeking that directions be issued to an institutionInadmissibility

(Art. 263 TFEU)

(see paras 19-21)


ACTION pursuant to Article 263 TFEU seeking annulment of the Commission decision contained in the letter of 10 August 2016 concerning the outcome of EU Pilot Procedure 7504/15/EMPL.

Operative part

The action is dismissed.

Andreassons Åkeri i Veddige AB, Luke Transport AB and Zimit Transportförmedling AB shall pay the costs.