
Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 7 December 2023

Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 7 December 2023


Court of Justice
Case date
7 december 2023


Joined Cases C441/22 and C443/22

Zamestnik-ministar na regionalnoto razvitie i blagoustroystvoto i rakovoditel na Upravlyavashtia organ na Operativna programa ‘Regioni v rastezh’ 20142020
Obshtina Razgrad


Zamestnik-ministar na regionalnoto razvitie i blаgoustroystvoto i rakovoditel na Natsionalnia organ po Programa ‘INTERREG V-A Rumania-Bulgaria’ 2014-2020
Obshtina Balchik

(Requests for a preliminary ruling
from the Varhoven administrativen sad)

 Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 7 December 2023

(References for a preliminary ruling – Public procurement – European Structural and Investment Funds – Contract performance – Directive 2014/24/EU – Article 72 – Modification of contracts during their term – Modification of the time limit for performance – Substantial modification – Unforeseeable circumstances)

1.        Questions referred for a preliminary ruling – Jurisdiction of the Court – Provisions of EU law made directly and unconditionally applicable by national legislation to situations falling outside of their scope of application – Included

(Art. 267 TFEU; European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/24)

(see paragraph 39)

2.        Approximation of laws – Procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts – Directive 2014/24 – Performance of the contract – Modification of contracts during their term without a new procurement procedure – Substantial modification of a public procurement contract – Conditions – Obligation on the parties to the contract to sign a written agreement having such a modification as its object – None

(European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/24, Art. 72(1)(e) and (4))

(see paragraphs 58-65, operative part 1)

3.        Approximation of laws – Procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts – Directive 2014/24 – Performance of the contract – Modification of contracts during their term without a new procurement procedure – Obligation on the contracting authority to show diligence during the preparation of the public contract – Scope – Obligation to take into account the risks of the time limit for performance of that contract being exceeded as a result of foreseeable causes of suspension – Included – Foreseeable causes of suspension – Concept – Ordinary weather conditions and statutory prohibitions on the performance of works published in advance and applicable during a period included in the period for performance of that contract – Included

(European Parliament and Council Directive 2014/24, Art. 72(1)(c)(i))

(see paragraphs 67-71, 73, operative part 2)

See the text of the decision.