
Judgment of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) of 17 January 2024

Judgment of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) of 17 January 2024


General Court
Case date
17 januari 2024




Judgment of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) of 17 January 2024 –
Athlet v EUIPO – Heuver Banden Groothandel (ATHLET)

(Case T650/22) (1)

( EU trade mark – Invalidity proceedings – EU word mark ATHLET – Absolute ground for invalidity – Bad faith – Article 52(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 (now Article 59(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001) )

1.      EU trade mark – Surrender, revocation and invalidity – Absolute grounds for invalidity – Applicant in bad faith when filing the trade mark application – Concept of bad faith – Scope

(Council Regulation No 207/2009, Art. 52(1)(b))

(see paragraphs 34-38)

2.      EU trade mark – Surrender, revocation and invalidity – Absolute grounds for invalidity – Applicant in bad faith when filing the trade mark application – Criteria for assessment – Taking into account all relevant factors at the time of filing of the application for registration – Intention of the applicant – Origin of the disputed trade mark – Commercial logic underlying the registration of the contested sign as an EU trade mark – Chronology of events leading up to the filing of the trade mark application

(Council Regulation No 207/2009, Art. 52(1)(b))

(see paragraphs 30-41, 76)

3.      EU trade mark – Surrender, revocation and invalidity – Absolute grounds for invalidity – Applicant in bad faith when filing the trade mark application – Burden of proof

(Council Regulation No 207/2009, Art. 52(1)(b))

(see paragraphs 42, 43, 77)

4.      EU trade mark – Procedural provisions – Statement of reasons for decisions – Article 94(1), first sentence, of Regulation 2017/1001 – Scope identical to that of Article 296 TFEU – Recourse by the Board of Appeal to implicit reasoning – Whether permissible – Conditions

(Art. 296 TFEU; European Parliament and Council Regulation 2017/1001, Art. 94(1), first sentence)

(see paragraphs 44, 45)

5.      EU trade mark – Surrender, revocation and invalidity – Absolute grounds for invalidity – Applicant in bad faith when filing the trade mark application – Word mark ATHLET

(Council Regulation No 207/2009, Art. 52(1)(b))

(see paragraphs 52-60, 80)

6.      EU trade mark – Appeals procedure – Appeal brought against a decision of the Cancellation Division of EUIPO – Examination by the Board of Appeal – Scope – Evidence submitted for the first time before the Board of Appeal – Account taken – Discretion of the Board of Appeal

(European Parliament and Council Regulation 2017/1001, Art. 95(2); Commission Regulation 2018/625, Art. 27(4))

(see paragraph 67)

7.      EU trade mark – Proceedings before the adjudicating bodies of EUIPO – Obligation of EUIPO, including the Boards of Appeal, to adopt decisions within a reasonable time

(Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Art. 41(1); European Parliament and Council Regulation 2017/1001)

(see paragraphs 85-87)

8.      EU trade mark – Decisions of EUIPO – Observance of the rights of the defence – Scope of the principle

(Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Art. 41; European Parliament and Council Regulation 2017/1001, Art. 94(1))

(see paragraphs 91, 97)

Operative part

The Court:


Dismisses the action;


Orders Athlet Ltd to bear its own costs and to pay Heuver Banden Groothandel BV’s costs;


Orders EUIPO to bear its own costs.