
Order of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 5 October 2023

Order of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 5 October 2023


Court of Justice
Case date
5 oktober 2023


Order of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 5 October 2023 –
ANITA and Others v Commission

(Case C‑153/23 P)(*)

"(Appeal - Article 181 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice - Action for failure to act - Failure on the part of the European Commission to initiate the procedure for failure to fulfil obligations - Discretionary power of the Commission - Appeal manifestly unfounded)"

AppealGroundsGrounds which are manifestly inadmissible or manifestly unfoundedDismissal at any point, by reasoned order, without an oral procedure

(Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, Art. 181)

(see paragraph 7)

Action for failure to actNatural or legal personsActionable omissionsFailure to initiate infringement proceedingsInadmissibility

(Arts 258 and 265 TFEU)

(see paragraphs 14, 18-20)

Action for failure to actFailure to actConceptMeasure not considered satisfactoryFailure to adopt a preparatory actIncludedConditionAct constituting a necessary preliminary act in a procedure leading to an act that has binding legal effects

(Art. 265 TFEU)

(see paragraphs 16, 17)

Operative part

The appeal is dismissed as manifestly unfounded.

Associazione Nazionale Imprese Trasporti Automobilistici (ANITA), Federazione Autotrasportatori Italiana (FAI), Federazione Italiana Trasportatori (FEDIT), Confederazione generale dell’industria italiana (Confindustria), Associazione Italiana fra Industriali della Carta Cartoni e Paste per Carta (Assocarta), Alpetrans Srl, Ad Logistica Srl, Alha Air Lines Handling Agents SpA, Arcese Trasporti SpA, Auta Marocchi SpA, Autotrasporti Santuliana Srl, Bodner Trasp. & Co. Sas, Bonati Trasporti Nautici Snc, Burro Trasporti Srl, Cigala Trasporti Srl, Autotrasporti Cambianica Srl, Codifava e Modena Srl, Consar Soc. coop. cons., Chinotti Autotrasporti Snc, Conserva SpA, Corriere Rosa Srl, Corsi SpA, Autotrasporti CRAM Srl, Cotrim Soc. coop. arl, CS Trasporti Srl, Autotrasporti Costantino di Biagi Snc, F.lli Canil SpA, F.lli Dissegna Srl, Feccia F.lli Srl, Fercam SpA, Ferrari Mario Trasporti Srl, Franchi Srl, Freschi & Schiavoni Srl, Autotrasporti Giacomelli Luigi Sas, Gruber Logistics SpA, IT Risorse Srl, Lazzarini Trasporti Internazionali Srl, Manima Srl, Masotti Srl, Messaggerie del Garda Srl, Morelli Trasporti Snc, MTL Montichiari Trasporti e Logistica Srl, Autotrasporti Multipli Arcese SpA, Napolitrans Srl, Paganella SpA, Autotrasporti Pedot Srl, Autotrasporti Petrogalli & C. Sas, Piardi Sergio, Autotrasporti Pe Giuseppe Srl, SVAT SpA, Santarosa Trasporti Srl, Setras (Servizi Trasporti Speciali) Srl, Schlern Tir Srl, Torello Trasporti Srl, Trasporti Internazionali Transmec SpA, Trasporti Pesanti Srl, Vaccari Global Srl, Autotrasporti Vercesi SpA and Vicentini Trasporti Srl shall bear their own costs.